The Joker’s body turned into a shadow-like object, then melted like a rock of ice and moved quickly towards Batman.

Before Batman could react, the darkness that the Joker had transformed into was absorbed into his shadow!

This strange situation startled Batman!

But before he could make a move, his body lost control.

Then, a crazy and eerie voice sounded in Batman’s ear.

“Feeling it? Do you feel that feeling of powerlessness!

Your body is thus out of your control!

The Batman who once wanted to save the world was so rude.

Don’t you think it’s ridiculous? Hahaha!!! ”


After blending into Batman’s shadow, the Joker reappears.

At this moment, he was like a shadow freak of another dimension.

Snapping up behind Batman and taking over his body.

This scene is extremely weird!

As a party to Batman, his heart is cold!

He smelled death!

Batman doesn’t know where the Joker got such a weird, terrifying power.

But there is no doubt that he has not taken any countermeasures against this.

At this moment, Batman is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, at the mercy of the clown!

However, he did not give in.

“You goddamn lunatic, don’t talk nonsense! Kill me! ”

Batman gritted his teeth and said.

But when I said this, I felt a sense of relief.

He’s so tired!

The darkness of Gotham is as thick as the dark clouds of a thunderstorm.

Whatever he tried, he could only suppress it temporarily.

Heroes are never so good!

In order to become “Batman”, Wayne lost his lover and lost friends.

His really… Too tired.

Perhaps, death was a relief for him!


However, when Batman utters these words, the Joker does not kill the killer, but instead shows a look of extreme disappointment.

“Poor little bat, poor Bruce. Wayne, how come you still don’t understand?

In the eyes of ordinary people, we are both monsters!

Between us, we prove the meaning of each other’s existence.

If you die, how bored would I be? ”

After saying that, the Joker manipulated Batman’s body and scurried through the night.

The Joker didn’t kill himself, but Batman wasn’t happy at all.

On the contrary, there was a strong sense of worry and an ominous premonition!

“What are you going to do?” What exactly do you want to do? You lunatic! ”

Batman asked aloud.

But except for his mouth, all other parts of his body had lost control.

Batman can only watch himself, constantly approaching in one direction.

In this direction… It seems to be the way to Director Gordon’s house!

This discovery made Batman break out in a cold sweat!

He doesn’t have many friends and relatives in this world anymore.

Director Gordon, barely counted as one.

The clown, this crazy man, wants to…


Thinking of this, Batman’s heart twitched violently, and he did not dare to think further.

But no matter what he thought, the Joker didn’t stop controlling his body.

And the Joker’s destination is indeed Commissioner Gordon’s home!

Before walking in, the Joker once again ghostly appeared behind Batman, pressed to his ear and said:

“Your principle is never to kill.

I don’t know, will Batman, who breaks the bottom line, completely blend into the darkness?

Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! ”

Hearing this, Batman was shocked.

He cried out urgently:

“What are you going to do?” What the hell are you going to do?

Stop it! Stop…”

Halfway through Batman’s speech, his mouth lost control.

At this point, Batman is only left with a flexible mind.


On the other side, Commissioner Gordon seemed to hear movement outside the door.

He opened the door, only to see Batman standing in the doorway like a sculpture, not saying a word.

“Hey! Is there anything urgent in the middle of the night?

Such an abrupt appearance at the door of someone else’s house is a bit impolite! ”

Commissioner Gordon was startled by Batman, who was blocking the doorway, and said with a little dissatisfaction.

But the next moment, his face was filled with surprise and shock.

Because, Batman swung a sharp blade and pierced his chest!


Commissioner Gordon looked up at Batman with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

When he met Batman’s eyes, he found that Batman’s eyes were extremely complex.

Sometimes weird and crazy, sometimes painful and sad.

It was as if he were insane.

“This look… And the Joker’s like. ”

Commissioner Gordon was vaguely aware of something.

But the serious injury left him with no time to figure out the truth.

He felt that the life force was flowing madly, and his body was quickly becoming cold!

Only the wound on the chest is warm.


Commissioner Gordon fell to the ground, a large pool of blood under him.

He’s dead!


“My game is over.

And yours is just getting started.

Enjoy! ”

After manipulating Batman’s body to kill Gordon, the Joker did nothing else.

Instead, at this point in time, the body was returned to Batman.

At the same time, Gordon’s wife, after hearing the movement, also came out to check on the situation.

In the eye, it is indeed the body of his husband, and Batman with a sharp blade and a hand full of blood!

“Not !!!”

This scene made Gordon’s wife feel like a heavy blow.

After a terrible howl, he fell to the ground in pain, almost fainting.

Batman, who has regained control of his body, looks blankly at the blade in his hand and Gordon’s corpse on the ground.

Feel like your worldview is collapsing!


There was a roar in Batman’s head, and he was dazed in front of his eyes.

It was as if he saw the whole world plunge into a sea of black fire.

Above the sea of fire is the clown who laughs wildly.

On the body of the clown, there is a larger and more terrifying figure floating!

Darkness is coming!


The second more to send

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