Horror: Seeing Through The Weakness, The Female Ghost Made Me Responsible!

Chapter 95 The Second Punishment, The Mermaid Cried! (Please Customize!)

The ghosts crowded in front of the barbed wire fence, making it impenetrable.

The Cthulhu faction is located in Prison No. 3. After the death of the brain, it went up to the prison guards and down to the prisoners, and they were all escorted for interrogation.

Prisons are rarely this lively.

The ghost prisoner pays a lot of attention to this matter, one is because of boredom, and the other is panic, like a sword of Damocles hanging above his head "I don't know whose neck the next text will fall on.

And the bracelets on their wrists deprive them of the ability to resist.

The ghosts watched and gossiped.

"I heard that guy died of a spell?"

"The only ones who play spells are Cthulhu and the Curse faction. It has nothing to do with our demon department. Don't get involved. But these two factions, a lunatic and a villain, it is best to die

"Do you also want to die and try to kill with a curse? Ugly monsters of the demon family!"

"Is there any restriction that you can beat me? Eat my iron fist of victory!"

Going to go, I don't know why they quarreled.

Prisoners from various factions are gearing up, ignited by this sudden death with violence in their chests, how many good things can be locked in?

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Noisy, shoving, loud noises, the noisier the environment, the more subtle sounds can be hidden.

"What are you doing!"

As soon as the mermaid finished saying this, her eyes suddenly darkened, and she was tied with a black cloth. Lu Ye touched the ring, and she immediately lost the strength to struggle.

No one was paying attention in the corner, all the ghosts were focused on looking outside the barbed wire, there were too many ghosts involved this time, it took at least five minutes to complete the walk, and listening to their voices, there was already a dispute.

The mermaid is nervous and anxious.

There is only Lu Ye between her and the ghost. Once they turn around and take a look, seeing her unable to move, it's not all over!

Cranky thinking is a natural expression of tension, and this kind of tension brings about involuntary twisting of the body, and 12 buzzing sounds from the mouth.

The mermaid couldn't see, couldn't move, and the two female brothers who had been following her didn't know where they went, and they lost all confidence for a while.

"There should be a misunderstanding between us..."


The sudden appearance of the flail blocked the mermaid's unconscious voice.

Lu Ye buckled the chain behind her head and said softly:

"Shh, time is precious, don't talk nonsense."

Lu Ye thought she was noisy, so he told her to shut up.

With no sight and no sound, the mermaid's world was blank. The voice in her heart told her to break free quickly, but she twitched slightly due to the restraint.

However, the sound of the ghosts arguing came from the ear, which became more and more clear.

"Making trouble, right? Demons are ugly? Cthulhu doesn't even have a body all day long, and he's afraid he's too ugly to see people!"

"When judging prison flowers before, wasn't our little God number one? Blind!"

"Isn't that because you have a lot of demons?"

"That's right! Victory is impossible!"

"What the hell! Where's the little boss? Find her to keep the group of townspeople open!"

The mermaid is heartbroken.

If you quarrel, quarrel, what am I doing!

The ghosts never expected that the mermaid they were looking for during the quarrel was in a corner behind them where no one was paying attention, blindfolded and mouth shut.

The mermaid felt the cold ruler, like a knife blade moving inch by inch, causing her to tremble, and the voice in her ear suddenly approached and then moved away.

I heard the ghosts clamoring, planning to come to find me, because of the appearance of the demon department to fight!

Fight lemons!

Mermaids can't see and can't make a sound, they can only hear their messy footsteps and noisy voices, afraid of being discovered by them, but can't help it... The two thoughts clashed in their minds, making Tianling Gai numb .

At this time, she heard the voice of her little brother No. 1, a piranha:

"It's a trivial matter, why don't our boss do it himself, I can do it too." The piranha rushed into the ghost.

The devil-type ghost looked at her with a very dignified expression when she looked at her three-pointed appearance.

"I know that you are the boss's capable subordinate, but you should not show yourself in this matter."


The piranha was so angry that he blurted out a curse word.

You called Lemon a stick hammer!!

You are here to save face for your boss in your free time, but you should come and find me!

The mermaid's face flushed red.

It was already enough to be ashamed, but when I heard the operation of this stupid goose boy, anger broke through my brain.

Multiple sensations constituted a complex impact, and I couldn't hold back any longer, breaking through the sky spirit cover in an instant!

The mermaid's face was pressed to the ground, and tears burst out of her eyes unconsciously, falling drop by drop, and the cloth over the eyes couldn't cover them.

This fellow Lu Ye is really too bad to bully her like this.

The more I thought about it, the more tears kept falling, and the water stains all over my body.

Suddenly, the shackles on her mouth were removed, and a man's low voice came from her ear.

"You ordered Cthulhu to kill me?"

"No.......not.....I didn't do.....this kind of thing! It has nothing to do with me. Ah!"

When the mermaid heard his voice, she stood up stiffly, and the last voice was indistinct.

Tsk, this is hi, I really can't stand the punishment.

Lu Ye frowned slightly when she heard her "no". He was a little puzzled, but he also kept an eye on it.

Seeing that the prisoners of Cthulhu were about to be taken away, the ghosts watching also showed signs of loosening.

Looking at the mermaid lying on the ground panting heavily, the prison clothes had red marks, like an exclusive seal. Lu Ye chuckled, looked around and was about to notice the ghost here, and turned the ring

Straight away.

The mermaid who was still leaning against the wall was panting at the moment. Although the oppressive feeling had disappeared, she still had no strength and could only barely get up, her tail unstoppably weak.

In the dark and narrow space, the mermaid tore off the black cloth in front of her eyes, straightened her clothes, and the blush on her face was very cute.

She wiped the tears off her face and walked out of the corner.


The octopus came out of nowhere, walked up to the mermaid, lowered its head and said.

"There were too many ghosts just now, and I couldn't find the boss for a while..."

"Needless to say, go back and receive the punishment."

The mermaid interrupted her, her bright little face was still slightly flushed, and her tone was very cold.

But it seems that the boss is not too angry?

Thinking of this, Octopus looked to the corner behind her, and then looked at the back of Lu Ye who had just left from this direction.

Is this punished?

Just behind these ghosts, in a corner one meter away?

Hiss, that would be too embarrassing.

The octopus was taken aback by his own thoughts, and turned to keep up with his boss.

Seeing that the free time is over.

Lu Ye came to the lawn, ready to meet the vampire girl, saw her near the exit, and walked over directly.

"Why is it so early today? Are you in a bad mood? Are you still angry about your allergies?" Lu Ye couldn't help asking seeing her angry appearance.

The vampire girl exudes the aura of "stay away from me", as if she drank a box of expired yogurt early in the morning and stomped her feet:

"It's so annoying! It's so annoying!"

What are you bothered about? You either sleep or eat all day, and you don’t gain weight. You can go out after a year here.

You are annoying with a banana stick hammer.

Soon, Lu Ye knew why she was annoyed.

Not far away came a prisoner who was yelling and shouting, surrounded by a circle of female brothers. Those who didn't know it thought it was a company of ghosts and monsters. Together they could go around the prison three times.

The ghost company walked towards them all the way, and finally stopped in front of Lu Ye and the vampire girl.

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows, acquaintance?

If the appearance of the vampire girl and the mermaid can be rated as 9.9 points, and the piranha can be rated as 3 points, then the ghost in front of me can be rated as 1 point.

The outermost circle accounts for 0.5 points, the inner circle accounts for 0.4 points, and the ugliest one in the middle accounts for only 0.1 points. At first glance, this company is a clown and a big clown, fully demonstrating the diversity of species in the horror world.

It seems that the big ugly in the middle is their leader.

What, is the ugliest leader of your company?

Lu Ye looked away after only one glance.

Big Chou suddenly said, "Is this your new human roommate?"

These words were directed at the vampire girl.

The amazing thing is that the vampire girl who has always been able to hum without speaking, and never greets when she can scold her away, is so lazy that she returned to her for the first time.


Although the tone is reluctant, but the face is enough.

This weird attitude made Lu Ye look at Big Chou again.

[Weakness 1: villain character. 】

[Weakness 2: Jealousy is extremely strong. 】

Lu Ye glanced at the vampire girl and found that she left without turning her head after answering the question.

Hey, could it be that this big ugliness can’t be bought?

Big Chou is used to the attitude of the vampire girl, and said with a smile:

"Since they are new roommates, why don't you introduce them to us? They are all partners of the Curse Sect, and we still need to take care of each other in the future."

"Let me chat with your roommate, Sophie and the others are screwing over there, you can go and see for me."

Lu Ye frowned.

It seems that this is the boss of the curse faction where the vampire girl is.

However, from the tone of her voice, is she planning to dismiss the vampire girl and talk to herself alone? B70?

"No." The vampire girl's expression darkened.

She stood in front of Lu Ye, showing no intention of leaving.

"He is a human being, and you are all ghosts, I am worried.

The vampire girl was contradicting her.

And for an insignificant human roommate.

Big Chou's face remained unchanged, but the surrounding atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

"It's just a chat. You are usually disobedient. I think you have a childish temper. What's going on now? I'm just chatting with your roommate. There are so many people here, can I eat him?"

So many people? Aren't they all ghosts under your hands!

If you want to eat, can't they stop you?

The face of the vampire girl was tense. She originally joined the Curse Sect to save trouble. Now it is very unwise to conflict with the Curse Sect.

What's more, what the leader proposed was not a difficult matter, but just wanted to have a private chat with Lu Ye...

Lu Ye took another look at the vampire girl.

It's kind of polite.

If he hadn't looked at the weakness of the ugliness, Lu Ye would have felt that the ugliness was aimed at him, but after he finished reading it, another guess emerged in his mind.

How do you feel, she just wanted to do this, let the vampire girl contradict her face to face?

Sure enough, after seeing the attitude of the vampire girl, all the ghosts around looked bad.

There is no reason to contradict the leader of the faction for the sake of human beings.

"Go." Lu Ye suddenly patted the vampire girl on the shoulder.

The vampire girl turned her head and looked at him in astonishment.

I saw Lu Ye's eyes were quiet, and he looked at her with a smile: "How can you not listen to what the boss says? You go and have a look, and treat you to something delicious tonight."


The vampire girl still hesitated.

She is not stupid, she knows that Lu Ye is helping her. In this prison full of factions, it is quite unwise to offend the leader of her own faction.

But Lu Ye is human after all!

"Why, your roommate has already spoken, so why worry? Or, in your eyes, are you unwilling to help me, the boss, with such a trivial matter?"

Big Chou spoke again, with oppression in his eyes.

The feeling in Lu Ye's heart gradually became clear.

This leader came here specifically for the vampire girl!.

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