Horror Recovery: SS-Class Drunk Ghost Bride At The Start

Chapter 32: Synthesizing The Groom's Monocle As A Grade A Prop

【Ding! Player Gao Qian applied to add you as a friend]

【Ding! Player Gu Xiaoyu applied to add you as a friend]

【Ding! Player Guan Yunge applied to add you as a friend]


On the bus, Su Bei glanced at the system panel bored.

Only then did I find that there were more than ten friend applications.

It should be a teammate I knew in the first two copies.

Gu Xiaoyu passed.

Su Bei also had a little impression that he was a weak chicken.

It's pretty cute though, so let's pass it.

Guan Yunge's character is not bad, he can pass.

Gao Qian, the information shows that she is from the same city as me.

Let her friend pass too, you can ask her about your city.

Click Select All, and the remaining friend requests will be deleted with one click.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

After only a few minutes, the news came.

Gu Xiaoyu: "Is that... there?"

Gao Qian: "Why did it take you so long to pass your friends and make me wait so long (angry)"

Guan Yunge: "The copy of Ghost High School has disappeared, honestly tell me if you did the trick."

Su Bei looked at it and chose to open Gao Qian's chat box.

"You are from Gufo City, do you know any news about Gufo Ghost City?"


The second ring road in the city center, a single-family villa in a high-end community.

Gao Qian, who spent another dungeon, lay barefoot on the big bed lazily.

Suddenly, she saw the message on the game system.

Jumped up excitedly.

"Yeah, that Su Bei guy finally got back to me."

Gao Qian was so excited that she wanted to cry.

Since the "Ghost Maid" profession was activated in the Ghost Bride dungeon.

It is necessary to bind a "master", and Su Bei, who is also a player.

As a result, Su Bei disappeared without a trace as soon as the game came out, and even the application for adding friends was not approved.

She nearly vomited blood.

"Su Bei is from Ghost City like me, and he's looking for a ghost market."

Gao Qian's eyes just glowed.

"This time, don't try to escape from my Wuzhi Mountain if I don't tie you to me."

Her fingers were lightning fast, and she tapped the keyboard in the air.

Gao Qian: I know a lot of inside information about your city. It's inconvenient to say it online. Why don't you come and find me. I live in···

Su Bei looked at Gao Qian's message with some doubts.

How does Gao Qian seem to want me to go to her house very urgently.

Just give me your home address so unpredictably?

Is it a fairy dance?

It should not be, the domestic security of Long Kingdom is still good.

And Gao Qian, she should not have that kind of IQ and acting skills.

Confined to his "maidservant", Su Bei decided to turn around and head to Gao Qian's house.


"Ding dong!"

"I'm coming."

Gao Qian ran to open the door when she heard the doorbell.

Below is a pair of hot hot pants with a wide white shirt on the upper body.

Half of the nail polish is applied to the left foot.

Su Bei's vigilance suddenly increased, carefully observing whether there were other people hiding in the room.

Dressed so attractively, it wouldn't really be a fairy dance.

"Come in, what are you doing outside the door?"

Involuntarily, Gao Qian pulled Su Bei into the villa and closed the door of the villa.

Then he looked at Su Bei with a smirk.

Su Bei frowned, "You haven't told me about the ghost market yet."

Gao Qian held back her smug smile and said, "First tell me what you are doing in the ghost market."

"Sell the extra props. It is said that some players in the ghost market have mastered skill identification and the ability to synthesize props."

Gao Qian smiled even brighter:

"Do you know what my secondary occupation is, it's a prop synthesizer."

"As for skill appraisal, I have two appraisal cards here. Do you want it?"

Su Bei didn't believe that there was a pie in the world, and asked instead, "What about the conditions?"

"You just need to move in and live with me. I can synthesize items for you at a low price, and I can sell you two skill appraisal cards."

"The reason, you just need to know that I can reap the benefits as long as I stay with you."

Su Bei thought deeply for a moment.

He remembered the experience of dealing with Gao Qian in the first copy.

Maybe she awakened some profession or skill at that time.

And this ability may be affected by me.

That's why Gao Qian couldn't wait to meet her.

After thinking about this matter, Su Bei nodded: "I have one last condition, no rent."

Gao Qian snorted with her pretty nose, and said arrogantly, "It's too late for people to pay a high price for an opportunity like living with a beautiful woman. Do you only have that rent in your eyes?"

Su Bei only thought she agreed.


At night, after staying in the villa.

Su Bei took out the props that Gao Qian synthesized at a high price of 50 ghost coins.

The essence of synthetic props is to borrow the ability of the system.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay a certain fee to the system.

The higher the item level, the higher the cost.

And there is a certain failure rate.

Items will not be damaged after failure, but the cost will not be refunded.

It's a game that only kryptonites can enjoy.

[The groom's monocle; it can clearly see the level of Specter below S rank, and can detect illusions and invisibility below A rank. Rating: Grade A]

The appearance is a monocle tied with a red string.

It was made by Su Bei using "Ghost Bride's Red Hijab" and "Spiritual Glasses".

After all, these two props are of the reconnaissance type, and their attributes are somewhat overlapping.

It's a pity that the Dudou of the third concubine has been worn out in the previous copy.

Otherwise, it can be combined with "Ghost Boy's Toy Gun".

It is impossible to synthesize a powerful piece of equipment.

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