More than three minutes later.

In the ruins of Anjo.

Xiong Yinglong frantically stomped Kou Zhengliang under his feet and asked in a fierce voice:

“Say! Where are your remnants of the defeated soldiers hiding? ”

After saying that, Xiong Yinglong exerted his strength at his feet and crushed Kou Zhengliang’s arm to pieces!

“Kill me, kill me!” You don’t want to hear anything from me! ”

Kou Zhengliang’s face was painful, but he refused to say a word.


After Xiong Yinglong burned down the Scarecrow Valley, it took only 2 minutes to catch up with the fleeing Kou Zhengliang.

Then it took 5 seconds to knock him out.

Why 5 seconds?

Because Xiong Yinglong was afraid that he would not control the force to kill Kou Zhengliang instantly, it took a little more time.

Seeing that Kou Zhengliang’s mouth was so hard, Xiong Yinglong bent down his body, and several bone knives pierced into his body little by little.


These bone knives were like drill bits drilling through Kou Zhengliang’s flesh and blood, and he screamed uncontrollably in pain.

Xiong Yinglong said with a sly smile:

“Unwilling to say? Then die in pain!

One last chance for you! Say it or not! ”

Kou Zhengliang’s face became more and more painful, but his eyes were extremely firm.

He stared dead at Xiong Yinglong, gritted his teeth and said:

“One kind of kills me!” Don’t try to get half a message from me! ”

“Be well, then I will fulfill you!”

With that, Xiong Yinglong stretched out a vicious claw and slowly stabbed into Kou Zhengliang’s chest, digging out his heart little by little.

Xiong Yinglong did this because he wanted the pain before his death to be infinitely magnified, and he would be tortured to death!

In fact, Kou Zhengliang was indeed in extreme pain, and he could only look at Xiong Yinglong with resentment to vent his anger.

As life continued to pass, the scene in front of Kou Zhengliang’s eyes had blurred.


He saw a ghost appear behind Xiong Yinglong!

A spooky ghost!

Kou Zhengliang’s spirit was shocked, and he tried to widen his eyes and look behind Xiong Yinglong.

This ghost turned out to be an illusory scarecrow!

At first glance, it seemed to be lying on Xiong Yinglong’s back, revealing half of its head, and looking at Kou Zhengliang with a strange smile.

However, Xiong Yinglong, who was carrying a scarecrow, did not feel anything.

Until he noticed that Kou Zhengliang’s eyes were different, he turned his head and looked behind him.

But as soon as Xiong Yinglong turned his head, the shadow of the scarecrow disappeared.

When he turned his head to look at Xiang Kou Zhengliang again, the shadow of the Scarecrow appeared again!

Incredibly weird!

But this strange scene made Kou Zhengliang show a happy smile before he died.

Ding Hanmei was right.

That scarecrow, not so easy to mess with!

Not only did it not die, but it also attached itself to Xiong Yinglong’s body in an unknown way.

Xiong Yinglong was unaware!

What this means is very clear to Kou Zheng’s conscience.

Kou Zhengliang opened his mouth full of blood with difficulty and said intermittently:

“You’re going to die… You’ll die soon…

You will pay for what you just did! Take its toll! Hahaha! ”

After shouting these words, Kou Zhengliang laughed maniacally.

Finally the laughter came to an abrupt end.

His head was tilted and he lost his breath completely.

But before Kou Zhengliang died, he had a smile on his face, as if he remembered something happy.

Seeing this, Xiong Yinglong stood up straight and frowned slightly.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn’t think much about it.

Xiong Yinglong also thought that Kou Zhengliang’s last sentence, “What he just did”, referred to his brutal killing of Kou Zhengliang.

As for the price, it is probably the revenge of the Nanchuan Kingdom Imperial Spirits.

But this is the country of these spirits who have died, and they have become dogs that have lost their families, what else is there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Xiong Yinglong shook his head disdainfully.

He kicked Kou Zhengliang’s body and exploded it, turning into countless pieces of flesh scattered on the ground.

“General, those remaining spirits in the city, do you want to kill?”

A guard asked him respectfully.


Xiong Yinglong twisted his neck, moved his body a little, and then said casually:

“These spirits are hiding like dirty rats in the ruins of the city.

There is not enough investigative ability, and it is troublesome to arrest.

Let them go and let them fend for themselves.

Maybe you can even fight with the Imperial Spirit of the Northern Chuan Kingdom to show us some liveliness.

Let’s go, now it’s time to go home. ”


Xiong Yinglong’s men agreed.

Lei Guo’s party then returned to the car and left Anjo for Yicheng, the former capital of Nanchuan Kingdom.


The people of Lei Guo come fast and go faster.

In just a few moments, this already scarred city has added a few scars!

After the convoy of Lei Guo was completely gone, the Nanchuan Kingdom Imperial Spirit Beings hiding all over Anjo dared to appear again.

They adhered to the principle of “living to see people, death to see corpses” to find Kou Zhengliang.

In the end, only a pool of rotten meat mixed with his clothes was found.

At this moment, many people’s eyes were red, and there was a look of hatred in their eyes!

Thunder country, deceive people too much!

This bloody sea of vengeance, they must repay!

In the crowd, Liu Ningxue held back tears and gathered up Kou Zhengliang’s corpse.

Suddenly, she noticed that the fire in Scarecrow Valley had been extinguished!

After getting a little closer, Ding Hanmei found that scarecrows had emerged from all over the valley again!

In the black clouds above the valley, the hiss of the Death Night Crow sounded again!


Once the most annoying, and even felt some terrible crow chirping, at this time listening to the ears, Liu Ningxue actually felt a little pleasant!

Ding Hanmei understood, that scarecrow was strangely not dead!

Since it is not dead, the group of people who shot at it before will be very unlucky!

Thinking of this, Ding Hanmei had some expectations in his heart.

Looking forward to the day when Xiong Yinglong was killed by the Scarecrow in fear!!!

“Hopefully… This day will not be too far away…”

Ding Hanmei looked at the countless scarecrows in the valley and whispered to himself.


These, Xiong Yinglong did not know.

A B-grade weird that he didn’t take to heart.

After the killing, it is impossible to keep an eye on it.

This time to defeat the Nanchuan Kingdom, Xiong Yinglong has a very important and very dangerous task!

I have already delayed a little time because of the Scarecrow thing, and I can’t delay it any longer!

As for what is the matter, it involves the attitude of the big powers to the strange.

In the eyes of small countries, weirdness is a disaster, representing death and fear!

If you are not careful, you may even be in danger of collapse!

But in the eyes of big countries, although weird is dangerous, it is more like a wealth and a resource!

Yes, it’s a resource!

When a great power encounters a strange situation, it will also rate its danger level, ability level, and whether it can be controlled. (Not all weirdness can be controlled, such as the dark forest, which is impossible to control.)

If the weirdness is uncontrollable, the great powers will generally eliminate it immediately.

If it can be harnessed, the Great Congress captures the weirdness and seals it in inventory.

Wait until you need it, and then take it out and use it.

Xiong Yinglong’s second and third weirdness, both came this way.


So what does this have to do with Nanchuan Kingdom?

Because some time ago, a special ghost domain appeared in Yicheng, the capital of Nanchuan Kingdom.

This secret news was known to Lei Guo.

They quietly tested.

Boy! It’s an A-class ghost domain!

A level ghost domain means that there is at least one class A weird in this ghost domain!

This is the bottom number, maybe there will be more!

To put it bluntly, there may be high-quality spooky resources in the unknown A-class ghost domain!

Piff is innocent and guilty.

Therefore, Lei Guo did not hesitate and immediately joined forces with the unsuspecting Beichuan Kingdom to destroy the Nanchuan Kingdom as quickly as possible.

Subsequently, Lei Guo silenced all the insiders of Nanchuan Country to ensure that the news of this A-class ghost domain would not be revealed.

Next, we have reached the most critical and dangerous step – to explore the A-level ghost domain!

This mission is very dangerous!

The A-level ghost domain generally requires three A-level spirits to explore together to ensure safety.

But the Thunder State has enemies of the same rank.

Sending Xiong Yinglong and his four right-hand men was already the limit.

If more forces are dispatched, they will definitely attract the attention of those who have a heart!

So this mission to explore the A-level ghost domain is very risky!


The worldview of this book is grand. The protagonist will gradually grow into a god of fear, similar to the gods in the Cthulhu system, and will cross different universes and different time and space.

It’s just that Feilu readers don’t seem to like to chase books, and chase them naturally all the way… I don’t know if I can write about it. I’m afraid that before I can write it, the readers will run to the end of the o o(╥_╥)crying…

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