Just saw the dog demon for the first time.

Lin Chuan instinctively thought.

The dog demon's demonic body is damaged and its demonic energy is weak, so it relies on sucking human flesh and blood to recuperate.

However, after discovering something was wrong.

Lin Chuan used his eyes to see again.

Only then did I realize that although the old dog demon had evil aura, the evil aura was very pure, just like the spider spirit abbot.

Not a trace of sinister aura.

This dog demon may not be the real culprit who bites people to death!

And because its demonic power was too weak, Lin Chuan misjudged it.

"Almost made a mistake."

Lin Chuan felt happy in his heart.

He just needed a thought and the long sword flew past. Now the dog demon is probably dead.

And if the dog demon is really a good demon, he may have been deducted now. Scored

"It's a worthy death."

Xiao Qing muttered at the side.

Fahai next to him was also indifferent.

Regarding the evil monster, he adhered to the principle of Lin Chuan and only said less but did not do anything.

Many villagers cheered, feeling that burning the monster to death would serve the people. When the harm was done, a sound broke through the air suddenly, and a sword roared across the sky..

Swept down.

Directly, the flames covering the dog demon were blown away. Then, hundreds of long swords merged into one in the air. , the sharp sword light penetrates the cold!

"Senior takes action!"

Fahai's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Chuan's figure like a little fanboy.

He didn't know why Lin Chuan took action.

But he knew that since he took action, there must be a reason from his predecessors!

"Didn't he deserve to die? Why did he save her?"

Xiao Qing frowned slightly.

She looked at the man beside her with deep confusion.

Why this man made her more and more confused.

And when the villagers saw the sudden scene in front of them, everyone's expressions were filled with confusion. He showed a look of shock and confusion.

Then he saw the long sword suspended above the dog demon, more than ten meters above the ground, and the fear in his heart became even stronger!

"The dog demon is performing magic!"

"The evil wind put out all the fires"

"It must be witchcraft! Come on, get the axe!"

"right! Take an ax and chop down the dog demon!"

Many villagers were so frightened that their faces turned pale and trembling, thinking of other ways.

Among the villagers, Lin Chuan heard the words and smiled slightly.

Then, he took a step forward.

The whole person rose into the air, holding an exquisite thousand-year-old sword. The peach wood sword dragged Lin Chuan and floated above the heads of all the villagers.

As everyone watched, the sword flew from behind and hovered above the old dog demon.

"This this……"

All the villagers stared.

Could it be that another monster is coming!

Everyone trembled in their hearts, and their fear became even stronger.

Before they could react, Lin Chuan lowered his height, then jumped down and landed steadily.

Wearing a loose robe, it flutters with the fan, like an immortal.

After landing, with a smile on his face, he looked ahead, all the villagers

"This... this is not a demon."

The fear of the villagers dissipated a bit.

Such a fairy-like figure is more like a fairy in the sky than a monster.

Moreover, flying with a sword is also in line with the moves of an immortal in the eyes of the villagers.

Therefore, after a pause for a few seconds.

The villagers in the front row, full of excitement, all knelt down

"The Immortal has come down to earth. Pay homage to the Immortal. Pay homage to the Immortal!"

As the villagers in the front row knelt down, other villagers were affected and knelt down one after another, looking extremely humble and respectful.

Even some women in the village kept talking about it.

They seemed to regard Lin Chuan as a god and began to pray for blessings.

Lin Chuan. Chuan didn't defend himself.

Since he regarded him as a god, he had to make good use of him. Otherwise, he would have to spend some time trying to reason with the villagers.

"Where is the village chief?"

Lin Chuan spoke, and his voice used the magic of mantras, carrying a hint of power.

Everyone present felt their hearts shudder when they heard the words, and their whole brains turned out to be empty and transparent.

He is indeed an immortal!

In a simple word, So extraordinary!

After a moment of surprise, an old man stood up from the ground with the help of two villagers nearby, bending down towards Lin Chuan.

"I am the village chief, what are the immortal’s orders?"

"Dog monsters cannibalize people, I think there is something hidden, and I want you to be a witness."

Lin Chuan spoke.

"This... this evidence is conclusive, how could there be any other secrets? This man was killed by this dog monster!"

The village chief shook his head quickly, with a look of determination on his face.

Tonight, a beast's roar came from somewhere in the village.

A group of villagers heard the noise and went to check.

They saw Grandma Yang in the village, lying in a pool of blood.

Her neck was looking out. There was blood flowing, and there were teeth marks from the bite.

Next to it was the old dog demon, with its mouth full of blood.

Then everyone angrily took the old dog demon and tied it to death, preparing to burn it to death.

"Yes or no, you will find out later. Lin

Chuan turned around and looked at the old dog demon.

The village chief next to him was puzzled, but when the immortal spoke, he took a few steps forward obediently and watched quietly.

He stood still in front of the old dog demon. After that,

Lin Chuan looked down, and a surge of spiritual power surged out of his throat. In the world of Green White Snake, which is full of spiritual power, the success rate of the mantra has also been greatly improved.

After a few moments of preparation,

Lin Chuan spoke to the old dog demon,"

Can there be murder!


The supreme method of mantra was contained in it.

"Senior is really powerful, this is an extremely powerful magical power!"

Fortunately, the other villagers are not the targets of the mantra, so they are not affected by the mantra.

But Fa Hai is naturally smart and extremely talented.

He caught this rolling sound wave keenly, and among the sound waves, It contains the supreme method.

So I am shocked!

Senior Lin Chuan is really extraordinary!

He can actually control the demon with this supreme method, even if he can resist the mantra curse. Control.

However, if his opponent makes such a statement, his fighting power will be greatly reduced.

The more he compares, the more he feels. The more he came into contact with Senior Lin Chuan, the more he felt that he was far inferior to Senior Lin Chuan.

At this time, the eyes of the old dog demon who was tied to death by the wooden pillar gradually became chaotic.

He only had more than ten years of cultivation, which was too low. , unable to resist the mantra spell.

All his will collapsed instantly under the impact of Lin Chuan's powerful sound waves.

In just a moment, he completely entered Lin Chuan's control state, and reacted according to what he just said. The dog

's head shook slightly and he responded in denial. Sure enough,


Chuan's eyes narrowed. Fortunately , he didn't do anything, otherwise he would have made a mistake. It may be a good monster. You can get some points for saving a good monster. Now, you have to think about how to get rid of the crime. Just saving a dog monster may not qualify as a good monster. Require

"Senior, why are you worried about something?"

Fahai has been paying attention to Lin Chuan. When he saw Lin Chuan frowning, he took the initiative to come forward and ask Lin Chuan. He looked like a fanatical fan of the main world.

He always thought about sharing the burden for his idol.

"The dog demon did not kill anyone, but it cannot speak. It is easy to save its life, but it is difficult to save its innocence."

"It's easy to save a life... it's hard to save an innocent person……"

Fahai was overjoyed.

In this simple sentence, there are waves of philosophical and Buddhist principles for him to understand.

It's just that it's important to do business, understand philosophy and Buddhism, and then do it later

"Senior, I have a magical power that can enlighten the spiritual intelligence of animals, making them appear intelligent and speak human words!"

Fa Hai put his hands together and volunteered.

"Enlighten the intelligence of animals, create wisdom in people, and speak words in people?"

Lin Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

This divine channel method sounds extraordinary.

If you can pass through various dungeon worlds, you can enlighten the intelligence of animals and let them help.

It will be extremely useful!

It seems that if there is an opportunity later, you have to think about it. Find a way to learn this method from Fahai!

After thinking about it, Lin Chuan nodded to Fahai and stood in front of the old dog demon. The surrounding villagers saw this Buddha's light. , with a feeling of devout worship in his heart. Immediately afterwards, all the Buddha's light gathered in the index finger of Fahai's right hand. Then, Fahai pointed at the old dog demon's head. Initiation, spiritual power flushing... open!

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