Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Horror Recovery: Madam, Please Respect My Profession Chapter 357

"Sir, this way."

Cao De's voice sounded.

Su Bai silently equipped the ghost warrior profession.

He also equipped several bloodlines, and finally, he stopped at the bloodline of the demon fox.

Because after being equipped with the blood of the demon fox, Su Bai also has the ability of night vision.

Even if he couldn't see his fingers here, Su Bai could still see some general scenes around him.

At the same time, with the excellent perception he shared from Lila, it is not a problem for Su Bai to walk in the darkness.

Cao De was already walking in one direction, Su Bai followed behind, and the blood corpse followed closely behind Su Bai.

Not far away, another evil corpse rushed out.

Cao De took the same direction, throwing these evil corpses away directly. When throwing them, he should have restrained these evil corpses with evil energy, so that these evil corpses could not come back.

In this way, soon, we came to the second passage on the right.

This passage is quite spacious, and it looks like it was dug directly out of the mountain.

Cao De stepped in first.

As soon as he stepped in, the rocks at the bottom of the passage burst, and a corpse suddenly rushed towards Cao De.

Cao De's face remained unchanged, his body was half-dead, and his strength was also quite strong. With both hands, he caught the evil corpse.

The evil spirit rushed into the body of the evil corpse immediately, restraining the evil corpse.

But in the passage, the other evil corpses were also alarmed and rushed towards Cao De one after another.

Cao De kept shooting, subduing all these evil corpses.

The blood corpse did not make a move, and stayed by Su Bai's side all the time.

Soon, there was a pile of immobile corpses in this passage.

After these evil corpses were restrained by Cao De's evil spirit, all the joints of their bodies were unable to move, and the whole person lost the ability to move.

"Go sir, I can't hold them down for too long."

Cao De said in a deep voice.

Su Bai stepped forward to follow.

If he was more ruthless and killed all these corpses, he should be able to solve the problem once and for all.

But the chief eunuch seemed loyal to the Tiangan Dynasty, and he was unwilling to kill these evil corpses that were originally from the Tiangan royal family.

Even the evil corpses here, judging from their costumes, many of them used to be just guards and servants of the heavenly imperial family.

Not far away.

Another corpse rushed out.

In the evil spirit of this evil corpse, there is a blood-colored light.

Good guy.

This is a demon corpse with a golden body and a moon corpse!

After only a few steps, I encountered a golden-level evil corpse!

In the Shouyangshan tomb, it is indeed very dangerous.

As soon as the evil corpse appeared, it rushed out towards Cao De. The evil corpse did not have any sanity, even killing zombies.

This evil corpse is more troublesome to solve. Cao De wants to solve it quickly, but it is not so easy.

Although he is not bone-destroying, it will naturally take longer to subdue this guy without killing this corpse.

After Cao De fought with the corpse for a minute, he lost his patience. He slammed the corpse's aura with a slamming palm, then quickly took out a black rope, and immediately smashed the corpse tied up.

This rope, which can even bind a corpse of a golden body level, is a very good treasure.

"I didn't expect him to reach the golden body so soon. I hope that the one we are going to pass by has not become stronger. Let's go~"

Cao De said in a deep voice.

It seemed that he knew this evil corpse.

Although there was no expression on the zombie's face, judging from Cao De's tone, he was definitely in a very serious mood.

The situation in the Shouyangshan tomb is probably more dangerous than before.

From the looks of it, these evil corpses are still getting stronger.

The three continued on.

In the passage, corpses kept rushing.

This is just a channel.

There are so many evil corpses!

It is unknown how many passages like this exist in the Shouyang Mountain Tomb.

After walking along this passage for hundreds of meters, I finally came to a fork in the road.

Su Bai saw that this fork in the road was quite empty, and in the center of the fork, it seemed that it was also a zombie grave before.

But for now this zombie grave has been destroyed.

The gates of the entire zombie grave have been damaged, and the inside is also riddled with holes.

The materials used in these zombie graves are very strong, but this zombie grave has been destroyed like this.

"Go along the wall, let's go through the small passage, hoping not to disturb her."

Cao De, the chief eunuch, said in an extremely low voice.

Even his movements became a little cautious.

Under his lead, the three of them walked along the stone wall on the left.

Soon, Cao De got into a narrow passage.

This passage looks like it was dug out from behind.

The width is less than 1 meter, just enough for a person to walk in.

This passage is in the middle of the stone wall, just enough to avoid the ruined zombie grave.

The three of them drilled along this narrow passage. After drilling hundreds of meters, they successfully avoided the fork in the road and entered another passage.

"." Fortunately, she was not alarmed, otherwise the Sa family would have to send it here. "

Cao De, the chief eunuch, breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Bai couldn't help being curious: "Whose tomb belongs to?"

"Princess Wan, she originally slept in the tomb, but five hundred years ago, someone broke into her tomb to steal things and attracted a powerful evil corpse. Princess Wan had to wake up and fight the evil corpse, but because of this, she lost control and completely reduced to a corpse."

Cao De said.

Princess Wan?

From this point of view, she is a princess of the Tiangan Dynasty.

Someone broke in five hundred years ago?

Su Bai suddenly thought of something that Yingrui said when he talked with Yingrui and mentioned Shouyang Mountain.

That is the ancestor of the Wang family in the North, who once broke into Shouyang Mountain and gained a lot here. After returning from Shouyang Mountain, the ancestor of the Wang family only took three hundred years to become indestructible in one fell swoop. Successfully created a top zombie family.

Could it be Princess Wan's tomb that this ancestor of the Wang family broke into?

This guy is really bad.

Not only did he steal the treasures from Princess Wan's tomb, but also attracted the evil corpses, causing Princess Wan to lose control and become an evil corpse herself.

Princess Wan's tomb was probably broken at that time.

"Sajia can give you an extra piece, sir, let's go~"

Cao De said.

The three continued on.

However, after walking a short distance, a figure appeared not far ahead, causing Cao De's expression to change.

"Why did she come here!"

Cao De's voice was quite calm.

Su Bai took a look, that figure was wearing gorgeous and honorable clothes, wearing a small phoenix crown, with a gorgeous appearance, it gave people the feeling of a dynasty princess!

This should be Princess Wan that Cao De mentioned.

Princess Wan's eyes have also turned into blood-red eyes, and the evil spirit on her body is also bloody.

As soon as she saw the three of them, the evil spirit on Princess Wan rushed over.

"Oops! She's reached the middle stage of phagocytosis!"

Cao De is not calm now.

It seems that Princess Wan's strength has improved again.

Not in the middle of the bone!

This should be equivalent to a second-class prince.

After arriving at Boneless, every other small realm, the gap is very huge.

If it is the initial stage of Bone Transformation, that is, the first time to enter the Bone Transformation, Cao De can still cope with this half step.

But now Princess Wan has reached the mid-bone stage!

Her strength seems to rise a little fast.

Princess Wan has come over.

After reaching the middle stage of Bone Bone Disintegration, Princess Wan's speed was unusually fast, she rushed forward as soon as the figure flashed.

Cao De's reaction was also very fast, he quickly ate something, raised his evil spirit, and fought with Princess Wan.

"Sir, I can only send you here. I will lure her away and create some noise to attract more evil corpses. Wait for you, take your husband there!"

Cao De, the chief eunuch, resisted Princess Wan with difficulty, Dao Ban.

While speaking, he led the battlefield to the other side of the passage. He wanted to use the movement of the battle to lure all the corpses on Su Bai's way forward, so as to win conditions for Su Bai to reach the tomb of the national teacher.

Seeing that Cao De lured Princess Wan away, the blood corpse stepped in front of Su Bai and led the way for Su Bai.

Su Bai didn't drag his seat either, he took a step and followed quickly.

This Shouyangshan tomb is indeed dangerous, and now there is a Princess Wan who is not yet fully transformed.

The ghost knows that more than a thousand years have passed, how many evil corpses are still here that have reached the bones?

PS: Ask for a monthly pass! .

239 Enter the State Teacher's Tomb! Leng Yan Guoshi! Fusion of evil spirits and zombies! (seeking a monthly ticket)

In the wide passage, Cao De, the chief eunuch, fought the princess Wan who had turned into a corpse, while shifting the battlefield to the other side of the passage.

Although this channel is wide, it is not enough for battles that do not melt bones.

I saw that during the battle between the two sides, the stone walls around the passage suffered and were continuously broken into pieces.

This kind of battle caused great commotion.

A large number of zombies have been attracted.

Cao De kept leading the battlefield deeper.

Su Bai kept a distance from the blood corpse and followed behind.

It took hundreds of meters like this, and finally, the passage came to an end.

A wide space appeared again in front of it, and in this space, a zombie grave could also be seen.

This zombie tomb looks relatively complete. I don't know if there are sleeping zombies in it.

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