Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 989: Cone Soul Magic Stone

Qian Jiangyue tried his best to control his body to step up the stairs in a normal way, but even if he worked very hard, he only reduced the number of times he was beaten from three to two.

The inside of the Cone Soul Magic Stone was pitch black, so pitch black that there was no gleam in sight.

This is very strange, because Qian Jiangyue has a torch in his hand, and even the light of the torch can't shine inside.

"What's in it?" Qian Jiangyue was enveloped in a sense of uneasiness, which he can often experience in movies, but he basically never encountered it during the break.

He knew that the inside of the Cone Soul Demon Stone must be unusual, but he didn't know whether he could now choose to leave this huge underground cavity and leave the site of the Cone Soul Demon Stone. After hesitating again and again, he chose to enter the inside of the Cone Soul Demon Stone.

Death is not the end.

There is still the possibility of a comeback in the main world, and he can choose to continue his adventure.

The torch was obliterated by the darkness, Qian Jiangyue's left hand could feel the temperature of the torch, but he couldn't see any light. Suddenly, everything in front of her was different from before.

"I am..." Qian Jiangyue was surprised to find that she had returned to the entrance where she had seen the Cone Soul Demon Stone.

The same position, the same angle, the same feeling.

Everything was the same as before, Qian Jiangyue even suspected that she was dreaming before, just foreseeing dreams, or she was dreaming now, in the realm of the Cone Soul Demon Stone.

"Is the entrance behind?" Qian Jiangyue turned her head and was surprised to find that there was a wall behind him. He touched the wall behind him. It was not an illusion, but a real wall. His hands were pressed on the stone, and no matter what Whether he touched the wall first with his hands, feet or head, the result was the same, and he couldn't walk back at all.

In other words, he has nowhere to go. Besides, he also discovered another point, that is, his body can only move forward in a strange posture.

"Fortunately, it seems that I did not return to the original place. It is probably due to other reasons, or that the inside of the Cone Soul Demon Stone is like this." After Qian Jiangyue finished speaking, he made the same decision as before, and he stretched out He went out and looked at the gap between the platform on which he was standing and the Cone Soul Demon Stone in front.

Some strange low groans came from below, like many people praying at the same time.

After realizing this, Qian Jiangyue set out below the Cone Soul Demon Stone in the same way as before.

With a solid back close to the wall, his right foot stepped forward, the center of gravity moved to the right foot, and the left foot retracted. The same posture was adopted for each step. However, what Qian Jiangyue did not expect was that there was liquid dripping from the top of his head. I still didn't feel anything when I touched my hair.

He frowned, realizing something was wrong, but raised his head, but saw nothing.

"Is it invisible?" He asked himself. After that, he could only move on. Even if there was something hiding above, he couldn't show the opponent. The only torches were the one in his hand and the one stored in the backpack. To prevent accidents later, it is impossible for him to throw the torch out like this.

All the way to the bottom, he confirmed at a glance that the sound he had heard before was not a hallucination. At the bottom of the Cone Soul Demon Stone, there were about a hundred people with naked torso worshiping the Cone Soul Demon Stone. Qian Jiangyue didn't approach it rashly, he planned to observe it for a while before making a decision.

After getting closer, Qian Jiangyue immediately held his breath. It was not that he reacted too much, but that the person who bowed in front of him was very different from the normal person.

These people have no heads.

Below the Cone Soul Demon Stone, the headless men in unusually neat rows knelt on the ground, bowing down one after another.

Qian Jiangyue couldn't tell whether these people were afraid of the Soul Cone Mode or because they admired the Soul Cone Magic Stone.

Just as he was about to come closer, another green whirlwind appeared from around the Cone Soul Demon Stone and gradually spread to the distance. After discovering this, Qian Jiangyue chose to kneel on the ground in desperation.

I should be able to avoid it by making the same moves as a headless man.

He thought to himself.

What he didn't expect was that after the green wind blew by him, his head fell to the ground.

what happened?

Qian Jiangyue was quite puzzled.

His line of sight is the line of sight of his eyes, but he can feel his body, or in other words, the way he controls his body is still the same as before without any difference.

Even with such a big change, the headless people in front of them still haven't changed their movements. They are doing the same things as before.

Seeing this scene, Qian Jiangyue controlled his body and picked up his head with one hand in his arms. Considering his current situation, he clicked on the status bar and found that his health had dropped a bit.


Qian Jiangyue is uncertain.

He walked a few steps forward, and there was no movement of the headless man who was kneeling.

He walked a few steps forward, the situation remained the same.

Qian Jiangyue, who was holding his head, became more and more courageous. Not only did he continue to approach the headless man who was kneeling on the ground, he also made a deliberate noise. However, no headless man paid attention to him.

He squatted beside the headless man, and then touched it lightly. There was a stiff touch from his fingers, unlike a living person. After the torch approached, the headless man’s body began to melt, which made Qian Jiangyue feel Very surprised, at the same time, he also thought of his own situation.

"I will do this myself, will I?" Qian Jiangyue said softly.

The headless man closest to Qian Jiangyue seemed to perceive his own change and began to avoid the flame on the torch. However, even in the process of avoiding, he was still trying his best to maintain his kneeling posture. It seemed that he was the one who bowed to the Cone Soul Demon Stone. The only meaning of existence.

Qian Jiangyue followed, but he didn't give up. He wanted to see what the headless man would do in the end.

Will it resist, or will silently endure everything until it melts into a pool of unknown liquid.

Qianjiang Yuejin, the headless man hides.

As time went by, the headless man could no longer maintain his original form, most of his entire body had melted, and his limbs could no longer support him to move.

Seeing this scene, Qian Jiangyue brought the torch closer to the headless man. He wanted to see the result.

The remaining body of the headless man continued to melt under the heating of the torch until it completely turned into a puddle of waxy yellow liquid.

"That's it?" Qian Jiangyue was a little surprised, but before he left, the waxy yellow liquid started to move slowly, not in the direction away from the torch, but on the contrary, in the direction where the torch was located.

Qian Jiangyue began to retreat, and the waxy yellow liquid began to accelerate.

No matter what the waxy liquid is, Qian Jiangyue firmly believes that it is not a good thing. His sight caught the stairs of the Cone Soul Demon Stone. After hesitating for half a second, he ran to the Cone Soul Demon Stone.

Anyway, it's already here, it's better to keep watching, maybe there will be more discoveries.

Qian Jiangyue had such thoughts in her heart, so, holding a torch in his left hand and his head in his right hand, Qian Jiangyue ran all the way into the Soul Cone Magic Stone.

The darkness wraps him up like a tight garment.

There was another change in front of him. Qian Jiangyue replied again on the platform where he saw the Cone Soul Demon Stone for the first time. This time, he knew that he was different from before without special verification, because his head was being held in his arms. in.

After discovering this, he did the same thing as before. His body came to the edge of the platform, and then, the torch was placed on the ground, and then his hands held his head and stretched out.

Looking down from the gap, there seems to be a light source below. However, this did not make Qian Jiangyue happy. After experiencing the first two things, he even faintly worried. Perhaps below, there are more terrifying things waiting for him. However, he still had to go down, because there was no retreat behind him.

He chose the same way as before, with his back close to the wall. The difference from before is that he can now let his head look anywhere. This experience makes him feel strange.

"Does it mean that the role of the main world is to exercise psychological endurance? For me, it is not very useful, but for actors who have just entered the **** movie, being able to experience some horrible scenes in advance may be able to improve themselves in the movie world The psychological quality of facing horror scenes or weird scenes." Qian Jiangyue made a judgment.

Exploration is not just the result. They will often be in the main world during the rest time in the future.

The main world is different from the movie world, and it can even be called a transitional world between the real world and the movie world.

Another drop of unknown liquid dripped on Qian Jiangyue’s head, which raised Qian Jiangyue’s inner anxiety to the highest point. Whether it was the first time to walk, the second time, or this time, he encountered it. The same situation, but no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find out what caused this phenomenon.

Should I lean against the wall next time?

Qian Jiangyue already had an idea in her mind.

When he reached the bottom, he found the light source he saw above. It was a fire, a blazing fire. There were many heads around the fire. These heads walked in the same direction along the side of the fire in a circle. .

Why can the head move?

With this suspicion, Qian Jiangyue gradually approached, but he was still cautious.

After approaching, because of the light provided by the fire, he could see why these heads were able to move. At the bottom of the head, which is the fault of the neck, there are countless small fleshy legs. At first glance, it seems that the head is moving on the ground. In fact, the thin legs growing under the neck are moving the head. These legs are like centipedes. The legs are the same.

Qian Jiangyue blinked, he hesitated.

When he hesitated, a little change occurred in the fire in front of him, which he didn't expect.

The fire suddenly went out.

All the heads surrounding the fire stopped. They slowly changed their directions and looked at the torch Qian Jiangyue was holding in her left hand.

"No..." Qian Jiangyue immediately realized this, and he quickly threw the torch out.

Dozens of people rushed to the torch, and the expression on each head was pious, but in this pious, there was also a trace of enthusiasm that was hard to detect, just like a mental patient who experienced the ultimate in life in madness and felt peaceful.

The torch failed to stop these heads. Unlike Qian Jiangyue's expectation, these heads rushed towards him.

Qian Jiangyue took two steps back, but he realized that he had no way to retreat. If he continued to retreat, he would only return along the same path. However, after reaching the highest point, the result was the same, unless he planned to jump directly from the highest point and fall to death. So, he looked at the bottom of the Cone Soul Demon Stone, where there was a staircase he was familiar with, and he planned to rush to it directly.

The head reached his feet, he kicked the head with an ugly middle-aged man's face in the front with one foot, and then speeded up and ran in the direction of the stairs. The human head seemed to know Qian Jiangyue's thoughts. They gathered together and were not afraid at all. They opened their mouths and bit Qian Jiangyue's ankle, trying to stop Qian Jiangyue.

The pain didn't stop Qian Jiangyue, but made him more awake and firmer in what he was going to do.

"Go away! You monsters!" Qian Jiangyue yelled, cheering for herself, even though he had experienced so many weird things that would make him nightmares at night~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but in the face of the current situation, he is still very disturbed.

Among the human heads, a unique head noticed Qian Jiangyue’s head. It was a human head with a child’s face, but this face did not have the child’s innocence. Some only had the madness and enjoyment after discovering Qian Jiangyue. . Perhaps because of the intention of feeling the child's face, the heads around him began to gather, stacking the child's face up like an arhat, and then rushed to the chest where Qian Jiangyue's head was.

Qian Jiangyue's hands grabbed her head and raised it up. His simple move caused the child's face and head to immediately lose its original goal, and he had to reluctantly attack Qian Jiangyue's middle plate. However, this had already been predicted by Qian Jiangyue, and he directly Bumped forward, knocking the heads of the overlapping Arhats apart.

After avoiding this attack, Qian Jiangyue rushed to the stairs. He checked his lower body and made sure that there was no head to follow. Then he stepped up the stairs and entered the Cone Soul Demon Stone again. After he entered the fire that had been extinguished, he "coaxed" and ignited the raging fire again. The head that had tried to chase Qian Jiangyue returned to its original position, doing the same thing as before, as if Qian Jiangyue had never appeared before. But the torch that Qian Jiangyue dropped before was still lying on the ground and still burning. (https:)

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