Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Madam, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 180

Su Bai still needs to make one or two key adjustments.

In fact, this is what Su Bai did on purpose.

Six days later, he was going to Liu Yiyi's place.

The Wang family will face the attack of two zombie families. For Su Bai, it is natural that he needs some preparations.

This blood corpse is about to reach the golden body.

In the process of treating him, Su Bai also noticed that if this guy is really treated thoroughly by him, he might soon become a golden moon corpse!

Based on this guy's performance in the past few days, and Su Bai's influence through multiple professions during the conditioning process.

Once this guy reaches the Golden Body Moon Corpse, there will be no problem for Su Bai to let him make a move.

This is a preparation made by Su Bai.

Hearing what Su Bai said, the blood corpse stretched out his hand, took out a small box, held it in both hands, and handed it to Su Bai.

It seems that this box is intended for Su Bai?

"There is no need for a reward. If you can recover, just help me once."

Su Bai said lightly.

The blood corpse nodded, but still handed over the small box.

It seems that he is determined to give this small box to Su Bai.

Seeing this, Su Bai had no choice but to accept the small box.

Seeing that Su Bai took it, the blood corpse saluted Su Bai again, and then left.

Su Bai didn't rush to open the small box, but continued to attend the consultation.

"Sir, he has left the inn."

After a while, the old zombie said to Su Bai.

Are you leaving the inn?

"Looking at his direction, it should be in the direction of Wang's house. The Wang's house is not close to here. He probably wants to go there earlier and wait for Mr. Wang there."

The old zombie guesses.

Su Bai understood.

After nightfall, Su Bai, Ying Rui, and Nangong Wan'er enjoyed the shade in the courtyard again.

"Wan'er, come and play the piano to my husband tonight."

Ying Rui took out her pipa and invited Nangong Wan'er.

Nangong Wan'er hesitated for a moment, then walked out.

"Sir, Wan'er's talent is actually very good. I only listened to Mr. Jiangnan's "Recalling Jiangnan" last night, and I was able to start playing."

Ying Rui praised Nangong Wan'er.

Can Nangong Wan'er know how to play?

Su Bai looked at her with a trace of anticipation in his eyes.

After Nangong Wan'er made eye contact with Su Bai, this slight expectation encouraged her.

She picked up the lute.

"Wan'er, let's start."

Su Bai said.

Nangong Wan'er bounced up.

She does.

Of course, there are still some rustiness, which is incomparable with Su Bai's playing.

However, it is also very good.

After all, she only listened to it once!

Looking at it this way, Nangong Wan'er does have a talent in this area.

In other words, since she was a child, no one played with her, causing her to focus more on her own world.

Nangong Wan'er played the song Recalling Jiangnan, and the style was a little different, more soft and graceful.

When she is playing the pipa, she is also pleasing to the eye from the perspective of posture.

Since she is dressed in black, she has two different styles from Yingrui.

She bounced.

Both Su Bai and Ying Rui listened attentively.

Finally, Nangong Wan'er finished playing.

She put down the pipa slowly, judging from the expression in her eyes, there should be some small uneasiness in her heart.

"it is good!"

Then, she heard 167 Su Bai's voice and Su Bai's applause.

Yingrui and the old zombie also clapped their hands: "Wan'er, you play well, and you have a bit of charm like Mr."

Seeing that her playing had aroused everyone's applause, Nangong Wan'er couldn't help feeling a little moved. This was the first time she had received so much sincere applause since she was a child.

"However, there is room for improvement."

Su Bai walked over and heard Nangong Wan'er's voice.

"Your third note is a bit too short, and it will be more interesting if you lengthen it properly. There is also an eighth note"

Su Bai pointed out Nangong Wan'er's flaws bit by bit.

Although she pointed out the flaws, Nangong Wan'er listened very carefully, which showed that Su Bai was really listening to her playing seriously.

Otherwise, how could Su Bai hear so many flaws after only listening to it once?

In the small courtyard, Su Bai's voice kept ringing.

Nangong Wan'er adjusted her voice from time to time.

"Okay, try playing it again."

An hour later, Su Bai said.

Nangong Wan'er played again, this time, it was much more perfect.

"Miss Ying is right, Wan'er, you do have talent in this area."

Su Bai praised.

There was obvious joy in Nangong Wan'er's expression, but at the same time, she was also a little shy, because Su Bai started calling her Wan'er.

"You have successfully completed a pipa instruction, career points +30, ghost teacher professional proficiency +15, Nangong Wan'er's moving +20, Nangong Wan'er's favorite 10."

On the game panel, a hint appears.

"Okay, go and rest. If there are no accidents, I may have to leave tomorrow morning."

Su Bai said.

Hearing that she was going to leave, Ying Rui's gaze became a little bit sad again.

Nangong Wan'er's expression also changed slightly, and she was also somewhat reluctant for no reason.

Su Bai returned to the bedroom.

Just go back, at this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, it's me."

Ying Rui's voice sounded.

Su Bai opened the door, and there was indeed Ying Rui outside the door.

Ying Rui took out a small box and opened it.

Inside, a jade pendant is wrapped in silk and satin.

"Sir, this jade pendant was given to me by my mother. I want to give it to my husband. If I wear it often, it will have a good effect."

Ying Rui said.

She came here this time, apparently to give this jade pendant to Su Bai.

"You have obtained a token of Yingrui's love: the heirloom jade pendant. After wearing it, it can sustainably warm and nourish the body. It can increase your physique by 1 point every 10 days, and increase your vitality by 1 point every 12 days."

On the game panel, a hint appears.

This jade pendant is actually Ying Rui's token of love for Su Bai!

Moreover, it was her family heirloom jade pendant!

It was passed down from the ancestors, but she gave it to Su Bai!

The effect of the jade pendant is also very good, every 10 days can increase 1 point of constitution, every 12 days can also increase 1 point of vitality!

Such a jade pendant is a very rare treasure.

In the horror world, it's also very rare.

PS: It surpassed the 2nd place on the monthly ticket list, everyone is working hard! Continue to ask for a monthly ticket, he is very close to me! Go, go, go! .

136 Corpse Refining Cheats! Comeback and great harvest! Rush to the first place! (seeking a monthly ticket)

In the horror world, there are still many treasures, but the more precious the treasure, the harder it is to get.

Weapons, of course, are very important.

However, the heirloom jade pendant that Yingrui gave to Su Bai is also a rare treasure.

Gain 1 point of constitution every 10 days, and 1 point of vitality every 12 days.

That is to say, Su Bai only needs to wear this jade pendant on his body, and without doing anything every month, he can increase his physique and blood by 3 points.

Don't underestimate 3:3:00.

It's dozens of points a year!

This is equivalent to picking up for nothing.

Physique and qi and blood, apart from using points to improve, are not so easy to improve.

A normal person who insists on exercising since childhood and eats very nutritious food will not have much more physical fitness than ordinary people.

In addition, if the effect of the jade pendant does not decrease with the increase of physical fitness, but is constant, then the value of this jade pendant will be even greater when Su Bai's physical fitness is high.

After the physique is over a hundred, it takes dozens of points to redeem 1 point of physique.

At this time, the value of this jade pendant will be better revealed.

Of course, this jade pendant has another meaning.

That is Yingrui's token of love.

This is the heirloom jade pendant of the winner!

But Yingrui gave it to Su Bai just like that!

This is enough to show that Ying Rui has already secretly promised Su Bai!

"Sir, Yingrui will put it on for you~"

Ying Rui said.

She didn't overemphasize the value or significance of this jade pendant.

In ancient times, many women's tokens of love were often extremely shy and stuffed into each other's hands and the matter was over. Who would deliberately say that this is their own token of love?

If the other party also likes her, he will naturally understand what she means.

If you don't like it, it's useless to send the best things.

Ying Rui took out the jade pendant and pinned it around Su Bai's waist.

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