Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Madam, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 301

By the window outside Su Bai's room, a group of black shadows approached quietly.

This group of black shadows entered Su Bai's room along the gap of Su Bai's window.

Then, without knowing what was used, Su Bai's room suddenly became extremely dark.

Not just such changes.

In fact, Su Bai's room has been isolated.

No matter how loud the sound is, it cannot be heard.

After finishing all the arrangement, the black shadow was about to charge towards Su Bai.

At this time, he heard Su Bai's voice:

"You're finally here? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The black shadow froze instantly!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month! Last month's monthly ticket list ranked first, can it be on the list again this month? Go, go, go!

PS: There will be another chapter later! .

205 Prince Vera's Order to Kill! Really vomiting blood! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The black shadow didn't expect that Su Bai would notice him even though he was so careful.

Moreover, Su Bai seemed to have expected that he would come tonight.

"So what, die!"

The black shadow froze in his heart, and suddenly rushed towards Su Bai.

This guy is like a ghost.

No, he's a ghost now!

Sneaked in silently.

But the guy hasn't pounced yet.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and Duke Merck, who had been lurking for a long time, suddenly appeared and grabbed this guy in his hands.


Duke Merck sighed lightly.

Su Bai turned on the light and saw that the Western player captured by Duke Merck was indeed a ghost.

There are many types of horror life.

Among them, there are some similar types, but there are actually big differences.

For example, the ghosts in Bailu Middle School are different from the ghosts in the world of evil ghosts.

Fierce ghosts have no bodies, while many evil spirits have bodies and love to eat people.

Evil ghosts are also different from evil spirits.

Evil spirits are just bad-tempered, irritable, and have no need for humans, but evil spirits are different. Many of these guys take pleasure in killing humans.


Ghosts from the horror world of the West are another type.

It sounds the same as ghosts and the like, but the difference is actually quite big.

For example, vampires are very bad at dealing with ghosts.

However, vampires happen to have no major problems dealing with ghosts in the horror world of the western genre.

at this time.

This Western player who turned himself into a ghost was captured by Duke Merck like a chicken.

This guy also looked perplexed, he didn't expect that in Su Bai's room, 17 also hid a vampire duke.

"Damn, only use that thing."

This western player was extremely depressed.

Seeing that he had no way to deal with Su Bai, he directly used a thing without saying a word.

Then, this guy decisively chose to commit suicide.

Like a balloon, it exploded silently.


Duke Merck snorted lightly. He didn't expect that this guy would actually commit suicide.

"Suicide? Sure enough."

The suicide of this western player did not surprise Su Bai.

These Western guys, this time they want to deal with Su Bai again, but they don't want to offend themselves.

After all, after solving Su Bai, they still want to get a perfect evaluation.

So, they sent this guy who could turn himself into a ghost to deal with Su Bai.

After this guy turned into a ghost, he was already very different from his original appearance.

Once caught, he chose to commit suicide.

In this way, even if the assassination failed this time, Su Bai would not have any evidence to prove that they did it.

This guy's decisiveness is enough to show that before entering the dungeon this time, these Western guys used 100% death coupons.


Duke Merck's voice sounded.

Su Bai also noticed it.

The temperature in the room suddenly became extremely cold.

"Good guy, not only committed suicide, but also used suicide to complete the sacrifice contract."

Su Bai thought.


next second.

A dark passage opened.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying ghost emerged from that passage!

As soon as this ghost appeared, Duke Merck's expression changed.

Because this ghost is extremely powerful, even if it has not yet reached the prince level, it is probably equivalent to a half-step prince level.

Duke Merck couldn't handle it at all.

As soon as the ghost appeared, it rushed towards Su Bai fiercely!

"Be careful!"

Duke Merck rushed to the ghost, but before he could get close, the ghost let out a scream.

Duke Merck trembled instantly, unable to move!

Scream of fear!

After the ghost restrained Duke Merck for a short period of time with this move, it suddenly rushed towards Su Bai.

He was about to pounce on Su Bai.

At this moment.


A figure flashed, and Prince Vera suddenly appeared, grabbing the ghost.

The ghost reacted quickly, as soon as he felt the aura of Prince Vera, he turned his head and ran away.

But it was too late, and was caught by Prince Vera.

At a critical moment, the ghost made a trick of the gecko to cut off its tail, and it split apart suddenly, and part of it suddenly got into the black hole and escaped.

Although part of it escaped, the other part was pinched and exploded by Prince Vera.

This time, its loss was not small, most of its strength was lost, and it probably regretted it to death.

This powerful ghost, which even the Duke of Merck couldn't deal with, was in the hands of Prince Vera, if he hadn't escaped decisively, he could only be confessed here this time.

Prince Vera's strength as a vampire prince is also fully displayed.

"Mr. Su Bai, I'm shocked."

Prince Vera spoke.

"It's okay, they still have a few accomplices, Your Highness, don't let them escape."

Su Bai said.

Although this Western player turned into a ghost, he was no longer the same as his original appearance.

But considering the current relationship between Su Bai and Prince Vera, as well as the relationship with other vampire nobles.

Su Bai said that it was these Western players who did it, and it was these Western players who did it.

These western players thought that they could put aside the relationship, but they never expected that the relationship between Su Bai and Prince Vera had reached a level of familiarity.

Also unexpected.

Su Bai notified Prince Vera in advance.

Just to prevent these guys from having any big killer moves.


These guys came up with a killer move.

Su Bai did not underestimate them.

After all, these guys were sent in by Western players to get a perfect evaluation this time. It is impossible for Western players not to give them some means to prevent unexpected situations.

At this time, the other side.

The place where those western players lived.

Several Western players are still waiting for news.

"In the case of John launching a sneak attack, it shouldn't be a problem to solve this Su Bai. As long as the other blood races in that house are not disturbed, there will be no great risk."

"Yes, in case of any accident, he can also sacrifice himself to summon the ghost king. I have let many people leave in the past two days. John's departure will not be connected with Su Bai's killing or being forced to leave. "

"Forcing Su Bai away is actually the best result. If you kill him, you still need to dispose of the body."


These few Western players were discussing there.

This time they not only want to deal with Su Bai, but also deal with Su Bai without loss.

No loss means that they can't make Prince Vera or the vampire nobles suspect them because they solved Su Bai, which will affect their perfect evaluation.

Compared with simply venting anger, perfect evaluation is the most important thing for them this trip.

So, they sent the player who could turn into a ghost.

This guy's talent is the talent of sacrifice. He can sacrifice something on himself to summon some extremely powerful ghosts.

This guy's talent, combined with the death coupon, acts as a troublemaker in some specific dungeons, which is not generally easy to use.

When encountering some difficult guys, he can sacrifice himself and summon powerful ghosts to solve the troubles.

Although his own rating and all rewards are gone, he can bring high ratings to the team.

If others compensate him with something, he can grow up very quickly.

This time, these Western players sent this guy to make a move.

They themselves are naturally not prepared to show any tell.

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