Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 991: once

? 5 years ago late at night, Hawkeye was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, but there was no sleepiness, not because of the loud snoring in the room, but because of what happened a few days ago. He has been insomnia for several days.

Suddenly, a harsh bell rang, and at the same time, the fluorescent lamp above his head was also turned on.

Hawkeye sat up, he did not feel sleepy, but he didn't want to be unable to sleep for this reason, but he had no choice now, so he sat up, and then opened his eyes.

In the world, wars are frequent, and the emergence of nuclear bombs has only caused the great powers to directly end and evolve into proxy wars. The actual situation has not changed. However, what is even more frightening is that people in the world have become accustomed to using war to resolve conflicts, and no one yearns for no war. In the world, even some people will be afraid. Because there is no war, these people will be unemployed and become worthless.

Occupations such as arms dealers, mercenaries, etc. that have made a lot of money due to wars are becoming more prosperous.

The organization that Hawkeye belongs to is a mercenary organization called the Scalpel. As the name suggests, the tasks that the organization accepts are all urgent, short-duration, and high-profit tasks such as precision strikes.

The selection of scalpel organizations are all cultivated from an early age, about 10 years old, and the children who have been selected through layers will be sent to a secret base for closed training.

There is a very important point about the selected children, that is, there is no family, no matter how bad the children's parents are to the children, as long as they exist, it is impossible to pass.

Scalpel organization don't want homesick children, what they want is abandoned children. Some of the people recruited were from the orphanage, and some were found in the ruins after the war.

Except for the physical training, most of the remaining time is ideological training.

Loyalty and absolute obedience.

Once there is the quality of doubt, ideological training will be carried out, and after many times, the team will also be implicated.

After the age of fifteen, they will begin to take over relatively simple tasks, and the income from the tasks will all belong to the scalpel organization, and only a fixed salary will be applied to the card used for entertainment consumption. After participating in the mission, at regular intervals, mercenaries will be regularly organized to go to some entertainment venues for consumption. Most of the time is a few days after the end of the mission and the end of the report.

When the mercenary pays back the funds owed during the training period, he will get a more dangerous task, but the task return is no longer a fixed amount, but a certain percentage of rewards will be given to the customer according to the completion situation. Normally , The proportional return reward for each task is at least equivalent to the fixed salary of the previous year, which will only be more, not less.

The only drawback is that even with so much money, mercenaries trained from children will still be under the control of the organization, but the living environment will be improved to a certain extent, only when the mercenary has to retire due to injury. Will be released by the organization, but will still be supervised. It is worth noting that all retired mercenaries are not allowed to contact the mercenaries who are still working.

In order to erase the influence of the past, the organization has assigned a code name to each child. No matter the code name is long or short, pleasant or unpleasant, the code name must be used in future life, and the use of the previous name is absolutely not allowed. Once discovered, they will receive harsh ideological education.

The code name of Eagle Eye is exactly the "name" of Eagle Eye in the organization. His original name has been forgotten, at least he can no longer remember it, and the former name has slowly become a symbol with the passage of time.

In fact, the code name will have the same name. In fact, when registering, the code name will be matched with the year of the current year. In this way, as long as there is no code name with the same name in the current year, it will not be affected.

"It's already so late, why are you calling us? Can't I talk about it tomorrow? What should I do if I didn't sleep well at night and left dark circles under my eyes?" The male lazy voice came from the lower bunk, and the voice revealed tiredness and accurate. This person has bright golden hair, sky blue eyes, three-dimensional facial features, and the sound of snoring just came from his mouth. His code name is Rattlesnake.

The code names in the scalpel organization are mostly animal names, animal names plus parts, firearms, and so on.

"It must be something important." Hawkeye said softly, his tone a little dull.

At this time, the young man on the opposite bed spoke with a loud and sweet voice, "Hawkeye, you don't seem to sleep much these days? Is something bothering me?" He has thick black hair, and his dark eyes are full of vigilance. , Like a cat at night. His code name is cat ears.

"Hahahaha, I guess Hawkeye has a nightmare." The rattlesnake laughed a few times, diminishing the sleepiness in the house.

"No." Hawkeye replied calmly.

"That's because of the unrequited love of the beautiful girl next door, but I am afraid of being rejected, so I dare not confess." Rattlesnake said another reason, but his tone was not very sure, more like a test.

"I'm just thinking, how long will we continue like this?" Hawkeye shook his head, and he told his true inner thoughts. He was not satisfied with the job he was doing now. It was not too hard or too little money. , Just because the tasks he accepted have broken through his bottom line more and more, if this continues, he doesn't know what kind of person he will become, but he is sure that the person he becomes in the end must be the person he hates.

"Shhh, don't talk, let's get together." Cat Ear made a silent gesture, his eyes were very clear, he was the smartest person in the team, he understood Hawkeye's words, and knew the risks involved. .

Ideological control is a point that the scalpel organization attaches great importance to, because they do not need creative talents, they need talents who absolutely obey orders and can bring a lot of benefits to the organization. For the scalpel organization, their ideal type of employment Soldiers are mercenaries of robot character.

At work, I do my best and meticulously. If my body fails, I will automatically scrap it. I will stay in the garbage dump and wait for the recycling department to come and deal with it.

Hearing the words of the cat's ears, Hawkeye shut his mouth and put on his clothes quickly.

The three of them solved their personal problems in one minute, and then stood at the door, queuing.

The cat's ear walking in the front stretched out his hand to open the door, and then stepped out. Every step he took, the length of his steps was basically the same.

After going out, Maoer turned to the right and walked towards the exit.

At this time, the doors on both sides and the opposite side were all opened. There were members of their team inside, but they didn't talk to each other, as if they didn't know each other at all.

Hawkeye’s team is the F-23 team, named by letters and numbers. There are 12 members in the team, 6 men and 6 women, and 3 people in a room. The reason why there is a room with 3 people is because they are already qualified mercenaries in the Scalpel Organization. Before, the dormitory where Hawkeye lived was a room with 6 people.

Arriving at the meeting place, the F-23 team members were taken into a separate conference room. The conference room is beautiful and magnificent. The configuration and placement of the tables and chairs is the style of a private company's conference room. If it is not for everyone in the conference room to have a straight waist, it may be considered a company meeting.

"Salute!" The loud voice of cat ears sounded in the meeting room, and 12 people bowed at the same time.

The middle-aged man with a beard standing in front of 12 people smiled and nodded with a slightly round belly, "Don’t be stuck with these etiquettes, this time calling you over is a special task for you, by the way, remuneration Very tall." He is the instructor of the Scalpel Organization and also the mission liaison. The instructors were all mercenaries from the Scalpel Organization. When they have made major outstanding contributions, he will be considered as an instructor. After becoming an instructor, you can use a new name instead of a code name. The name of the instructor is Jeff.

Becoming an instructor means becoming one of your own in the scalpel organization, which is one of the future ways that many mercenaries dream.

Mercenaries usually call instructors by adding the word Mr. after the name.

"Please sit down." Jeff stretched out his right hand and motioned the members of the F-23 team to sit down, saying that it was a gesture. In fact, his tone and action were more like commands, commands that could not be refuted.

Hawkeye sat in his seat.

Jeff stood in front of the display screen. He picked up the white remote control on the table with his right hand, and then pressed the switch. The next second, the display screen lights up, and a low-resolution picture appears on it, which is a satellite aerial shot. In the photo, in the center of the photo, a red circle is drawn, and inside the red circle are several small red dots.

"Your goal is it." Jeff picked up a retractable pointer and pointed to the center of the red circle. "It doesn't matter if the casualties are killed or injured. You must make sure that you are safe and sound when you get the things they transport." Jeff's tone became heavier and heavier. .

No one answered, they just looked at Jeff.

"I know, you must want to ask in your heart now, what exactly is being escorted, the only thing I can tell you is, I don't know." Jeff opened his eyes, his eyes swept from the faces of 12 people. Once, "Now, let me explain your plan first."

"You need to be intercepted near the exit of Mount Tamusi within two days. They only need three days to get out of the mountain at the fastest. Once they get out of the mountain, the protection staff in the next area will take over. By then, you will have no chance of winning. I will tell you the rest of the details on the plane."

"Okay, now you have questions. You don't have much time to waste." Jeff's voice became louder and louder, as if he was about to burst everyone's eardrums.

"Mr. Jeff, I have a problem." Cat Ear raised his right hand, "Is there any clearer information about what to escort? Is it a living body or an object? What is the weight? Is there a special smell to distinguish? Is there any relevant among the escorts? Can the technicians provide us with identification?" A series of questions were thrown out by the cat's ears, and his goal was also very clear. No matter what he wanted to bring back, he had to be sure.

"There is a doctor in the **** team, female, age thirty-two, she knows everything." Jeff answered the question of cat ears with a calm voice.

"Are there any other questions?" Jeff asked again after he finished speaking. He waited for about five seconds, but no one answered, so he glanced at 12 people again. "The reward for this mission is very generous. I can only remind you to be careful, well, let’s go if there is no problem!"

Jeff waved his hand. After seeing this movement, Cat Ear stood up, "Salute!" His voice was sonorous and powerful, and at the same time, 12 people bowed to Jeff again.


Tamoxi Mountain has a very complicated geographical environment, which is a bad place for the team, but it is an excellent ambush place for the members of the F-23 team who ambush here.

Except for the Hawkeyes who were standing on the investigative post, the other 11 people gathered in the well-shielded pits. They were discussing specific tactics. The distribution of tactical tasks was done by cat ears.

Cat Ears took off the goggles, then swept the crowd with his bright eyes. He was holding a piece of A4 paper in his hand with the plan he was going to talk about next.

"There are five vehicles in total, one reinforced transport vehicle and four **** vehicles. It is estimated that there will be a total of about 20 escorts. The specific number cannot be determined. Therefore, you should pay attention to it. Considering that we don’t know what the transport is, So we must stay alive, especially female doctors, and we must not let her die. My idea is that all men will be killed and all women will stay, because we can’t be sure that female doctors will really wear a doctor’s clothes and wait for us to catch them. ."

"After the vehicle arrives at the destination, the mini-mine will make the vehicle stop. At that time, according to the allocation just now, a group of four will approach from the front and the rear, and the rest will respond to prevent accidents. If someone is injured, stop immediately and return for treatment. If you don't have the ability to move, just lie on the ground and wait for the rescue of your teammates after the mission is over."

"After we got the designated things, we left from the scheduled place, and the waiting time was only ten minutes. The rest of the people must keep up as soon as possible. If they don't keep up by that time, we will find a way by ourselves."

After speaking, Cat Ear glanced at the eagle eye, who was still lying on the stone in the distance, observing the condition of the road with a telescope.

At this time, an eagle-eyed voice came from the walkie-talkie, "The target is in place and the call is over."

"Received ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The call is over." Maoer picked up the walkie-talkie, and after speaking, he looked at the person in front of him, "Go!"

The five cars were slowly driving towards the predetermined location. The speed was neither fast nor slow. Suddenly, there was a slight noise from the tires of the vehicle in front. Then, the vehicle began to lose control, but soon stabilized and stopped on the side of the road. The sudden stop of the two cars in front also stopped the cars behind.

In the mountains, the silenced gunshots sounded intensively. The target was not the people in the car, but the tires of the vehicle. For a moving vehicle, it is unlikely that the tire would burst and stop it, but it is correct. A stationary vehicle is not necessarily.

After the convoy’s mobility was contained, the four people at the front and the back quickly approached the convoy. Their pace was tight, and a series of gunfire broke the rearview mirrors on both sides of the vehicle. After that, the muzzle was always aimed at the window to prevent the vehicle. People inside shot blindly outside the car. In this way, no matter how low the mission rate is, it is possible to get lucky. Anyway, bullets don't cost much.

Hawkeye is still observing. He is in a distressed mood now, because the team's expected situation is different from what he thought, as if the team already knows the current situation and has nothing to resist. This makes Hawkeye feel that he is not a hunter, but a prey.

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