Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Ma'am, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 103

Su Xiaoxiao can indeed be said to be versatile.

She not only knows how to paint, but also likes music and literature. It can be said that she is a very temperamental school belle.

It can also be called a talented woman, but many talented women are called talented women because of their low appearance. The appearance and talent do not match.

Su Xiaoxiao's appearance overshadowed everything else, and everything else became embellishments.

In this Bailu Middle School where delinquent boys and girls are the mainstay, Su Xiaoxiao is like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud but is not stained.

It is precisely because she is so good that she once had many suitors in school, and she was also extremely jealous of the school bully girl group.

Su Bai began to try to talk to her about art, poetry, literature, etc., things that could attract her interest.

With the blessing of multiple professions, Su Bai's voice has also become extremely contagious.

While Su Bai was talking, he slowly approached Su Xiaoxiao.

But this time, he wasn't too close.

His words seemed to have had an effect, Su Xiaoxiao's gaze stayed on Su Bai.

However, Su Bai noticed that her gaze was still like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

Su Bai continued to work hard.

However, after more than ten minutes passed, there was still no emotion in Su Xiaoxiao's eyes.

At this time, her eyes raised, and then her hands moved again.

Around Su Bai, black surged.

He was sent out again.

"Principal, how are you doing?"

Seeing that Su Bai came back safely, Xia Qiu was obviously relieved.

Su Bai frowned slightly, and looked at Xia Qiu: "Xia Qiu, bring that woman from the night before."

"Okay, Headmaster."

Xia Qiu said.

Not long.

Su Bai met Xiaoxue in the office.

What happened yesterday shocked dozens of players.

In the end, they finally reacted.

Knowing that in yesterday's battle, it was Su Bai who mobilized more than a thousand fierce ghost students to counterattack the five school bully ghosts.

These dozens of players were immediately overwhelmed. It was completely unexpected that Su Bai had achieved this step!

They were taken away by the ghost students and locked in the dormitory to prevent them from making trouble.

Xiaoxue was also locked in the dormitory building, but at night, she would still sneak out to find her sister's bones.

This point was actually discovered by Li Gui students and reported to Su Bai. If it wasn't for Su Bai's order, Li Gui students would have stopped her long ago.

Su Bai didn't know Xiaoxue's specific identity, only that she was a member of the Players Alliance.

It seems that he is also an old player.

"You come to this dungeon for your own purpose, right?"

Su Bai looked at Xiaoxue and said.

This is the second time that Xiaoxue met Su Bai face to face like this, and the first time she was rejected.

She looked at this young man who was only 18 years old, but was too good.

Then, she nodded: "Yes, I want to find my sister's bones, but a few days have passed, and I haven't found anything yet."


"Well, my sister died here over a year ago"

Xiaoxue simply explained the situation.

"I can help you."

After she finished speaking, Su Bai said.

"However, let's exchange at the same price. I'll help you find your sister's bones. Tell me what you know about the Wraith Tree. If you don't know about the Wraith Tree, you can give me the right answer after you get out." something to wait for."

Su Bai said.

He doesn't like to take advantage of others, but he won't be a bad guy to help others for no reason.

Equivalent exchange!

Xiaoxue somewhat understood why Su Bai rejected the three things Zi Xuan offered.

This is a very special boy, even if it is the thigh of a strong man, he doesn't bother to hug it.

Su Bai also could not have any exchange with her, and directly brought the ghosts forward to force him, she also had to say.

"it is good!"

Xiaoxue was straightforward and told everything she knew about the Wraith Tree.

As the assistant of the Night Envoy, Xiaoxue knows much more information about various horrors than ordinary veteran players.

Su Bai happened to ask the right person.

Because even the leader of the Weeping Spirit Organization doesn't know as much about the Wraith Spirit Tree as she does.

Of course, it's useless just to know the information, like Xiaoxue herself can't even pass the test of the ghost student.

Not to mention that in this dungeon, he came into contact with the Wraith Tree.

"The growth of the wraith tree needs to continuously incorporate excellent and potential wraiths. The more wraiths they control, the stronger they will be. The transaction between the ghost and the wraith tree is generally divided into several stages."

Xiaoxue spoke slowly.

This said, said more than two hours.

"Li Hua, send someone to help her~"

After Xiaoxue finished speaking, Su Bai said to Li Hua.

"Okay, Principal~"

Li Hua found more than a dozen students, ready to cooperate with Xiaoxue to find her sister's bones.

Seeing these students respect Su Bai, Xiaoxue knew that Su Bai had completely controlled the dungeon.

It took a few days to achieve this step, even if she saw it with her own eyes, Xiaoxue still felt incredible.

Su Bai thought about countermeasures.

Through the information about the Wraith Tree provided by Xiaoxue, Su Bai had some understanding of Su Xiaoxiao's state.

Su Xiaoxiao should belong to an extremely good ghost, when she cast a curse at the cost of her own life in despair.

It just so happened that she was cursed by a wraith tree

Then, the wraith tree cast and completed the curse on her behalf.

The price Su Xiaoxiao needs to pay is that she will be under its control forever and become a part of the Wraith Tree, which can also make the Wraith Tree stronger.

Here, there is a process, or stage.

The current Wraith Tree has not completely completed the deal with Su Xiaoxiao.

Therefore, now Su Xiaoxiao can still control this wraith tree.

Judging from the current situation, the deal between Su Xiaoxiao and the Tree of Wraiths should be coming to an end.

Wei Hong and his daughters have been tortured by the Wraith Tree for a whole year.

All the students have also fallen into group madness, and everyone has lost control.

If there is no Su Bai, at the end of this month, everything will be destroyed.

Wei Hong's daughters will die, and the entire Bailu Middle School will be destroyed.

Then, the Wraith Tree will completely control Su Xiaoxiao, turning it into a part of itself, and then leave here to find the next ghost to make a deal.

This in itself is the way the wraith tree grows.

In addition, this is a ghost tree, and it does not have a soul like a human being.

"If this dungeon involves the Wraith Tree, then I advise you to give up. This cannot be solved. The Wraith Tree is extremely difficult to deal with, and it is also difficult to destroy. It is useless even if Sister Xuan comes, because it will not give Xuan If the opportunity to see it is not right, it will choose to send you out of here."

In the end, Xiaoxue persuaded Su Bai.

The sister Xuan she mentioned caught Su Bai's attention, and it should be Zixuan, the boss who gave him three things last time.

"The Wraith Tree."

After Xiaoxue left, Su Bai whispered.

This wraith tree is the last key point.

I don't know if it would be useful for Su Bai to summon Hong Luo after seeing the Wraith Tree.

Su Bai felt that if the Wraith Tree continued to attack him, it shouldn't be a problem for Hong Luo Nu to keep him.

The question is, what if the Wraith Tree sent Su Bai and Hong Luonu directly out of that space like the previous two times?

Don't give Su Bai a chance to meet!

So, after thinking about it for some time, Su Bai realized that he still had to start with the school beauty.

But the school belle seems to be ashamed, Su Bai's words can't stir her up in the slightest.

Judging by her appearance, no matter what she is about, she seems indifferent.

This is a real state of despair.

Everything outside couldn't arouse her reaction at all.

But judging from her ability to prevent the ghost hand from attacking Su Bai, there should be room for salvation.

After thinking about it, Su Bai used Ghost Detective's tracing again.

"The trace was successful, you successfully found a clue."

"Clue hint: Maybe, giving her hope, or, love, making her fall in love with you may be the most effective."

"You successfully used it to find a clue, career points +10, career proficiency +5."

On the game panel, the prompt comes out.

"This hint"

Su Bai was startled.

Giving her hope and love, what is the most effective way to make her fall in love with Su Bai?

This is

Love therapy?

Strictly speaking, hope and love, Su Bai had already given them the previous two times.

As for the latter one, he and Xiaohua only met twice, how can he make Xiaohua fall in love with him in a short period of time?

Su Bai thought for a while, opened the job recommendation, and then, he saw a recommended job.

ghost artist

That's right, Su Xiaoxiao is a talented woman, starting from this aspect, maybe there is something to be said.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket.

093 High Charm Breaks the Game! The magic of poetry! There are thousands of stars in my eyes!

"Equipment is successful, your current occupation is: ghost artist."

"Professional level: entry level, occupational temperament is 30%."

"Professional abilities: mastery of art, mastery of accomplishment, mastery of aesthetic creation. (During the equipment career, you will have all the knowledge and accomplishment of an artist, your aesthetics will be greatly improved, and you will have strong creativity.) "

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