Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Terror Resurrection: Madam, please respect my profession Chapter 242

After the White Queen took the piece of paper, she stared at it.

Her eyes seemed to be attracted to the piece of paper.

After watching it for a long time, I was still watching.

Then, her brows frowned slightly again~.

"It should only be partially similar."

Her action made Su Bai guess.

Partially similar!

There should be quite a few similar parts, otherwise it would not attract the White Queen's attention.

But judging from her frowning expression, there must be something different.

This is normal. Su Bai drew based on his body shape, eyes, etc.

"If you want, I can perfect this portrait until I have your face."

Then, Su Bai equipped himself with the ghost artist profession and spoke.

The ghost artist's super charm gives Su Bai a huge advantage when facing the horror of women's lives.

Even if the other person is not a good-looking person, unless he is the kind of person who is heartbroken by a handsome guy and hates him from the bottom of his heart.

Otherwise, good looks and charm will have some effect.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Queen Bai, who had turned a deaf ear to Su Bai's arrival in the past few days, finally turned her head and looked at Su Bai.

Eyes facing each other.

Her blue eyes looked particularly charming.

His eyes were clear, and there was no trace of scheming in them.

The current White Queen must also have some mental problems.

Her wisdom was also stolen.

But Su Bai's portrait had an obvious effect.

She handed the paper to Su Bai.

and didn't speak.

Su Bai understood what she meant, took the paper, and came to her side.

This is the first time I have been so close to the White Queen.

Su Bai didn't get too close. The White Queen should have some kind of witchcraft on her body. Anyone who dared to touch her would turn into a sheep.

I don’t know if this witchcraft is passive or active.

Su Bai put the piece of paper on the table, and Queen Bai looked over.

"Do you still remember what your face looks like?"

Su Bai asked.

The White Queen shook her head.

Can not remember?

That's right, her face was stolen.

She doesn't remember.

But this kind of inability to remember has a prerequisite.

If she saw her own face, she would be reminded of hers.

Otherwise, the portrait Su Bai drew would not be useful.

"Okay, let's do it bit by bit. You tell me first, is this the way it is here?"

Su Bai took out the pen and pointed it at her forehead.

The White Queen looked at her forehead, then nodded.


The forehead is correct.

"Where's the nose?"

Su Bai asked.

The White Queen shook her head at this point.

The nose is wrong.

"Is it too big or too small? If it's too big, just nod. If it's too small, just shake your head."

Su Bai said again.

The White Queen didn't know why she didn't speak.

If she didn't speak, it was naturally impossible for Su Bai to ask her to speak.

Therefore, Su Bai communicated in the simplest way.

Nod, shake your head.

The White Queen nodded.

That's big.

Su Bai asked a few more questions about the nose.

After asking about it, Su Bai took out the eraser, erased the nose he had drawn before, and then started drawing it with a pencil.

Only a few minutes passed before Su Bai successfully finished the painting.

"Is that so?"

Su Bai asked.

The White Queen looked at it for a few seconds, then pointed somewhere.

Su Bai understood.

It was changed twice more, and this time, finally, the White Queen nodded.


The nose is done!

Compared with what Su Bai painted before, the changes are actually not big, just some minor changes.

After fixing the nose, Su Bai changed it to Queen Bai's lips in the portrait.

However, there is no need to change anything this time.

Because the lips she painted happened to match the White Queen's.

The style of the lips has not changed much, and there are some subtle differences. Su Bai has painted them more than 80 times before.

This one finally hit the mark.

Then there are the brows and face shape.

Su Bai asked while changing.

The White Queen was very cooperative.

Her cooperation was limited to nodding or shaking her head, and occasionally she would point out Su Bai's mistakes.

With her cooperation, by the time it was almost dark, finally, the entire portrait had been completely perfected.

The White Queen's eyes lit up completely when she looked at the portrait.


This portrait is exactly the same as her image.

"You successfully drew a key portrait, with career points +1, career proficiency +50, and the White Queen's approval +15."

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

This portrait is indeed the same.

Then, Su Bai saw that Queen Bai's face had changed.

It looked like she was preparing to change back to her own face.

However, this time, her face did not change for a long time, but it still failed.

The White Queen has not given up, and is still changing.

"Your face should be sealed by the magic mirror. Don't worry, I will bring it to you tomorrow so that you can have your own face."

Su Bai said to Queen Bai.

She couldn't restore her face, probably for this reason.

Although Su Bai had already drawn her face, it reminded her of her own face.

But it was difficult for her to change back to her own face.

Because her two sisters stole her face with a magic mirror and sealed her face.

Of course she can't go back.

After hearing Su Bai's words, Queen Bai finally gave up the change.

Because no matter how she changes, she can't change back.

"Please believe me, I will definitely bring it tomorrow morning."

Su Bai looked at Queen Bai and said seriously.

Queen Bai looked at Su Bai blankly for a few seconds.

Then she nodded.

This is choosing to believe in Su Bai.

"Okay, I'm leaving first, time is running out."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he turned and left Queen Bai's room.

Soon, Su Bai came to 318, which was Feng Jiu's room.

He handed the portrait to Feng Jiu.

"I need this painting early tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

Feng Jiu glanced at the portrait given by Su Bai and said, "No problem."


Su Bai looked at the time and saw that it was getting dark.

If you don't leave, the undead security guards will come to chase you away.

So, Su Bai left Fengjiu's room and returned to the players' accommodation area.

The other 17 players are still alive thanks to Su Bai.

Only two unlucky guys died on the first day.

When these players saw Su Bai, they were more enthusiastic than the other.

"Su Bai, the head nurse is urging us, saying that we still have a few wards that have not been cleaned, and it has exceeded the stipulated time. We must clean them before tomorrow."

A player said to Su Bai with a sad face.

Until now, there were still more than a dozen wards that Su Bai had not entered.

However, some wards are relatively clean and do not require much cleaning.

Su Bai said: "It doesn't matter, I will go to those wards tomorrow."

Several players were relieved after hearing Su Bai's words.

Speechless all night.

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