Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Terror Resurrection: Madam, please respect my profession Chapter 250

But the people in the mental hospital were able to capture all those patients in different terrifying worlds.

Then these patients can also go back on their own.

It’s just that the time required may be long or short.

As Su Bai used the invitation letter, he soon appeared outside Mingyue Villa.

"Madam, sir is here~"

Maid Xiaohe's voice sounded.

The door of Mingyue Villa is open, and Liu Yiyi has already been waiting here in person.


Seeing Su Bai, Liu Yiyi's face showed a happy look.

If there weren't so many people here, she would have pounced on them.

No, it doesn’t actually matter if there are many people.

Liu Yiyi's main concern was the ancestor of the Wang family.

If she had enough strength to fight against the other party, or not rely on the other party at all, Liu Yiyi would not be afraid to disclose her relationship with Su Bai at all.


Although Liu Yiyi was summoned in Mental Hospital No. 15 a few days ago.

But that summons didn't last long.

Su Bai also felt a little nostalgic for this beautiful lady.

After calling Liu Yiyi's name, Su Bai asked about the business: "What's wrong with Miss Ying?"

"Sir, please come with me. This matter is a bit urgent, that's why I'm so anxious to summon you."

Liu Yiyi said.

"Let me tell you the details, sir. Let's talk as we walk~"

The old zombie under Ying Rui said.

Seeing this, Su Bai followed them into Mingyue Villa.

Liu Yiyi took Su Bai on a path that only the Wang family could take, heading towards the depths of Mingyue Villa.

"After getting help from the husband, the young lady decided to use a winner's secret method to attack the golden body. This secret method should be known to the gentleman."

The old zombie said.

Su Bai knew for sure because Ying Rui told Su Bai the secret method.

After Su Bai incorporated it into the ghost teacher's "knowledge base", he passed it on to Yingrui through teaching.

As a result, Yingrui successfully mastered this secret method.

It would take a long time for her to fully understand this secret method by herself.

"Thanks to Mrs. Liu's help, Mrs. Liu provided the young lady with precious medicinal materials worth 200,000 yuan. After her husband left, the young lady began to use these medicinal materials and the winner's secret method, hoping to achieve a golden body in a short time.

It happened that there was a very dark place underground in Mingyue Villa. The young lady's attack was originally very smooth, but at the critical moment, something went wrong. She was too impatient. "

The old zombie sighed and said.

Really impatient!

It has only been about half a month since Su Bai left Mingyue Villa.

In half a month, he wanted to go from the Silver Moon Corpse King to the Golden Moon Corpse realm, Ying Rui. This was beyond the ordinary impatience.

"However, you can't blame Miss. The winner's people are looking for Miss everywhere. It is said that they have even dispatched secret guards. If this continues, Miss will be found by them sooner or later."

The old zombie said.

Secret guard!

Su Bai heard Ying Rui talk about it, this is a secret army of the winner!

Mainly responsible for detecting intelligence and assassination.

The zombies inside are not weak.

Ying Rui's appearance in Ruyi Tower is not a secret.

If the winner's secret guard follows this line, there is a certain possibility of finding Mingyue Villa.

During the battle at Mingyue Villa, the Wang family's momentum surged. In this battle, Su Bai's role was also key.

This point, after being spread through some participating zombies, is impossible to hide from the winner.

Look at it this way.

The possibility of the winner coming to Mingyue Villa is really not small!

It just depends on the specific time.

That's why Yingrui is so impatient.

He actually wanted to rush towards the golden moon corpse in one go!


As long as there are enough resources.

In addition, he has a thorough understanding of the secrets of corpse refining.

It was only a matter of time before Yingrui rushed to the golden moon corpse.

In particular, the secret method of the winner is to quickly attack the golden moon corpse.

It's just that kind of secret method that can only be understood but cannot be explained in words. You can only understand it yourself.

For those who know it, it is difficult to pass it on to others.

But Su Bai can do it.

In addition, Liu Yiyi used the resources of the Wang family to provide Yingrui with medicinal materials worth 200,000 yuan.

Yingrui decided decisively to attack the golden body!

As long as she can reach the golden body, she will have enough confidence even if the winner comes to find her.

Now that she is golden, the winner is unlikely to marry her again!


Something went wrong.

More haste less speed.

Yingrui naturally understands this truth, but she has no other way.

Unless she no longer stays at Mingyue Villa.

However, if the winner really wants to find her, he still has some tricks up his sleeve.

It just takes a little more time.

But there's a chance she'll be found sooner or later.

Therefore, the problem cannot be solved once and for all.

When the old zombie finished speaking, the place arrived.

The place where Ying Rui is located is underground at Mingyue Villa.

This place itself is also a very gloomy place.

It is still the kind that has never been announced to the outside world.

The Wang family's business is too big and its resources are too good, but its strength is weak.

It's like a little child holding a big gold brick in his hand.

Do you think others are tempted?

Therefore, apart from Liu Yiyi, only the ancestor of the Wang family knew about this extremely gloomy place.

The ancestor of the Wang family is on a Yinquan.

And Yingrui came to another dark spring underground.

When Su Bai arrived, he found that Ying Rui was sitting there, with evil aura constantly changing on her body.

In her evil aura, blood flashed from time to time.

Su Bai didn't say anything and started the consultation.

Sure enough, something went wrong!

The problem is not small.

"Sir, you see, the lady's evil aura is already unstable, and we don't dare to disturb her. I have no choice but to ask Mrs. Liu to inform the sir."

The old zombie said.

"It doesn't matter, you go out first and don't let anyone come in."

Su Bai said to the old zombie and Liu Yiyi.

"Okay, sir, I'll stay outside."

The old zombie naturally trusted Su Bai so much that he withdrew.

"Sir, I'm out too~"

Liu Yiyi also retreated and closed the thick door.

After they all walked out, Su Bai walked towards Ying Rui.

Yingrui still seemed unaware of Su Bai's arrival.

The evil energy and bloody light on her body are getting stronger and stronger.

PS: Please vote for me! .

176 Ying Rui’s Contract! Break through the half-step golden body! Feed back the Man of Steel! (asking for monthly ticket)

As Su Bai got closer, Yingrui finally noticed.

She opened her eyes and saw that there was a red light in her eyes just like the bloody corpse.

However, her problem is different from that of the blood corpse.

The bloody corpse took the wrong path and fell into a pit set by someone else.

Yingrui was simply too impatient.

Going too fast.

She was on the right path, but the problem arose because she was walking too fast and her foundation was unstable.

After all, she was in the early stage of Silver Moon Corpse King.

He wanted to rush to the golden body all at once, even with Su Bai's help, and also used the winner's secret method.

How could it be accomplished overnight?

Even if she used a lot of medicinal materials, she didn't just become a golden body.

If it were really that easy to turn into a golden moon corpse, a big zombie family like Winner would already have as many golden bodies as dogs!

But in fact, among the winners, there are not too many golden bodies and moon corpses.

Of course, Yingrui's talent itself is good.

Otherwise, she would not have become the Silver Moon Corpse King at such a young age.

But it can't be so fast.

After Ying Rui opened her eyes, she saw Su Bai.


Although her sanity had been affected to some extent, Yingrui's spirit was shaken after seeing Su Bai.

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