Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Terror Resurrection: Madam, please respect my profession Chapter 245

After discussing it at the desk lamp, it was already evening.

Players are very happy, tomorrow is the last day.

"After tomorrow, the problem won't be big. I hope you can cooperate with me."

In the evening, Su Bai talked about letting these players stay a few more days.

"No problem, Su Bai. If it weren't for you, we would be dead. I will fully support you."

"I will also support it. As long as there is no one around, staying a few more days is a good thing for us~"


Unsurprisingly, players were supportive.

Early the next morning, Su Bai went to Bai Luo Nu first.

"Husband, I remembered, 55~"

As soon as Su Bai entered the room, Bai Luonv rushed towards him.

"Do you remember everything?"

Su Bai asked.

Bai Luonv nodded: "Yes, I have remembered everything. I have remembered everything~"

"You successfully completed a productive psychological and physical treatment, dual professional proficiency"

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

It seems that he really remembered it.


Why does she still call her husband?

Are you used to calling your husband?

"Do you think of Hong Luo Nu?"

Su Bai asked.

Bai Luo Nu nodded: "She is me. Our situation is very different from human split personality. When I encountered a powerful blood spirit attack, it took too long to restore the evil spirit form, so I The problem has two sides."

She explained.

Su Bai understood.

It'll be nice if you remember it.

Now, the Red Luo Girl can be summoned.

Therefore, Su Bai chose to summon through the mark of Hong Luo Nu.

Following Su Bai's call, Hong Luo Nu appeared in this ward soon.

"Hehe, brother, you didn't disappoint me~"

Hongluo girl just appeared and started teasing Su Bai again.

Then, she looked at Shiro Nu.

Eyes facing each other.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai saw that her and Bai Luonv's bodies felt lighter at the same time.

The next second, light appeared on both of them.

One white light and one red light.

The two groups of light quickly overlapped.

When all the light dissipated, Su Bai took a look.

Bailuo Nu has disappeared.

Hong Luo Nu has also changed.

She still looked so enchanting, but the color of her hair suddenly appeared a touch of silvery white at the ends.

The current red 3.9 Luo Nu should be completely complete.

"You successfully completed Mukaris's commission and received an additional score of +5, Mukaris' gratitude +1, and Mukaris' heartbeat +50."

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

Hongluo Nu's mission was successfully completed.

The extra score of 5 points is the same as Su Bai guessed.

"Hehe, husband, thank you this time~~ I can't go back directly now, and it will take some time to recover. When I get out, I will thank you again~"

Hongluo girl smiled "hehe" and said.

But as soon as she said it, she realized something was wrong.

After she and Bai Luonv became one, she still liked to flirt with Su Bai, but Bai Luonv's element also played a role.


Subconsciously, he called Su Bai husband and called herself his wife.

Looking at it this way, I’m really used to calling my husband~

"Hey, I let you take advantage~ It doesn't count as taking advantage~ Why does the other side of me like you so much~"

Hong Luo female said.

Now, her personality has really changed.

Now she and Shiro Nu have just become one, and as time goes by, the changes will be even greater.

However, I guess I can't change my love for teasing Su Bai.

In addition, people like Hongluo Nu can't go back directly now.

Unlike before, she had to go back when the summoning time came.

Because she and Bai Luonv became one, she had to break out if she wanted to go back.

PS: Please vote for me! .

173 The key is in hand! Feng Jiu's cross-dungeon mission! Authentic two famous doctors! (asking for monthly ticket)

"It seems that you are planning to cause trouble here? Anyway, my wife and sister, I will stay here for a day or two. Then my wife will listen to you, husband~"

Hong Luo Nu blinked her eyes and said.

Now, after she merged with Bai Luonv, their personalities and feelings for Su Bai were also integrated.

Even though she was paying attention, the words wife and husband would still pop up from time to time when she was talking.

Later, the Hong Luo girl simply stopped correcting her.

Su Bai was about to speak.

The sound of the door opening sounded.

"Today is a leadership inspection. Don't show any abnormality."

Su Bai said.

"I know~Husband~"

The red girl's hair quickly turned silver-white.

While Hong Luo Nu was talking, Su Bai felt that Bai Luo Nu had changed back again.

It seems that although they are two-in-one, the two personalities of the red girl and the white girl are not yet completely integrated.

Although Hong Luo Nu also likes Su Bai very much and likes to tease Su Bai at every turn.

But the character of Bai Luonv regarded Su Bai as her husband.

Su Bai took out the broom.

As soon as I took out the broom, the door opened.

Su Bai took a look and saw that other doors were also opened.

"Hey, why are you still cleaning here? The leader is coming to inspect. Go down to the hall~"

A ghost nurse came in and said after seeing Su Bai.

Su Bai said "Oh", gave Hongluo a wink, and left the room.

It seems that the horrible beings in other rooms have been invited out by these ghost nurses.

Su Bai took a look and saw that Queen Bai was also in front.

Soon, everyone arrived in the lobby on the first floor.

Su Bai saw that a group of people had already arrived on one side of the hall on the first floor.

It seemed that before the patients came out, all the leaders who came to check had already come in.

This mental hospital is indeed quite strict.

Previously, players appeared outside the main building at the beginning, and the door was opened once, but at that time the patients were all locked up in their respective hospitals.

Su Bai saw that this group of people were basically undead.

Among them, Su Bai saw a 17 undead spirit whose whole body was covered with death energy, like a black shadow.

This should be the leader who came to inspect this time.

The patients all walked down under the leadership of the ghost nurses.

Su Bai was looking at it silently.

Then, he activated his "case-solving" skill again.

"The case has been solved successfully. You have obtained the whole story: the key to the outside door does not belong to anyone in the hospital. All doctors and nurses in the hospital are not allowed to go in or out. There is one to guard the terrifying life, and the housekeeper next to the undead leader also has one. ."

"You successfully used skills to gain career points"

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

"So, it's all thanks to this leadership inspection."

After reading the prompt, Su Bai thought.

The key to the main building is on Dr. Gao's body, but the keys to the outer door are only in two places.

One is the terrifying life that sits here.

The other one is an undead housekeeper next to the undead leader who came to check this time.

Su Bai looked at the undead next to the undead leader.

This guy is the undead butler.

The key is with him.

In the hall, most of the horrible beings came down.

49 horrific lives, no more, no less.

The players are also here.

"Why are there so many people left this time?"

When he saw that there were so many players, an undead man next to the undead leader said softly.

There are indeed enough players left this time.

Only two died.

The other people looked miserable. Many of them had bruises on their noses and faces, and all of them were injured. Several players were hung up with white cloths on their arms.

It looked like his arm was broken.

Even Su Bai's eyes looked swollen.

It's not really hurt.

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