At this moment, many chaotic thoughts flashed through the mind of the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation.

The next moment, this vibrating gold shield had already flown back in front of him.

The lighthouse captain held out both hands and tried to catch it.

But as soon as you touch it, your face changes!

This vibrating gold shield seems to contain the power of the overwhelming sea.

At the moment of contact, it tilted madly into the body of the Lighthouse Nation Captain!

If it weren’t for his unusual physique, he would have already exploded!

But even so, the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation was also blown out, and many blood flowers burst out of his body!

It flew for hundreds of meters before stopping.

Then he fell heavily to the ground and coughed up several mouthfuls of blood in a row!

This scene made everyone stunned.

This also includes the Red Skull.

Even though he had seen Han Junfei’s strength, he was still shocked!

You know, from the beginning to the end, Han Junfei did not take a serious shot.

Just by nodding at the vibrating gold shield thrown by the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation, it severely damaged him like this!

Then, if you take a serious shot, wouldn’t this old enemy, who was very powerful and very tough in the eyes of the Red Skull, be crushed into slag?

At the thought of this, the Red Skull shivered.

Secretly applauded the decision he had just made.

If he had just chosen to betray the Twilight Sect, he would not have been seriously injured, but would have been frustrated and raised to ashes!


While the Red Skull rejoiced in his choice, the Lighthouse Nation’s army finally reacted.

For a moment, gunfire continued, and planes in the sky also dropped bombs on Han Junfei.

This scene made Han Junfei’s face show a disdainful smile.

The power system of this world has gone astray.

Technology is important, but in Bluestar, technology is only responsible for serving people’s daily lives.

Not as a core strength.

Looking at the machine guns and tanks that were frantically strafing at him, Han Junfei was shocked, and the powerful qi in his body burst out!

Only to see him throw a punch in the air, and the number of tanks was exploded!

The soldiers around them were all shocked to death!

Seeing this, the pilot of one plane seemed to be frightened and wanted to leave with the plane.

But how can the speed of the aircraft be compared to that of the S-class warriors?

The pilot hadn’t escaped for long, when he felt the whole plane suddenly sink!

Immediately afterward, a sneering head popped out from the front.

It’s the one who punched the tank in the air!


The pilot was terrified and screamed, and the plane shook left and right under his control.

But Han Junfei didn’t bother to perform it.

With a single stomp, the plane beneath his feet exploded.

Immediately afterward, his figure flashed, and other planes exploded one after another.

Turn into a brilliant firework.

At this scene, the red skull looking below was dazzled, and said in a daze:

“Too powerful… Such a power is too powerful! ”


On the other side of the lighthouse country, the fear is extreme!

In the face of this inhuman force, the remaining soldiers fled one after another, no longer willing to fight!

Even the most determined Captain of the Lighthouse Nation had a miserable face and pursed lips.

As the Red Skull said, his gaze was too short-sighted.

Until today, Captain Lighthouse Nation had always thought he was already one of the most powerful human beings on Earth!

It may even be the most powerful one.

So when the Red Skull described a strong man of Han Junfei’s level, he didn’t believe it at all.

However, at this moment, the ironclad facts were in front of him!

The “Divine Messenger” in the mouth of the Red Skull was indeed powerful to a terrifying degree.

The Captain of the Lighthouse Nation couldn’t even take a random blow from the other side!

Thinking of this, the captain of the lighthouse country trembled and felt something in his heart… Collapsed!


At the same time, Han Junfei, who had destroyed all the planes, began to clean up the remaining deserters.

The Red Skull also helps hunt down the killer.

As for the stunned Lighthouse Nation captain Steve, they ignored it for the time being.

However, before Han Junfei and the Red Skull could clear out all the Lighthouse Country deserters, an accident occurred.

Han Junfei had just slapped and killed several Lighthouse Nation soldiers, but his face suddenly changed dramatically!

He gritted his teeth and said:

“That damn woman, like a mad dog, chased after her again!”

Having surrendered to the Twilight Sect for so long, the Red Skull had never seen Han Junfei have such an expression.

What kind of person would it be, even the powerful Flying Cloud Divine Envoy would find it tricky?

Curious, the Red Skull asked cautiously:

“Who is the mad dog-like woman you are talking about?”

Hearing this, Han Junfei snorted coldly and said in disgust:

“Ahem! A crazy woman who bites our Twilight Sect to death. Sooner or later she will be destroyed! ”

Despite this, Han Junfei was already planning to leave.

But what about the remaining deserters?

Han Junfei glanced around and stared at a snowy mountain not far away.

Then, in the red skull’s unbelievable gaze, Han Junfei used all his strength and punched at the snowy mountain.


Han Junfei’s punch was extremely powerful.

After being hit, the snowy mountains shook for a while and then began to collapse!

Large swaths of snow and ice, tilted down, poured in the direction they were.

“Let’s go!”

Han Junfei let out a low sigh, then took the red skull with him, and left here in a few flashes.


Not long after Han Junfei left, a bald woman flew here.

She is truly the supreme mage who guards the earth, Gu Yi!

Looking at the collapsed snow-capped mountains and feeling the evil forces in the remaining space, Gu Yi’s brow frowned.

“It’s that Twilight Sect again!” How can they do such a thing! ”

Gu was in a terrible pain, and then rescued several buried lighthouse country soldiers from the snowy mountains.

Among them, excluding the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation …


How many people like Su Jing? If there is more, I will get her this new map and give her some drama.

Instead of watching male supporting characters pretend to be forced by the power of the protagonist, it is better to watch female supporting roles pretend to be forced by the power of the protagonist? Isn’t that true ^_^?

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