Horror Recovery: SS-Class Drunk Ghost Bride At The Start

Chapter 7 Someone Wash Her Clean And Send Her To My Room

My name is Gao Qian.

It is a player who has cleared three instances of the horror game.

This time, I entered the [Blood Wedding] dungeon on S-level difficulty.

The death rate of old players is close to 90%, and new players... have never walked out of this copy.

Thinking of this, Gao Qian turned her head and looked sympathetically at her dozen of her companions.

These more than ten people may never be able to leave here.

It made her a little suspicious.

These companions are either missing an eye or amputating a leg.

Only one girl and Gao Qian looked like normal people.

Did the thriller game rob the disabled home this time?

A middle-aged man who looked like "one ear" asked:

"Are there any old players among us? I actually run a company."

"If any old player can bring me back alive, I am willing to give a million thanks."

Gao Qian lowered her head and said nothing, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

Is it great to be rich?

This is an S-class copy.

Even if there are other old players besides me.

They also can't promise you for a mere one million.

It is difficult to protect yourself, and there is no need to carry a burden.

Gao Qian made up her mind to keep silent.

The other newcomers also spoke up.

As a result, as Gao Qian expected, not a single old player in the crowd stood up.

Don't wait for the newcomers to continue to communicate.


The red gate of Su Mansion was opened, and a few ghosts walked out.

The leader is a half-dead old ghost, and a female ghost with a large tongue sticking out.

The stench of corpses reeked all over.

Master Su got married, and Su Mansion was short of manpower and needed to recruit manpower temporarily.

They are ghosts to recruit people.

"You, you, and you come with me."

Specter began to pick servants from the crowd.

Gao Qian was about to show off.

So that these ghosts can assign themselves some important positions.

It is convenient to inquire about the news later.


"Master, why are you here?"

"Good morning, sir."

A young man walked out of the door, Xiao Shuqingjun, who looked like a god.

Not like a master, but like a rich and noble son who enjoys happiness.

The Specters bowed their knees and hurriedly greeted them.

This scene is like a dog wagging its tail when it sees its owner, begging for a bone.

Gao Qian raised her head slightly and glanced out of the corner of her eye.

This is the master of Su Mansion.

He looks so good-looking and so young.

And... Gao Qian has an inexplicable affection for him.

Just no ghost.

Gao Qian made up her mind, this kind of ghost is the most terrifying.

The ghost has been melted away.

I am afraid it is the ghost king who has accomplished great cultivation.

This Master Su may be an S-class devil.

Could it be that he is the final boss of this copy.

Su Bei glanced around in the crowd, frowning slightly.

Obviously not satisfied with this group.

And...there are a little less people.

The long-tongued female ghost explained with a shy face:

"Master, I can't blame the puppets. Today, these people don't know what's going on.

The female ghost was eager to explain.

Talking too fast, tongue too big.

Almost choked on his own saliva.

After speaking, he glared at these people angrily.

It's all of them that made me lose face in front of the master.

Being stared at by the ghost,

The group of newbies trembled, and a few cowardly almost urinated on the street.

Su Bei shook the majesty of the master, and then said with slight satisfaction:

"I just came to take a look. Now the manor is dispatched, just use it first."

He was in a hurry to go to the third concubine's wife for morning tea.

For some reason, Mingming and the third concubine are too old and married.

It's no longer fresh.

However, when he saw the third concubine now, he felt that Cao Thief's heart was about to move.

Adultery has resurfaced.

After going to the third concubine's room, the fourth concubine was waiting for him.

Su Bei felt compelled to tell his servants to add a little more wolfberry to his teacup.

Yesterday's tiger whip will also be arranged.

Nothing else, I want to drink soup.


Su Bei pointed and picked out the middle-aged man accurately:

"This person, I always look unpleasant, so don't recruit him into the mansion."

The female ghost wiggled her long tongue and said with a wicked smile, "As per your order."

Probably what Brother Xun said, I was born to be useful.

Everyone is useful.

It can't be used for work, at least it can be used as fertilizer.

The middle-aged man's legs were weak, and he completely collapsed on the ground.

He looked terrified and wanted to get up, but the female ghost's long tongue was already entangled.


Gao Qian froze as she looked at the blood spattered on the ground.

Otherwise...let's just be honest.

It's too risky to get ahead.

Unexpectedly, the master Su, who had suffered thousands of knives, spoke again.

"This girl, she's very pretty, so she can be a pen girl in my room when she's dressed up."

Gao Qian looked up and looked around in confusion.

I want to see who is the unlucky guy who was picked by Master Su.

It turned out that everyone around him was looking at him.

There is sympathy and there is jealousy.

Gao Qian: "..."

The long-tongued female ghost sneered, why did the master fall in love with this kind of thing.

It's a pity that I am talented, but useless.

"Come on, wash her up and send it to the master."

Gao Qian: "?"

She panicked.

Am I going to be eaten, or am I being "eaten"?

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