Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Terror Resurrection: Madam, please respect my profession Chapter 248

"Hello, brother, do you think I'm cool?"

The desk lamp flew in front of a dark figure and emitted a dazzling light.

This black shadow has gone completely crazy.

Being stimulated like this by the desk lamp, I immediately lost my ability.


The black shadow roared angrily and lunged towards the lamp.

The desk lamp flew away with a curse, and then ran to stimulate several other terrifying beings who were also crazy.

Those terrifying beings were stimulated by the desk lamp.

Suddenly everyone became furious and rushed towards the lamp.

In the hall, the desk lamp suddenly became the target of public criticism.

"Hahaha, tear him apart~"

"You've been playing tricks on the desk lamp every day, and now you've been punished~"


The other patients gathered around to watch and booed.

When the ghost nurses and ghost security guards at the edge of the hall saw this scene, they didn't pay too much attention.

The desk lamp flew quietly towards the door~

The other patients also followed.

Those terrifying beings who had fallen into a state of madness also rushed towards the desk lamp.

Everyone's eyes were red, and they wanted to tear the lamp into pieces.

"After the ball is over, I don't want to be a desk lamp anymore!"

The desk lamp shouted and instantly turned into a key!

Then, he suddenly got into the keyhole of the door and turned it hard.


The door's lock was unlocked.

Those terrifying beings who were in a state of madness did not stop the car, but also crashed into it, knocking open the door of the main building in one fell swoop.

"It's now!"

Su Bai drank lightly.

There are many undead security guards outside the gate!

But this time, it was a surprise attack.

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, dozens of patients suddenly rushed out of the door.

"Hehe~ Brother, remember to call sister when you go back~"

Hong Luo Nu chuckled and rushed out.

There are also many undead security guards guarding the main building outside the gate.

When these undead security guards saw the patients rushing towards them, faint will-o'-the-wisps suddenly appeared in their eyes.

As undead, as expected, emotional fluctuations do not exist for them.

Each of these undead security guards had huge scythes in their hands, slashing at the many patients.

I saw a fierce ghost who was not careful and was struck by a sickle, and his body was broken into two halves.

The fierce ghost screamed in pain and recovered his body, but he was much weaker.

Next to him, other patients had already pounced on him, tearing the undead security guard into pieces.

With the combined efforts of dozens of patients and being caught off guard, there was no way they could stop the undead security guards outside the main building's gate!

It was quickly torn to pieces.

Those patients who were completely crazy had all forgotten their desk lamps.

Although they were crazy, they wanted to escape now that they could escape.

They all rushed to the gate with the large army.


A quick and loud bell rang.

More undead security guards rushed out of the main building.

Hongluo Nu had already rushed to the gate, and with a fierce attack, many of the undead security guards guarding there were killed at the same time.

"She is so strong!"

Su Bai watched from a distance.

Hongluo Nu's strength is probably already at the duke level.

This strength is quite powerful.

There are a lot of undead security guards at the gate outside, hundreds of them.

These undead security guards are also quite special. The security captain inside has reached the Marquis level in strength.

As soon as Hongluo Nu took action, she and the security captain were easily killed!

Several other security captains rushed towards Hong Luo Nu.

But at this time, a security captain suddenly turned into a little white sheep!

Become a sheep!

The White Queen takes action.

Su Bai took a look and found that it was indeed the case.

I saw the White Queen walking gracefully among the patients, her sexy lips moving lightly, mumbling words, and her hands forming curse seals. Following her movements, a large number of undead security guards turned into sheep.

This is simply comparable to a human-shaped sheep knife with no CD, or in other words, an extremely short CD!

There was also an undead security guard who was possessed by some unknown evil and attacked his companions.

"It should be Fengjiu."

Su Bai whispered.

This is Feng Jiu's hallucinogenic ability.

"Grandson~Grandma is gone~Grandma doesn't know if I can see you again~"

At this time, the old lady came to Su Bai with red eyes and looked at Su Bai reluctantly.

"Go ahead, grandma."

Su Bai said softly.

This old lady has been cured by her long ago, but now she is still willing to regard Su Bai as her grandson who has long since disappeared.

"Grandson, this is for you. This is grandma's little savings."

The old lady couldn't help but put a handkerchief into Su Bai's hand.


Su Bai was not prepared to ask for it.

Although this old lady was a ghost, she was pitiful enough. How could Su Bai want the money she gave her?

"It's not money, it's a little gift from grandma. Grandma is rich."

The old lady forced it into Su Bai's hand.

"You get a gift."

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

At this moment.

Outside, Hongluo Nu has opened the way to the gate.

The desk lamp turned into the key to the door outside, and he had already rushed over.

It plunged into the keyhole at once.

"Haha, I didn't expect that being a key would be so fun~"

The lamp laughed.

The door opened suddenly.

Seeing the door open, many patients were about to rush out, suddenly.

A black figure suddenly fell from the sky.

As soon as the figure appeared, his body suddenly grew larger and blocked the door instantly.

He was holding a huge scythe in his hand, exuding a terrifying aura, and the scythe in his hand slashed at Hong Luo Nu.

At the same time, more undead security guards rushed over.

Seeing the black undead blocking the door, the old lady sighed: "Grandson, grandma is gone. If you have a chance in the future, you must remember to visit grandma~"

After saying that, the old lady walked outside.

A team of undead security guards stopped her, but before they pounced in, the team of undead security guards instantly decayed. In a short period of time, they seemed to have withered.

The undead security captain in the main building, who was equivalent to a marquis level, was originally heading towards the patient. When he saw this, he rushed towards the old lady with a huge scythe in his hand.


Su Bai shouted.

Seeing that the sickle was about to hit the old lady, the old lady's eyes showed sadness.

Then, when the sickle approached the old lady, it melted instantly like chocolate with a temperature of several hundred degrees!

Then, the marquis-level undead security guard also melted away!

Good guy!

This old lady is actually so powerful!

Either she is at the peak of the Marquis level, or this old lady is also at the Duke level?

The possibility of reaching the peak of Marquis level is greater.

But it is enough to show that the strength of this old lady who used to be in the hospital and was stupid all day long and recognized everyone she saw was terrifying!

And there seem to be a few patients with her level of strength!

However, these patients were crazy before, and they were caught by the people from Mental Hospital No. 15 before they could show much of their abilities.

A terrifying life with mental problems, no matter how strong you are, you still have a lot of weaknesses!

For example, the old man who likes to hide and seek is not weak at all.

Although not all of them are like this, if there are only a few like this among dozens of patients, it would be serious.

Now, after these patients were initially cured by Su Bai, the power they unleashed one by one was quite astonishing!

The black undead spirit holding a huge scythe was instantly dumbfounded.

Because although there were many undead security guards rushing behind, these undead security guards could not stop the rampaging patients at all.

"Hehe, you can't stop me~"

Hong Luo Nu was a little passive when facing the black undead spirit.

She could actually just run away.

But she has to cooperate with Su Bai to let all these patients escape.

At this time, other patients also took action against the black undead.

The White Queen began to chant a spell to the black undead. The black undead sensed the threat, and the death energy in her body exploded.

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