Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1036: Slit

After Xiao Zufeng and Fable left, Qiancang sat on the ground, leaning back against the door of the conference room, breathing heavily, occasionally closing his eyes, but knowing that he could not rest yet, he insisted on opening his eyes again with his own willpower. .

The scene just now appeared in his mind.

Even if the two have fought three times, it is still difficult to judge who is strong and who is weak. Single-player duels each take the other's life. The battle after joining the teammates can be said to be mutually beneficial. The final reason for the failure is that the small diamond and the fable are actors in **** movies, and the way of thinking is completely different from that of ordinary police officers.

What the two have in common is that they are not sufficiently prepared.

No special props were prepared when the money warehouse entered, and the two special props carrying columns were completely empty. If you carry two targeted special props, it may change the situation of the battle.

Sayama’s previous attack on Winter Worm and the Bauhinia team paid a certain price. Healing skills that can heal themselves have been used, and special items have been consumed. In addition, they have to deal with the evil spirits, physical strength and energy in the Sunshine Hospital. None of them are in perfect condition.

Once again, the outcome between the two should be 50-50.

If one must be divided into strengths and weaknesses, then the narrow account will account for 60% and the money position will account for 40%.

The smell of blood slowly drifted into his nose, Qiancang's feet began to exert force, he slowly stood up, and then walked outside the meeting room.

In the corridor, two police officers lay unconscious on the ground. They were the police officers who were hit by the fable and fell to the ground. One of them was quite unlucky. The original snow-white walls were splashed with blood, and there were a few more bullet marks, adding a little sense of history.

As soon as Qiancang picked up the revolver, checked the bullet, and after confirming that the magazine was not empty, he stepped over the two unconscious police officers and staggered towards the top of the stairs.


Xiao Zuan Feng and Fable started to do what the police officers were doing before. They were searching for people hiding in the outpatient department building, but the two were not separated, but together.

Because there was no pistol on Sayama's body, and the vitality was over-exhausted, the two didn't need to worry too much about being attacked by Sasha, not to mention that the two still acted together.

They searched on the first floor, and then went up one by one.

"He was shot in the shoulder, it is impossible to walk around, pay attention to the blood stains, he must be hiding somewhere!" Xiao Zuanfeng said to the fable in a very serious tone.

At this moment, the fable no longer ridicules, he nodded heavily.


About 1 minute ago.

After a long time, Xia looked at the people on the screen fiercely, especially the weak young man who was leaning against the wall. From the first time I saw this face, bad luck followed.

"You...hahaha, I remember you, when I leave this movie, I will definitely kill you next time." The harshness in his eyes became more pronounced as Xiao said, but he immediately thought of the wound on his shoulder. , It was not an ordinary wound, but a gunshot wound. More importantly, he could not leave this movie for the time being, and in this movie, he has no companions anymore.

The mystery in Sunshine Hospital has not been solved yet, although he already has a clue, it still takes some time to solve it.

The vitality gradually faded, the sweat produced by the tension on the narrow forehead was left along the cheeks, and two buttons appeared on the screen for him to choose from, and she did not hesitate to choose the button below to enter the flow mode.

Hope there is a countercurrent! There is a countercurrent!

Zai kept praying in her heart, praying that she would be blessed by Goddess of Luck.

Countercurrent is a unique direction in the follow-through mode. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to reverse the actor's body for a certain amount of time. To give a simple example, Xiao Feng was shot in the shoulder with a revolver. If he can enter the reverse flow of time, his body will recover. Although the consumption of vitality still exists, the wound can be repaired because of the bullet. Before the hit, his body was not injured.

Several choices were placed in front of the narrow. It was the scene after a few seconds or tens of seconds. As long as he entered these scenes, he could drift in the direction of time to reach the rest of the places. Of course, these scenes were not foreseen. Because all the sceneries in it are inanimate sceneries.

Among these scenes, there is no countercurrent that narrowly wanted.

In desperation, Sayama had to choose to go to the scene on the fourth floor angrily, and then he plunged into the screen.

Hide first!

This is the true thoughts of the inner heart.

First save your own strength, and then think of a way to sneak attack and counterattack, it is definitely not a rational choice.

Ten seconds later, I was lying narrowly at the door of a small office on the fourth floor. This office is now empty. Various documents and materials are stacked on the desk, which can well block the line of sight.

"The two guys...definitely are looking for me, damn!" Said Shira gritted his teeth, his face distorted from pain, and the confidence on his face had disappeared without a trace.

He knows his current situation, and he also knows that Little Diamond Wind and Fable are looking for him everywhere.

Even though the pain of the shoulder wound made it difficult for him to walk, he still insisted on climbing to the depths of the office. Then, he saw a dark gray upper and lower data cabinet. After narrowly crawling over, he opened the lower data cabinet with some paper inside. Quality documents, but the remaining space can still be hidden.

No matter what, Xia climbed directly into the data cabinet. Then, he closed the data cabinet, and darkness fell on him.

The cold brought by blood loss eroded his brain, causing his thinking to stagnate, his attention was distracted, his memory deteriorated, and his body's various abilities were significantly reduced. It is precisely because of this that when he climbed into the data cabinet, he did not realize the blood stains left behind him at all, or that he had realized it, but he did not have any idea of ​​covering it up in his mind.

"Ok... so cold..."

Shiyan hugged herself tightly, her legs squeezed together, and her whole body curled up in the data cabinet.

Scenes from the past appeared before his eyes.

In the elementary school classroom, the 72-person classroom is quite crowded. The head teacher also knows that the location is not large, so try to ensure that every student has a suitable space. This is the limit he can do. However, one student is quite special.

His name is Fan Xia, a boy who is not tall and a little stupid.

Unlike the rest of the students fighting for seating space, this boy turned himself off between the table and the chair, and the entire position was only the distance between the front of the chest and the back of the back.

"Why is there only such a spot here?" The head teacher was very puzzled. She moved the table behind and the chair in front a little bit to each side, vacating the position. What made her strange is that the student named Fan Xia did not stretch herself. His body, he seems to be squeezed together with tables and chairs.

The head teacher was puzzled. She said to Fan Xia: "You have enough space. You don't need to be so crowded. Although there are a little more people in the classroom, it is not so crowded." Speaking of the back, her eyes were on Fan Xia. Look up and down.

"I...I'm okay." Fan Xia shook his head, staring at the workbook on the desktop, and did not intend to communicate with the class teacher at all.

"Fan Xia, you..." The head teacher put her right hand on the chair. She wanted to help Fan Xia move the chair back, but was held by Fan Xia's hands.

At this time, the head teacher realized that Fan Xia had so few seats, perhaps not because of his classmates.

"Teacher, it's not that we grabbed his position, he asked for it, and we don't understand it either." The classmates behind looked helpless.

Memories were gradually torn apart, and the scene moved from school to home.

In cheap apartment buildings, cramped rooms are packed with all kinds of things. The kitchen, toilet and bedroom are all in this small room.

Fan Xia was nestling in the corner doing his homework, and suddenly, an angry curse came from nearby.

"It's not like a useless man like you, how could I live here." It was a female voice who cursed, but the voice was not only anger, but also full of endless grievances.

"I'm useless? What about you? Do you know how to avoid suspicion?" The male voice counterattacked.

These two are Fan Xia's parents.

The scolding intensified, and later it turned into a smasher. Fan Xia, who was used to this scene, hurriedly hid under the bed, and then shrank against the wall. He knew that if he continued, he would suffer.

"I didn't divorce you early for Xiaxia, believe it or not? When you got married, you said you wanted to give me a happy life. This is a happy life? You can't make much money in a month, so you gamble?" The female voice was still in anger, and then, the sound of footsteps, Fan Xia's mother half lay on the ground, and then stretched her hand to the bottom of the bed.

"Come on, Xiaxia, come out, mom will take you away, then you won't have to stay in this kind of ghost place." The female voice tried to be gentle, but no matter how gentle, it couldn't hide the anger and grievance mixed in it.

"I'm not going out." Fan Xia shook his head and replied in a delicate voice.

"Come, trust my mother." Fan Xia's mother continued.

"You have to go by yourself, don't take my son, he is my son!" The male voice gradually approached, and Fan Xia's father didn't intend to follow Fan Xia's mother for everything, but at this time, the two of them had A common point of view.

"Come on, Xiaxia, come out, the bottom of the bed is dirty." The two said almost at the same time.

Seeing the two stopped arguing, Fan Xia felt soft, but he knew that his parents might just lie to him.

"Don't quarrel anymore... if you don't quarrel, I will come out." Fan Xia said in a weak tone.

"Okay, no noise." "We don't make any noise."

After getting permission, Fan Xia got out of the bed, and after a round trip under the bed, his clean clothes became dirty.

After Fan Xia came out, Fan Xia's mother grabbed his hand and walked out, but Fan Xia's father was unwilling. He grabbed Fan Xia's other hand.

"Let go, the child likes me the most, and he will definitely follow me." Fan Xia's mother began to exert force with her hands.

"I like you the most? I think you have a problem with your eyes, right?" Fan Xia's father also began to work harder.

"Yeah, I have a problem. No problem, why would I like a guy like you." Fan Xia's mother continued to work harder.

Poor Fan Xia was caught in the middle like this, until he started crying and his parents calmed down from the quarrel.

"Just now, I was wrong..." Fan Xia's father bowed his head to apologize, and he touched the child's shoulder.

"I'm not right... we shouldn't be quarreling, we should spend time together if we have problems, we are a family." Fan Xia's mother calmed down.

The two hugged each other, sandwiching Fan Xia.

Fan Xia's body twisted, and he felt very uncomfortable, because he knew that the situation just now would repeat itself in a few days, and everything was not over, it just entered another cycle.

So crowded...

Fan Xia thought.


A little bit of wind and fables speeded up the search, and they showed blood stains outside the office.

"It's him!" Xiao Zuanfeng frowned, squatted down and checked, and entered the office. Then, he walked along the bloodstain to the data cabinet.

"Hiding inside." Xiao Zuanfeng licked his lower lip.

"I'm going to open it, don't shoot me." The fable crossed the small wind and came to the data cabinet. Before opening the data cabinet, he took a few deep breaths, and then rubbed his hands.

"Are you still doing radio gymnastics?" Xiao Zuanfeng asked.

Fable squatted down, put his right hand on the handle, and then opened the door of the data cabinet. Inside, the narrowly curled corpse appeared in the eyes of the two.

"Dead? I'm still going to ask him what ability he has?" The parable was a little curious, he couldn't believe that Xia died like this, and in this way.

"It's not surprising that in half an hour, he used his power three times, and he probably died once. After being shot, he performed vigorous exercises, resulting in excessive blood loss and death." Xiao Zuan Feng said the reason. , But his hand did not move away, and the muzzle was always facing the narrow, motionless, curled up in the data cabinet, "You sniff your breath, check your pulse, and your heartbeat."

"Why let me come? How dangerous." Fable asked rhetorically.

"Because I don't believe your marksmanship." Xiao Zuanfeng replied straightforwardly.

Fable frowned, his face full of inconceivableness, "Whatever, if I am killed by Sato, then I will not let you go as a ghost."

"Then you shouldn't look for narrow?" Xiao Zuanfeng asked rhetorically.

"You really don't have any humor." Fable waved his hand.

"My humorous cells are already dead." Xiao Zuanfeng said flatly.

According to Xiao Zuifeng's request, the fable checked Xian's breath, and then probed his pulse, and then put his right hand on Xian's left chest. During the whole process, Xian's body did not move.

"Dead, dead." Fable retracted his hand.

"Get out of the way!" Xiao Zuanfeng shouted to the fable, and at the same time motioned for the other party to avoid.

"Hey, you won't be..." The fable thought of something, but he didn't intend to say it.

After the fable gave way, Xiao Zuifeng pulled the trigger, and the hammer hit the firing pin one by one. The six bullets were all shot out by the little drill, all hitting the narrow body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is nothing wrong with it.

"Enough." Fable spread his hands.

"To each other." Xiao Zuanfeng said while looking at the corpse.

"Have you found him?" Qian Cangyi's voice suddenly came from the door.

"Damn, you can go here? It's like a ghost." The fable was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the money warehouse.

"It's dead, I have made up a few shots, it is impossible to be alive." Xiao Zuanfeng pointed to the information cabinet.

As soon as Qiancang came over with his desk, he finally felt relieved when he saw that the narrow body in the data cabinet was full of bullet holes.


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