Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Ma'am, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 165

Soon, Su Bai returned to his Tianzihao room.

"The Doctor of Medicine is here!"

A zombie recognized Su Bai and shouted.

Immediately, the zombies who came towards Su Bai all turned their heads.

There are too many zombies today.

The open space between the Tianzihao room and the Dizihao room in Ruyi Building is not small, but it is already crowded with zombies.

Roughly counting, there are probably hundreds of them.

In fact, there are still many zombies waiting outside Ruyi Building.

Ruyi Building didn't come in all at once.

It seems that Ruyi Building is going to wait for Su Bai to finish watching some zombies before letting the zombies from outside in.

"Medical Saint~"

"Medical Saint, I'm here specially for you~"

"Me too~"


The zombies shouted one after another.

These zombies quickly made way for Su Bai to walk in.

Soon, Su Bai came to the courtyard, and began to sit for a consultation.

Today, there is no rush.

Let's see if Nangong Wan'er will continue to make moves or try.

It would be best if she continued to make moves.

If you make too many moves, you will show your feet.

If she doesn't move, Su Bai won't be able to catch her.

If she keeps moving, Su Bai won't move for the next two days.

Let's wait for Ying Rui to recover first.

It just so happens that Su Bai has a job as a ghost physiotherapist, maybe it can make Ying Rui recover faster.

Although the process of physical therapy with a ghost physical therapist may be a bit embarrassing for the object of physical therapy.

But when Su Bai healed Ying Rui before, he saw everything he should see and what he shouldn't see.

What should be touched and what should not be touched have also been touched.

There seems to be nothing wrong with physical therapy for her.

As long as Yingrui's strength returns to its full strength, and Nangong Wan'er doesn't know this, then this matter will become easier.

A morning passed quickly.

Su Bai looked sick, getting faster and faster.

Not many of these zombies have major problems.

Just right, brush up a wave of job points so that you can activate the combat job later.

There are still some gaps in career points.

More than 15.

Because Su Bai needs 5 career points to purchase a badge to advance to a career.

Fortunately, there are a lot of patients here. Although the same type of problems, the occupation point will decrease if you see more, but the number is here.

You can still get a lot of career points.

Alas, zombies rarely seem to have psychological problems.

Su Bai's job as a ghost psychiatrist can't be used much in this dungeon.

That is to say, when treating the blood corpse, Su Bai used the skills of the ghost psychiatrist.

After noon, without accident, the blood corpse came again in the afternoon.

Today's blood corpse is in much better condition than the previous few days.

Because this guy comes to Su Bai's place every day, thanks to Su Bai's blessing, this guy hasn't sucked the yang energy or blood of the players these few days.

Players have also died for three days these days.

Three newcomers.

Mainly the zombies living in the Ruyi Building, who like to catch a breath of Yang Qi when they see people.

Veteran players have high physical fitness, as long as the zombies are not caught, they can still stand up.

The bodies of these three newcomers have not been strengthened at all, and they are arrested every day. In addition, Ruyi Building itself is a place suitable for zombies, with a cloudy atmosphere and extremely low temperature.

The three newcomers became weak and died one after another.

Some old players are still persisting, and some even found scoring points to go to the strategy, and they will be able to return after two more days.

Su Bai didn't pay too much attention to other players, as long as the other players didn't affect him.

This time, it seems that there is no player with the talent of destroying the king.

It is also difficult for other players to influence Su Bai.

Players who have the talent of destroying the king must also choose a suitable copy.

Not every dungeon, Destruction King's talent can be well played.

Different talents have their own dungeon types that are most suitable for them.

In contrast, Su Bai's talent for all professions is more adaptable.

But you also need to choose the dungeon carefully. When you encounter some pure battle royale dungeons, the ghosts and relatives in it don't recognize them, and they kill people as soon as they see them.

The day passed quickly.

"Sir, Nangong Wan'er's people probably didn't come in today."

said the old zombie.

When Su Bai went to the clinic, he didn't find anything suspicious.

"Strange, did she give up?"

The old zombie was a little suspicious.

"No, she won't."

Su Bai shook his head.

Regarding Nangong Wan'er's quiet these days, Su Bai had some guesses.

He didn't use the ghost detective skills, no need.

"Miss Ying, come, let me help you recover. When your strength is almost recovered, we will act."

Su Bai said.

Ying Rui was a little curious when she heard Su Bai's words, not knowing how Su Bai would help her recover.

She followed Su Bai into the bedroom.

She was a little curious about how Su Bai would help her recover.

"Take off your clothes."

Then, she heard Su Bai say.

Ying Rui's expression suddenly changed.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just recovering for you, I won't look at you."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he turned around.

"I know, sir."

After Ying Rui finished speaking, she untied her clothes silently.

"All right, sir."

After a while, Ying Rui's voice sounded.

Su Bai saw that she had closed her eyes as before.

Su Bai came to the bed and activated his skills to help her recover.

Ying Rui's long eyelashes trembled just like Liu Yiyi did back then.

The body is also tense.

don't know why.

Now she is much more nervous than before.

Su Bai had no other distractions, indeed he did not look at her.

Just keep using skills to restore her.

But it doesn't make any difference whether you look at the current situation or not.

Finally, more than an hour passed.

"All right."

Su Bai withdrew his hand.

Ying Rui's suffocatingly beautiful face seemed to have a slight blush.

It was too embarrassing for her just now.

If it wasn't for Su Bai, even if she died, she would not let others, even other women, do this.

But she agreed with Su Bai to do so.

But during the whole process, Yingrui also felt that every second was like a year, and an hour, in her feeling, was longer than a hundred years.

Not to say uncomfortable, or sad, but too nervous, too shy.

"You have successfully completed a fruitful physiotherapy session, gaining 50 career points, 25 career proficiency, and 10 for Yingrui's heartbeat."

On the game panel, a hint appears.

This time the physiotherapy harvest is not bad, 50 career points, proficiency 25.

In addition, there is still 10 points of Yingrui's heartbeat?

"Okay, how does Miss Ying feel about the effect?"

Su Bai asked.

Ying Rui is still immersed in shyness and cannot extricate herself.

Hearing Su Bai's words, she only realized it. As soon as she felt it, she immediately realized that her body was weak, and half of it had disappeared!

God, this effect is not ordinary!

Ying Rui's original shyness was greatly diluted by this discovery.

She didn't expect that Su Bai could not only cure her illness, but also make her recover so quickly!

Such Su Bai, in her mind, became taller and more mysterious.

"You got Yingrui's admiration 10."

On the game panel, the prompt appeared again.


PS: There is another chapter at 12 o'clock, ask for a monthly pass! Break into the top three! .

128 Ying Rui recovers! Fame! The trap is set! (seeking a monthly ticket)

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