Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Terror Resurrection: Madam, please respect my profession Chapter 239

When Su Bai walked out, he saw that Feng Jiu and Bai Luonv had already come out.

The old man from 316 also came out.

When the old man saw Su Bai, he came over hurriedly: "You must keep your word."

Su Bai said calmly: "Of course, just do as I say."

This old man was also initially taken care of by Su Bai yesterday.

It will take some time to cure his problem, but the old man also wants to escape.

The old man nodded: "Okay!"

Bai Luonv has already walked over.

However, she did not call Su Bai husband. This was what Su Bai had told her to do to avoid being noticed by the people in the mental hospital.

Not only did they not shout, Bai Luonv and Feng Jiu did not get too close to Su Bai.

Judging from Bai Luo Nu's appearance, she really wanted to come over.

Immediately afterwards, many patients from other wards came out.

There are also some patients who have not yet come out.


The evil spirit from Ward 305 came out, and as soon as he saw Su Bai, his eyes began to glow red.

But Feng Jiu and Bai Luonv calmly walked in front of Su Bai, and the old man rushed over immediately.

"Hahaha, there are so many people here to play hide and seek. You guy, you lost to me last time and you haven't given me the ears you promised me!"

The old man rushed towards the evil spirit.

When the evil ghost saw the old man's posture, his expression changed and he quickly fled to the first floor.

He didn't want to play with this crazy old man who was always looking for people to hide and seek when it was time to relax.

The old man did not let him go so easily and chased him all the way.

At this time, a tall figure walked out suddenly, and the ground shook.

The head of this figure is a long triangular head.

Only one eye.

Good guy!

Is this a living corpse?

Even this stuff is available here!

The living zombies are similar to the zombies in the movies before Su Bai traveled through time, but there are big differences.

It is also a terrifying life in the Western genre.

The body of this living corpse has become extremely deformed.

It's also extremely big.

Each floor here is more than 5 meters high, but this guy's triangular head is almost touching the ceiling.

As soon as the living corpse came out, he saw Su Bai, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he was about to rush towards Su Bai.

"Grandson, my grandson~"

The old lady came again and hugged Su Bai.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to shine, Su Bai, the story you told me last time hasn't been finished yet"

The desk lamp has also arrived.

When the living corpse saw the old lady and the lamp, the red light in his eyes was still boiling, but he did not rush over rashly.

Instead, he headed downstairs.

The light from the desk lamp flickered, which was equivalent to giving Su Bai a wink.

"Hey, no, you have to finish telling me the story!"

Then, he floated in front of Su Bai and said in a "vicious" tone.

The old lady looked at him fiercely: "You dare to threaten my grandson?"

The desk lamp suddenly became "cowarded": "I just want to listen to the story~"

Feng Jiu and Bai Luonv, one in front and one behind, neither spoke to Su Bai, but their posture obviously protected Su Bai.

When Su Bai arrived at the lobby on the first floor, he found that the lobby on the first floor was already very busy.

There are already many terrifying lives in the lobby on the first floor.

The space in the lobby on the first floor is still very large, enough for these terrifying creatures to move around.

Many horrible beings gathered together in twos and threes, laughing strangely.

In the lobby on the first floor, there are many tough-looking ghost nurses waiting there. They have prepared some food, drink, or smell for these terrifying creatures.

Different horror beings have different needs.

"This fruit is delicious, I want to give it to my mother~"

A ghostly old man who looked to be in his eighties took a blood-red apple and started eating it.

"It's so delicious, Mom, eat it quickly~"

While eating, the ghost old man was still talking.

"Su Bai, this is the guy who always thinks his mother is in his belly."

The desk lamp whispered to Su Bai.

The old lady was still following Su Bai, walking step by step, looking at other terrifying beings with a vigilant expression.

It seemed that she would be anxious to anyone who wanted to touch Su Bai.

As for Feng Jiu and Bai Luonv, they came to the other side and whispered something there.

However, Bai Luonv's attention was always on Su Bai.

At this moment.

Doctor Gao came out with many ghost nurses.

Then, Dr. Gao waved his hand.

The ghost nurses were holding some strange-looking instruments and the like, approaching each of the terrifying creatures, not knowing what they were measuring.

"Wife, wife, I miss you so much, wife~"

A terrifying being saw a ghost nurse and rushed up to hug the ghost nurse.

Doctor Gao winked, and immediately, several undead security guards rushed up and pulled the terrifying life away.

"I'm afraid this break time is to observe the changes of these patients every other day to avoid any unexpected situations."

Su Bai observed silently.

"What are you guys doing standing around here? Come and give him a slap on the back."

A ghost nurse calls out to several players.

Those players hurriedly stepped forward and slapped a terrifying being on the back, and then the ghost nurse handed the other party a plate of food.

The terrifying being began to eat with satisfaction.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with these foods."

Su Bai thought.

If the purpose of this mental hospital is not to treat these horrible lives with mental problems, but to make their conditions worse.

There must be something wrong with the food they provide.

"Lamp, go tell them and just pretend to eat."

Su Bai whispered to the lamp.

The desk lamp flew out, and I would yell at everyone I met: "Hahaha, look, am I pretty? This is a new look designed by Su Bai for me~"

He flew in a circle like this and successfully conveyed Su Bai's words to the dozen mental patients that Su Bai had dealt with yesterday and today.

Ghost nurses are still walking through the halls, each one seems to be caring about the patients.

But in fact, their main purpose is to observe and feed these horrible beings with questionable things.

Some players were also inspired by them.

With these ghost nurses here, these players have not yet been embarrassed by the patients.

There are also some patients who ignore the ghost nurses, especially those with more serious conditions.

Su Bai was also called to help by a ghost nurse.

Su Bai followed the other party while silently observing the patients in the hall.

Now, in addition to Bai Luonv and Feng Jiu, Su Bai has also taken care of 13 patients.

He is observing which patients can be treated quickly.

Which ones take more time.

Put the easy ones in front and the difficult ones in the back.

Some of them who were obviously completely crazy and very aggressive were passed by Su Bai.

It's not that it can't be done, it's just that it's not worth wasting time.

The time is too short and there are too many patients here.

But these patients also have benefits.

When Su Bai activates it, it can stimulate them and make them completely lose control.

The general direction of Fengjiu and Bai Luonv's plan is correct.

The only fault was that they were making small fuss and it was of no use at all.

There has to be a big one.

If you want to make trouble, make big things happen.

Come out of the madhouse to have more hope of escaping.

In addition, Su Bai is also observing doctors, nurses, and ghost security guards.

He also activates his ghost detective skills from time to time.

After observing like this for some time, Su Bai gained some results, and a rough plan took shape in his mind.

In the hall, the ghost nurses spent almost two hours, basically looking at every patient except for a few particularly difficult ones.

Then, Dr. Gao left with the ghost nurses.

As soon as you leave.

In the hall, it was almost chaos.

Dozens of mentally ill patients had no restraints and it was like having a party.

A dozen players were trembling!


A vampire with red eyes rushed towards several players.

There are vampires here too!

There's more than one.

"You guys, get here!"

At this time, there was a loud shout, and a fat man with a sinister face walked over and forced several trembling players into a corner.

Seeing that his prey was robbed, the vampire glanced at the fat man and finally chose to change his prey.

"It's so interesting. You guys are my toys. You have to turn into mice today. If you can't change, I will help you change~"

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