Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 994: hide

At the moment the grenade appeared, the scanner on the head of the robot spider had already completed the analysis. Many data have been calculated by the chip, including but not limited to the location of the grenade and the scope of the explosion. They judged that they were now within the range of the grenade explosion. After making this judgment, the eight alloy legs of the robot spider began to fold, shrank into a ball and'kneeled' on the ground, and the camera shrank a little inward. The transparent glass bounces up, adding more protection to the "eyes" of the robot spider.

The loud noise made the Rattlesnake and others regain the familiar feeling, and they immediately followed what Hawkeye said. The jaguar took out the grenade. She was throwing it to the fuel tank under the transport truck, but was caught by the rattlesnake, "I'm coming, you and them are going to run." The rattlesnake said to the jaguar in a gentle voice.

Seeing the rattlesnake's eyes, the jaguar hesitated, and then relieved, she put the grenade in the rattlesnake's hand, "Okay, here you are."

The Rattlesnake threw the grenade. In fact, his escape time was not a few seconds slower than that of the Jaguar and others, but in this case, one second is likely to be the distance between life and death. After throwing the grenade, he exerted force on his legs and quickly caught up with the three people in front of him.

Even if they escaped, they did not run away in a straight line. In front of them, there were two escorts. They used the escorts as cover, bent down, and squatted forward.

There was a huge noise behind him, followed by a shock that was completely irresistible. The Rattlesnake and four other mercenaries were lying on the ground. They were waiting for the impact of the explosion to dissipate. However, they knew very well that only the impact of the first explosion could be avoided. If they continued to hide, the robot spider man would catch up.

Perhaps there is not much oil in the fuel tank, so the power of the explosion is not as great as imagined. However, this is also a good thing for the Rattlesnake and others. They were not injured in the explosion, but only scratched the skin. , Has no effect on subsequent actions.

The four ran all the way into the mountains and met with Hawkeye.

"Go first, talk later." Hawkeye took the lead and ran.

After a while, the five stopped and chose a location that was not easy to find to hide.

"Grass, the traitor, cat ears, actually sold us!" A man with a fairly clean shave made a fist with his right hand and slammed a tree trunk beside him. The leaves trembled slightly under this angry blow, and a yellow leaf slowly slowed down. Falling down, sleeping on the dirt.

His code name is Barbarian Bull. When he was hiding in the front of the transporter just now, he stretched out his automatic rifle towards the robot spider-man to counterattack. Now he has suffocated his stomach, if the cat ears appear in front of him, he will fight the cat ears desperately in the next second.

"It's normal. In previous tests, his controllability evaluation scores are quite high. If I guess right, the advantage of selling us is that he can save his life, and the other is that he can get into the scalpel. Inside the organization. To him, we are just tools that can be thrown away at will." Hawkeye's face was calm.

The results of the controllability score will not be announced to the mercenaries, but will only remain in the records. Controllability evaluation is a long-term comprehensive evaluation, which will be interspersed in the ideological education training in many details, not like the questionnaire evaluation that often appears on the website in the form of pop-up windows.

It is worth mentioning that the comprehensive strength itself will also be considered in the controllability evaluation, because mercenaries who perform well or poorly will also think more deeply about their current situation and because of their affirmation and doubts about their own strength. Possible future encounters.

"Hawkeye, aren't you angry? I remember that you have a good relationship with Cat's ears. Could it be that you have already colluded with him? He will find a way to save you, right?" The bull walked in front of Hawkeye. He pressed Hawkeye's shoulders, and his hot eyes kept suggesting that Hawkeye agreed with what he said.

"Cat Ears will not collude with anyone." Hawkeye took a step back, and then pushed Barbaric Bull's hands away. "You should be very clear about his way of doing things. He will not collude with anyone in the F-23 team. , Including you and me. In other words, we can trust each other because we are all grasshoppers on the same rope now."

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Man Niu clenched his fists. Now he needs to vent. Usually in the base, he always goes to the training room to release it.

"Manniu, calm down, we are not dead yet." The Rattlesnake grabbed the manniu's wrist, "We just need to perform the task as before, except that the person who posted the task this time is ourselves. We will definitely survive. Then the traitor was pulled out of the scalpel organization, and let him taste the abuse." Speaking of the back, the rattlesnake's voice became more and more fierce.

"Hawkeye, how should we go?" The hoarse female voice coughed twice. The mercenary who spoke was not a jaguar, but another mercenary, her codename is the White Dolphin. She loves to smoke when she is anxious, and at this time she suppressed her addiction to cigarettes. She took out half of the cigarette pack in her pocket and stuffed it back into her pocket.

"Cross through Mount Tamusi, and at the same time try to solve the robot spider man." Hawkeye looked into the depths of the mountain, where there was fresh air and pleasant green, but there was no trace of human beings. Once they encounter any danger, they may eventually become fatal factors.

"Are you crazy?" Jaguar couldn't believe it, "Let's kill it."

"Can't beat." Hawkeye shook his head, "Since the organization uses us as a test product, it must be a new model that poses a great threat to us. The trap just now has proved this."

"Head-on confrontation is impossible, unless we have heavy firepower." Rattlesnake said. He glanced around, and there was no heavy firepower on the five people. Their weapons could not compete with the robot spider-man.


On the other hand, after the transport vehicle exploded, the robot spider entered into a defense-in-depth mode. All important equipment was sealed in a tough alloy shell. Ten seconds after the explosion, the robot spider expanded again, and their bodies were not damaged. More than 10% will not affect any functions.

The analysis result of the memory algorithm allowed the robot spider to move forward in the direction where the rattlesnakes and others had escaped.

In the research center, the researchers who saw this scene couldn't help but wipe the sweat from their palms. The next step will be the most important part, the jungle chase. They chose such an environment to verify this function. If the robot spider man can perform well in the jungle chase, a batch of orders will be placed immediately, and they have worked hard for nearly two years of huge bonuses. Will also be credited to the account.

When they got here, some of the researchers left the conference room because they still had their own business to do, and the jungle chase did not have enough information like the transporter trap. Most of the time, the jungle chase was made by people. Drowsy, without the slightest desire to watch. They will watch the important part again after the entire test is completed.

On the screen, the robot spiders have moved away from the road and entered the interior of Mount Tamoxi. They will continue to perform their tasks and execute the remaining 5 people of the F-23 team.

The confrontation between machines and people is about to unfold.

One day later, in a pit in Mount Tamusi, five people were listlessly resting on the tree trunks. They had been walking for a day and a night. Even though they were tired, they did not dare to sit down and rest. They could only slow down a little and not let them go. The knee cannot withstand such a high-intensity impact.

The difficulties encountered in going deep into Mount Tamoxi were greater than they thought. Although they had all undergone field survival training, they didn't need to think about being hunted down by a precise killing machine, and they didn't have to worry about not having support.

"I'll get some water." The bull stood up. The F-23 team was carrying food and drinking water. However, they did not expect the transport truck trap, so now they have neither food nor drinking water on them, except for Hawkeye. In addition to the two pots of water and food for five people.

They need to rely on such a little food for more than seven days, and this is just an optimistic estimate. Therefore, they have to find a way to find food in Mount Tamus. However, one thing needs to be noted. Once they light a fire, the robot spider-men will judge their location based on the traces of the campfire.

This has also been expected by Hawkeye.

"I'm with you, and the two of you have some protection." The Rattlesnake also stood up.

"Good!" Man Niu nodded.

Both pots were held by the bulls, and the running last night had exhausted the drinking water in the pots. The amount of water consumed by the five people was still a desperate rush with huge physical exertion, and it was impossible to save a bit of drinking.

They began to walk down the mountain, and the water flowed down. As long as there are ravines and valleys, they can always find creeks. Tamu Rhino Mountain is not a desert. It is not difficult to find water. It didn't take long for rattlesnakes and bulls to find it. In general, it’s best to boil the water before drinking, but they don’t have this condition now, and they need to be in a hurry, so the two of them drank a few sips before drinking the water in the creek. Pour into the pot.

Under the quiet tree, the camouflage robot spiders are watching all this silently with their cameras. They search along the trail, because they don’t need to sleep or rest, or the interval between rest is very long, so they don’t. Efforts to keep up with the pace of the F-23 team.

The eight legs of the robot spider are fully able to cope with the mountain environment. Except for the relatively large ravines, some steep slopes and other terrains do not have any pressure on them at all.

Ambushing by the stream is a decision made by the robot spider man to deal with field battles. People must eat and drink, and adopt this plan to ambush by judging whether the opponent's supplies are sufficient. Although the frontal combat capability of the robot spiders is stronger than that of the F-23 team, they are designed for surprise attacks after all.

The bulls and rattlesnakes, who had been tired for a day, failed to notice the robot spider man lying in the shade of the tree. On the one hand, they believed that the robot man did not catch up. On the other hand, they were exhausted physically and mentally. The betrayal of cat ears made them chill. , The long journey made their bodies exhausted.

Two spider legs slowly stretched out from the shade of the tree, and the tiny barrels were aimed at the two who were about to return after they had finished the water.

"Rattlesnake, do you think we really can only run? Is there no way to deal with those strange machines?" Man Niu sighed.

"Yes." The rattlesnake nodded.

"Tell me." Man Niu's eyes lit up.

"You can crush those guys by just sitting on your ass, hahahaha!" Rattlesnake said with a smile.

Man Niu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "Are you kidding me?" He raised his left hand and punched the rattlesnake's shoulder. The strength was not strong and the speed was not fast. It was not like a fight, but more like Use this action to express your dissatisfaction.

Da Da, Da Da.

The rotating bullet shot into the bull's back, blood spurted from the wound, his movement suddenly stagnated, and then his body fell in the direction of the rattlesnake.

"Quick, run, it, they are coming!" Man Niu said in a weak voice.

Da da!

There were two more gunshots, two new bullet holes appeared on the Barbarian Bull, and the Barbarian Bull, who had a trace of strength, finally lay on the ground.

"Man..." The rattlesnake forcibly suppressed the voice, and the bullet holes on the bull body allowed him to determine the location of the robot spider, but he dared not look at it because he knew that in this case, he was not a robot spider. The human opponent suppressed the anger in his heart. He turned and ran to the place where there was hiding. He can't go back to the place where Hawkeye and others are hiding now. That will lead the robot spider man over.

Squatting behind a stone, the rattlesnake chose to take a deep breath to calm himself down, and then he made a judgment in his mind, and because of this judgment, he changed his mind.

There was only one robot spider man who sneaked on him and the bull.

The reason why he judged this way is very simple. If there are three, they have all died when they attacked just now, so he will not be left with a life. Although he was able to survive is also a luck element, but if the three robot spiders are there, even if he has these luck elements, he will not be able to change his situation.

The Rattlesnake checked the weapon on his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because of the quick return, he did not carry a rifle, only a pistol, which contained 12 rounds.

"No." The rattlesnake shook his head, and then he looked around. There are many things for him to use in the forest. What he wants most now is a trap that can trap the robot spider man, "Damn it!" For a while, the Rattlesnake didn't know where to find a trap to meet his requirements.

The eight mechanical legs of the robot spider man began to move between the mountains. After judging the path, it planned to make a small circle to go to the place where the fairy is now hiding in the rattlesnake. The method is still sneak attack and assassination.

Entering the forest, is the real place of the robot spider man.

The rattlesnake was alert to the surroundings, and suddenly, there was a slight gunshot not far away. This strange sound made his alert value reach a higher position. "Could it be someone else? Or maybe it's a beast in the mountains?" The Rattlesnake didn't know what was the reason, but he knew that the robot man was already approaching him, and he needed to escape, or thought of a solution to the robot man. (https:)

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