Uncle Li Guo noticed the cold murderous intent ahead.

A chill went straight to my forehead, and my heart was filled with the fear of imminent death!

Five monsters were killed by the man in front of them in the blink of an eye!

Even though he had expected it, he thought it would be a fight and the opponent would win with difficulty.

But I never expected it to be so fast!

"Is there anything else to talk about?"

Uncle Li Guo's face is a little pale.

He is used to being arrogant in Tangzhou.

He masters demon poisons and controls the life and death of mortals.

There are many demons under his command, so he is naturally arrogant.

He recruits cooperative cultivators and resists those who resist. The cultivator, Kill Jue.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter such a problem today!

He trembled, took a few deep breaths, and spoke to Lin Chuan.

"Money, wealth, women, power...even the rare treasures, props and magic weapons that you cultivators love most, I can find them for you."

"If you have a sect behind you, I can make your sect famous!"

"In the future, if I become king, I can carve out a city as your fiefdom, and everything in the city will be yours to rule!"

Uncle Li Guo laid out the conditions one by one.

The conditions he proposed were extremely generous.

Many ascetics chose to join in with him precisely because of these.

Xiao Qing next to him looked at Lin Chuan with a little curiosity.

Such Will Lin Chuan, whom she is optimistic about, be tempted by this? In front of him, Lin Chuan listened calmly and remained unmoved.

There were still many demons, so I had to kill Uncle Li first, fearing that the group of demons would disperse.

Then, a hint of impatience flashed across Lin Chuan's face.

Holding the sword high, the sword force is concentrated, and the sword is majestic!

Without a word, a sword energy bursts out from the sword body!.

The sword wind roared and cut off Li Guojiu's arm!


Li Guojiu screamed in pain.

His face was pale, he was sweating profusely, and he was lying on the ground twitching.


Hearing, two figures came from the air.

In an instant, they reached the top.

They were two monks carrying long swords and walking in the air.

After slowly landing, they held their hands towards Lin Chuan.

"Your Excellency, I am Taoist Yeyu from Tianma Temple. I would like to give you some face and let Mr. Li go."

"I am Taoist Master Yiyun of Baiyun Taoist Temple. I hope you can give me some face and let Uncle Li go!"

Tianma Temple and Baiyun Taoist Temple have a certain reputation in this world.

The two Taoists are even more famous ascetics in the world.

"It’s just the two of you, do you have the guts to come out?"

Lin Chuan whispered softly.

After entering Li's house, in addition to detecting a large number of monsters, he also felt prying eyes from all sides.

Not surprisingly, it was the monks who worked with Uncle Li to commit evil..

But just now, Lin Chuan took action to kill the five demons.

It not only deterred Uncle Li, but also deterred the cultivators who had been paying attention here. However, Lin Chuan was so cruel.

Hands, Uncle Li Guo's life is in danger.

The monks who have many interests entangled with each other can't help but jump out. Monsters, on the other hand , are divided into good and evil.

Don't worry.

Anyone who helps evil will be killed!

Lin Chuan's eyes narrowed, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes!

"Then I'll give you some face……"


The two Taoist priests were about to say thank you.

"I'll give you face and give you a free ride... to the West!"

Following Lin Chuan's life-threatening groan, the sword came out like a dragon!

Cold light overflowed!

The Seven-Star Dragon Abyss went straight towards the two of them, slashing away!

"not good! Taoism - rock!"

"Spiritual magic-indestructible!"

The two Taoist priests shouted loudly, and their spiritual power surged.

They raised the swords in their hands and held them horizontally in front of them to block.

They used their own Taoist methods.

The swords in their hands, the defense was greatly strengthened, like a fine steel rock!


Seven Stars Long Yuan slashed down, and there was a loud bang!

The two Taoist priests were hit by a huge force, and their arms trembled, and their palms were torn apart. crack, spill blood

"This sword is so powerful!" The two of them were trembling in their hearts.

They blocked the sword, but they did not block this huge force!

Their internal organs were stirred, and blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths.


Blocking the sword edge only lasted for a moment.


The two of them had swords, A crack appeared at the edge of the sword. Then

, the two swords fell violently, and the two pieces of the sword crashed and fell to the ground. His head was rolling on the ground with dead eyes. Facing the monster, Lin Chuan might carefully investigate and distinguish between good and evil. Facing the cultivator, he would just speak out for Uncle Li, regardless of the reason. But kill! Behind, Fahai looked at the two corpses on the ground and smiled helplessly.

"Amitabha, Senior Lin Chuan, Xitian doesn’t accept everyone."

Uncle Li Guo has done all kinds of evil things and harmed living beings.

Even if the ascetics who helped the tyrants to commit cruelty were to die, they would surely fall into the Abi Hell and suffer.

Senior Lin Chuan, these empty words made him feel ashamed.

What a shame. When used as a trash can, can we collect all kinds of garbage?

"You are over there to siege the formation for me. If any cultivator dares to take action, kill him!"

Lin Chuan spoke.

His main goal is to slay demons.

The second priority is to be a monk. He just needs to command Xiao Qing and Fa Hai to help him.

"good! Unless I die, I will definitely block it for you!"

Xiao Qing raised his sword and stood on the left side behind Lin Chuan.

Fahai had no choice but to kill someone, but he still obeyed and stood on the right side behind Lin Chuan.

The two of them were like protectors.

A demonic aura, a The

Buddha's light erupted in excitement!

Lin Chuan stepped forward gently, walked over to the bodies of the two Taoist priests, and looked down. go

"What else can you do? If you don't use it, you will lose your mission."

"this! this!"

Uncle Li Guo was frightened and yelled like crazy.

"Come and save me! Come and save me!"

"Come all, come all, and I will give you ten times your monthly share from now on! No, a hundred times!"

As Uncle Li Guo screamed in pain.

Boom boom boom!!!

In the Li Mansion, the demonic energy in the formations is majestic and the spiritual power is stirring!

Under the temptation, there must be a brave man.

This is true for people, but also for monsters. The same is true for Taoists!

Under the benefits promised by Uncle Li, there are still monsters and Taoists who are willing to take risks. After ten years of Taoism, there are more than four hundred years of Taoism, and there are at least close to a hundred monsters!

"This guy just used his magic skill, and it must have consumed a lot of money.……"

"Yes, those five demons must have been exhausted. No matter how strong they are now, they will definitely be tired."

"Let’s do the same thing and go get a bargain?"

"You monsters, work together to kill this boy, and we will go and kill all his accomplices!"


"Same as above, same as above!"

From all directions, there were waves of monsters roaring and cultivators whispering.

The entire Li Mansion was filled with monsters and cultivators, giving them great courage.

They dared to gather together and besiege Lin Chuan and the others.!

Bang bang bang!

More than ten cultivators arrived first.

Xiaoqing and Fahai jumped into the air and attacked directly. There were sounds of swords clashing and fighting below. Hundreds of demonic energies erupted and surrounded Lin Chuan.

Hundreds of demons came out to surround and kill Lin Chuan!

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