Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: everywhere

   Qiancang one or three people hiding in a different position escaped the second round of Zhao Xuan's search.

During the first search, every police officer was very careful. It was quite difficult to escape, but the second round was completely different. After all, Sunshine Hospital is not a secret room. If you want to escape, you can escape, there are even many. Ways, so when searching, the police officers didn’t pay attention the first time.

   In addition to objective factors, the reason for this is the image that Zhao Xuan has always established.

   Zhao Xuan is more inclined to result theory and scolding education when he is working. As a result, his police officers have to adjust their working methods and secretly be lazy.

   Time passed by every minute.

   Zhao Xuan became more and more unable to sit still, he walked directly into the hospital building.


In the mortuary of the hospital building, Xue Lan opened the door. She wanted to take a look at the body of Officer Chen Ming, because there were still many puzzles in her mind. She really couldn't figure out what was going on in the corridor on the third floor. Disappeared on the surgical cart.

   Xue Lan has remembered the label of the peace cabinet belonging to Police Officer Chen Ming. She grabbed the handle with both hands and then pulled the cabinet out forcefully.

   In the narrow cabinet, the white cloth blocked Xue Lan's vision. She slowly lifted the white cloth, and Chen Ming's stiff face appeared in front of her.

"Is it a magic show?" Xue Lan once watched a magic show. She was shocked at the time. After all, the usual tricks didn't seem to be lofty. After returning home, she thought about it for a few days but couldn't figure out the reason. .

"I can't find anything..." Xue Lan sighed. In addition to wanting to know the reason, she also planned to comfort the dead Police Officer Chen Ming. Like him, he said about the current situation. "Chen Ming, you were so confident at the time. I thought you would be able to succeed. I didn't expect you to end up at the hands of a treacherous gangster. If I knew that was the case, I would stop you no matter what."

   When it came to this, Xue Lan thought of the scene when she first saw Chen Mingshi, so she stretched out her hand and touched Chen Ming's neck.

   is cold and complete.

   There are no signs of cuts.

   "It's weird." Xue Lan subconsciously said, and shook his head at the same time.

   Then, she planned to cover it with the white cloth. Suddenly, she found that Chen Ming lying in the chest of drawers seemed to blink. This discovery scared her and threw the white cloth in her hand directly.

The horror scene just now made Xue Lan undecided. She swallowed her saliva and fixed her eyes on the pull-out pit, "Chen...Chen Ming, you...you are indebted to you, whoever killed you? Who to find, I...I’m from your side, bah, I mean I’m helping you.” After speaking, Xue Lan slowly reached out and grabbed the white cloth. When he was already close to the white cloth, Xue Lan In the end, Lan chose to give up.

Xue Lan pushed the chest of drawers with both hands, trying to push Chen Ming's body back, but somehow, the chest of drawers seemed to be stuck, and couldn't push it in. In an emergency, Xue Lan even used her feet, but it was safe. The cabinet still doesn't move.

   In the next second, Xue Lan was stunned, because she saw Chen Ming's body lying in the mortuary sitting up unexpectedly. The white cloth still covered Chen Ming's body, making Xue Lan unable to see what was under the white cloth.


   A few minutes later, Xue Lan walked back with the guards of the morgue.

   The guardian of the mortuary was an old man in his 50s. He was called Lao Xu. Someone in the family worked at Sunshine Hospital. He was idle and fine, so he got on such an errand.

   "Really, I saw it with my own eyes." Xue Lan tried to persuade her to sound at the door.

   "Oh, just go in and see, come on, let's go." Old Xu pushed open the door of the morgue and walked in.

Old Xu saw the fire chest that Xue Lan said. The number belonging to Chen Ming in the chest was pulled out, except that Chen Ming’s body did not sit in the chest as Xue Lan said, "Look, where are they? Ghost? I just scared myself."

   "Old Xu, you, go and see before you talk." Xue Lan hid behind Old Xu.

   "Well, girl's, I am afraid of ghosts, so don't come to this place..." Old Xu whispered, his martial arts novel was seeing the wonderful place, but he was interrupted by Xue Lan.

   Lao Xu walked over slowly, but Xue Lan's hands holding Lao Xu's clothes were shaking.

   "Hey, don't hold me, you're crazy..." Old Xu tugged at his clothes.

   "I'm sorry." Xue Lan retracted his hand.

The two slowly walked to the peace cabinet, and Old Xu reached out and lifted the white cloth on Chen Ming's face. Then, he saw Chen Ming's stiff and lifeless face, "You see?" Old Xu turned his head and asked Xue. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lan, when he turned his head, Xue Lan was looking at Chen Ming's face lying in the chest. Her eyes widened and she ignored Old Xu's words, because when Old Xu turned her head, she saw Chen Ming opened. Eyes, but there are no eyeballs in the eyes.

   Old Xu found that Xue Lan's eyes were a little strange, he turned his head quickly, but... he saw Xue Lan's face, Xue Lan, lying in the chest of drawers! Xue Lan's eyes widened in the chest, her tongue sticking out, as if she had been dead for a long time.

   In the cold morgue, a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from Lao Xu's forehead.

   Old Xu's Adam's apple moved up and down, then slowly turned his head, there was no one behind him!

   For some reason, Old Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then he realized something was wrong.

   If Xue Lan lay in the chest, what about Chen Ming?

   Old Xu thought.

After that, Old Xu suddenly turned his head. He was surprised to find that there was nothing in the wicket except for a piece of white cloth. At this time, Old Xu did not dare to reach out and touch it inside the wicket. He realized that the situation was not good~www. wuxiaspot.com~ hurried away from the mortuary and ran to the door of the mortuary. He grabbed the doorknob with his left hand, but the door seemed to be locked and could not be opened.

   The lights in the mortuary suddenly went out, and behind him heard the sound of the escalator being pulled out. Old Xu turned his head and found that all the escalators had been pulled out, and then he saw a scene that made his heart beat faster.

  The corpses lying in the chest of drawers all sat up. Although these corpses were covered with white cloth, Old Xu felt that he could see the stiff faces of these corpses.

   Old Xu's hand was still turning the door handle, but it didn't work. Later, he gave up the normal method of opening the door and slapped the door directly with his hand.

   "Hey, is there anyone outside?"

   "Hey..." Old Xu's voice stopped abruptly, because he heard footsteps behind him.

   He slowly turned his head, but found that everything in the mortuary was the same as what he had just seen. The corpse sitting in the mortuary did not leave the mortuary, at least not all.

   After a sigh of relief, Old Xu continued to open the door, but he felt something was wrong, as if something had been staring at him, then he slowly raised his head.


   The lights in the morgue turned on again, illuminating the room, but there were no more living people inside.


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