Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Ma'am, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 308

Just like that, Su Bai still got down on the ground alone.

This kind of Su Bai is not weak.

In the eyes of this player.

It feels like a lonely hero!

In near isolation, one man against the whole of the West!

"Too 6!"

The player was greatly shocked.

These posts also made his heart surge.

After spending most of the day there, he was eager to discuss and share with others.

When he opened the group chat attached to this post, he realized that the pot had already exploded.

"Su Bai is so handsome! There was such a fierce collision, these guys in the West, I'm afraid they will explode in place this time!"

"Hahaha, it's so satisfying! Su Bai is relying on his own strength, and he has laid down more than half of the West!"

"It's not an exaggeration to say this. After all, this time the West's conspiracy is too targeted and has mobilized a lot of power. If it weren't for Su Bai, this time the dungeon West is likely to be able to get a perfect evaluation, and then we will be passive. gone."

"Looking at it this way, the relationship between Su Bai and Prince Vera may not be normal, otherwise, Prince Vera would not issue a kill order for Su Bai."

"Well, I didn't expect Su Bai to be so famous in the vampire world. I don't know if it will be useful to say that Su Bai is my brother when entering the vampire dungeon later."

"If you think too much, don't let the heat spread like this. The vampires only recognize Su Bai, but it doesn't mean they recognize other humans. If you spread the heat like this, and you can't produce evidence, you will die a miserable death~"

"That's right, it's like there is a pig in your pigsty who can talk and cultivate immortality, and has gained your respect because of it, but will you not eat the meat of other pigs because of it?"

"I'll go, this ratio is inappropriate, humans and pigs are still different~"


The chat group has become extremely popular.

Soon, the news spread rapidly.

Although it's not the end of the month, there are still a large number of players in the instance.

But there are quite a few players in the main world.

Each of these players was shocked by the content of this post.

Then they discussed frantically.

this time.

The sensation Su Bai brought was far better than before.

In the past, it mainly relied on the rise of player ratings and leaderboards.

This time, Su Bai's performance in the dungeon made people more intuitively know what step Su Bai has made in the vampire world.

Moreover, this time there is also an element of confrontation between the East and the West.

Su Bai easily thwarted the West's plot and cut off the West's way out.

All kinds add up.

The sensation Su Bai brought this time can be said to be unprecedented.


The player forum is full of posts related to this matter.

The various player groups are also full of discussions about this matter.

"8 games, 470 is so against the sky!"

In a villa, Chen Kuan, who was ranked third on the newcomer list, was also shocked.

His eyes were full of astonishment.

Now he has no intention of comparing with Su Bai at all.

In the past two months, he worked so hard that he still received a four-star minus rating.

Su Bai is already 7 stars+.

Speaking of it, it seems that there is only a shortfall of 3 stars, and Su Bai only took a few months to achieve this.

But for some talented players, this 3 stars is often a gap of a few years.

Now he is still on the ground, while Su Bai has already soared into the sky.

"Sister Xiaoxue, Su Bai is too powerful, I don't know what kind of shock she will be when Sister Xuan is coming back~"

At the player alliance headquarters in Haicheng, a little girl was also speechless there.

Naturally, the Players Alliance paid attention to Su Bai's matter immediately, and the staff inside were also shocked.

When the player forum was extremely lively, Su Bai had just sent away a few girls.

Lila was the only one left.

Because Lila can stay the longest at present, even if she doesn't spend spirit coins, she can stay for 3 hours.

It's almost 4 hours.

With the current fetters, if you want to stay longer, there is nothing to spend a little spirit coins.


Lila looked at Su Bai tenderly.

"The past few days, the teacher has worked hard~ let Lila"

Then, she lowered her head.

And then, on the sofa

After a full two hours, Su Bai sent Lila away in a very comfortable manner.

They also spent a little spirit coins to keep Lila for an extra hour.

After sending Lila away, Su Bai opened the player forum. After a glance, he found that the player forum was full of his news.

Su Bai was not surprised by this situation.

He came to the invitation letter transfer area again, and searched for a copy of the war mode in it.

The player forum was extremely lively.

This excitement quickly spread to the Internet.

At this moment.

An overseas news once again detonated the Internet.

turn out to be.

This time, the situation of the dungeon was also spread in the west.

Unlike the eastern players shouting one by one, the western players hate Su Bai so much.

Although this action was led by big players in the West, it was also related to the interests of ordinary players in the West.

After all, the vampire world is still of great value in the eyes of Western players.

There are dangers, of course.

However, the danger is more for players who are not strong. Strong players want to gain benefits in the vampire world.

Especially vampire blood.

This is a good thing that can make people don't have to worry about life expectancy at all.

Therefore, Su Bai's name has been spread all over the western forums and the Internet.

This time, Su Bai can be said to be famous both at home and abroad.

Although Western players hate Su Bai very much, hatred alone will not work.

I can only hate there!

PS: Ask for a monthly pass! You're going to be blown up by the courtyard house, rush! .

210 Your information is too fake! God! Goodbye Fengjiu! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Lord Anthony, all Su Bai's information has been sent back."

At the same time, Su Bai's information was also collected by Western players.

After all the information was collected, Su Bai's information was passed on to Anthony, the boss behind the scenes who led the dungeon competition.

Anthony took Su Bai's information and read it.

Around, other Western players also got a piece of information one by one.

They saw that as they began to read Su Bai's information, the expressions on their faces began to change drastically.

"He is only eighteen years old now? He has only played 8 games in total? He has joined the game for less than 4 months! How is it possible! Your information is too fake, did you get the wrong information!"

A Western player is extremely skeptical.

This western player was the one who was the leader at Prince Vera's banquet.

The beginning of this information made him have great doubts.

Su Bai was so difficult to deal with in the dungeon, he completely fooled them all.

He originally thought that Su Bai was an extremely veteran player in Dongfang.

What's more, when this information comes, Su Bai is actually a rookie player who has only played 8 rounds of the game.

Just turned 18 this year!

This shit!

They were so well-prepared this time, and they were 100% sure of the matter, but they were humiliated and defeated by an 18-year-old kid!

Isn't this a mess?


Absolutely fake!

If this is true, where do they put their faces?

In order to get rid of the negative impact of this defeat, they kept bragging about how powerful Su Bai was.


Su Bai is actually a newcomer!


Another Western player is also categorical.

This is also the western player in charge of the action this time around.

"Less than 4 months, now the rating is 7 stars +, 8 games, the rating is 7 stars +, this information is too outrageous, are you sure your information is okay?"

Another Western player who entered the dungeon spoke.

"That's right, the top rookie list for 2 months, and the top rookie list for 4 months. Even taking the rocket is not so fast. My God, is today April Fool's Day? Or is the Eastern player you bought betrayed? I deliberately made up some Unbelievable data to play with you?"

The fourth western player spoke.

None of them believed this information.

Don't believe a word.

In fact, the information about Su Bai revealed in this document is simply too astonishing.

In their view, it cannot be true at all!

No. 1 on the rookie list for 2 months, No. 1 on the rookie list for 4 months, and a player rating of 7 stars+. Just these three items, when they are ranked together, there is one word: fake!

While they were talking, the other Western players around them also frowned.

They also didn't believe this information.

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