Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1067: action

? The time flow rate in the main world and the time flow rate in the real world maintain a ratio of 1:1 without event intervention.

After calculating the time, Hawkeye left the main world and returned to the hotel's room 306. In order to prevent the error from causing the sky to be still dark, he deliberately waited until 9 o'clock before leaving.

In Room 306, the blood-red vortex gradually appeared and then disappeared. After the vortex disappeared, Hawkeye stood on the clean floor. He looked around and found that the items in the room were not being used. Just as he was about to put the phone in his pocket, a detail caught his attention.

The first drawer of the bedside table was pulled out a bit. Most people would subconsciously think that they hadn't closed it well, or that the last passenger living in Room 306 hadn't closed it, but Hawkeye would not think so.

He received this training during the period of the mercenary. After being selected by the **** movie, his observation ability is not worse than that of the mercenary period, but stronger.

What is it?

Hawkeye walked over slowly. He walked to the bedside table, held his breath, and stretched out his right hand to pull out the drawer.

A scorched doll lay in the bedside table, and a pair of eyes that were the same as a real person looked particularly terrifying.

It's a curse doll!

A trace of blood drifted into Hawkeye's nose, and Hawkeye took a closer look and found the blood on the cursed doll.

Cursed doll still killed people last night.

Hawkeye felt something was wrong, and he took two steps back.

During the daytime, cursed dolls can also kill people, which Zhang Ming has proved with his life as Hawkeye.

The only thing that needs attention is that Zhang Ming's cause of death was burned to death. This is not the same as the death method written in the email sent by Xiaotai, and it is also different from the death method of Zhang Ming's daughter.

The reason Hawkeye has already guessed that during the day, the power of cursing the doll may be suppressed, and can only choose to use more complicated methods to kill people, which is more psychological pressure and mental breakdown.

The dead person should also be the person in the hotel, and I can't stay in the hotel anymore.

Hawkeye packed up the cursed doll with his backpack, and walked out of the room.

When booking a ticket, Hawkeye suddenly thought of a problem. He could use the main world to avoid the killing of the cursed doll, but if the cursed doll kills the pilot, he still cannot avoid death after the plane crashes.

Use the consignment method to transport the cursed doll.

Although accidents may still occur midway, it is the most likely way to succeed.


On the passenger plane, Hawkeye was sitting in his seat and taking a nap. There were not many people around but there were not too many people. Although **** movies would block these people out of all likelihood, entering the main world in the cabin was still too conspicuous. Without finding the cursed doll coming, Hawkeye didn't plan to enter the main world to escape.

On the seat on the other side of the aisle, a girl of about 10 years old with pigtails is playing on a tablet. Her eyes are fixed on the screen, and her two small hands keep tapping on it, as if she can't stop.

The games played by little girls are somewhat similar to black and white blocks. As the game time increases, the blocks that need to be clicked move faster and faster, but the little girl can still deal with it easily.

When the cube moved faster again, the little girl finally couldn't cope with it, but what she didn't expect was that after the game failed, she did not jump out of the failure screen as usual. Instead, a horrible screen appeared, one exuding a cold feeling of horror The doll was lying on the screen, and the girl was too scared to make a sound. The next second, the doll rolled her eyes and looked at the little girl, with the corners of her mouth slightly tilted, as if she would say "Grab you".

Seeing this scene, the little girl let out a scream, attracting the eyes of everyone in the cabin, including Hawkeye.

The little girl’s parents hurried over to ask what happened to the little girl. The little girl pointed to the tablet with her right finger, with a scared expression on her face, "There is a scary doll looking at me inside." The little girl’s parents heard the little girl. After what the girl said, she was taken aback. The little girl's father picked up the tablet, but found nothing.

The little girl's voice came into Hawkeye's ears, "Doll?" He turned his head and asked.

"Yeah." The little girl shrank into her father's arms.

"Children, what does the baby look like?" Hawkeye noticed that his tone was a little too heavy, so he changed to a gentle tone.

"It's a bit dark, and there are a lot of needles and threads on her body. The eyes of the doll seem to be real eyes, and they can turn when I look at it." The little girl recalled.

In this way, the curse doll sends a threat to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye didn't reply any more, he fell into deep thought. After a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone and entered the main world again.

Now, I can't take care of so much.

In the real world, he can't take risks easily, and injury can have a big impact.

In Panfeng Village, Eagle Eye found something wrong after entering the main world. The original simple village was in a posture of being demolished. He looked around Panfeng Village and found Qian Jiangyue.

"What happened?" Hawkeye asked Qian Jiangyue.

"After demolishing and rebuilding, I spent some time exploring the world outside the swamp, and found some dwarves. After simple negotiations with them, I reached a deal with them to demolish the original Panfeng Village, and then proceed on the original foundation. Rebuild." Qian Jiangyue explained the current situation.

"Dwarf? Rebuild? Cang Yi, do you know about shadow puppets?" Hawkeye asked.

"Yes, he said that I will be responsible for it all. I have sent the message to you, haven't you read it?" Qian Jiangyue asked after answering Hawkeye's question.

"It's a bit busy these days." Hawkeye didn't say much.

"Sit down." Qian Jiangyue patted the chair next to him. At this time, a group of dwarves were walking towards the swamp.

Although it is called a dwarf, the height of a dwarf is not too short, and the tallest one can reach 1.5 meters. The reason for using the term dwarf is that these people are good at building and forging, and they like to grow a big beard. The classic dwarf image has many similarities, so Qian Jiangyue uses this very convenient name.

In fact, dwarves have their own unique names, and there are specific classifications, but it is too complicated, and it is not very useful to understand, so Qian Jiangyue is called dwarves uniformly.

Hawkeye sat beside Qian Jiangyue, and at the same time paid attention to the time.

"Hawkeye, can you tell me something?" Qian Jiangyue said, "Did you provoke something terrible in the real world?"

"Yes." Hawkeye nodded, "but I don't plan to tell you that I have to do this myself."

"I can help you." Qian Jiangyue turned to look at Yingyan.

"The help in your heart must be to stop me." Hawkeye said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Qian Jiangyue did not refute. He looked forward and said, "If you need it, please tell me at any time."

Hawkeye did not answer.

After waiting for a while, Qian Jiangyue walked in the direction of the dwarf. After a while, he took a design drawing and returned to its original position. He unfolded the design, "This is my modification based on the original dwarf. In the subsequent construction drawings, the knowledge of architecture was specially turned over for this purpose. How do you see the effect?"

Hawkeye looked up at the magnificent building on Qian Jiangyue's design drawing. Instead of calling it a house, it would be more accurate to call it a palace. He couldn't help but wonder, and said, "Are you planning to build a palace?"

"The ultimate goal is the imperial palace, but I know I can't do this yet, so I retreat and build a part of the imperial palace first, and then I will complete the whole project when I have a chance later." Qian Jiangyue rolled up the design. "Don't forget the Cone Soul Demon Stone, as a resource that can be used, I can't ignore it."

"What do you rely on to let these people do things for you? The resources exchanged for rewards, or..." Hawkeye looked towards the blue thorn fruit forest.

"Using blue thorn fruit wine." Qian Jiangyue put the design drawing aside, "Just mix the juice from the blue thorn fruit directly. In fact, I provide them with blue thorn fruit raw materials, wine transportation and other aspects. They are all responsible. As a property owner, I only need to consider how to use the resources at hand."

"Are they so kind and don't snatch?" Hawkeye was puzzled.

"The two-tailed crocodile swamp is not a place where these people can go in and out at will. It took me a lot of effort to convince Qibu to make her way. Of course, I also paid a painful price." At the time of price, Qian Jiangyue's face showed a relaxed and happy expression.

"What's the price?" Hawkeye asked.

"It's nothing. At first I tried to persuade her, but it didn't work. Until one time I accidentally brought the two-color house to Qibu's yard, I found that her eyes looked at the two-color house as if they were shining, so I was neat. The two-color house was rented to her on the condition that I can borrow her swamp." Qian Jiangyue spread out her hands and smiled as she finished speaking, "now she is probably having a good time with the two-color house."

Hawkeye didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

"I'm going to work first. I'll basically be here during the rest of the day. I can come to me whenever I have something to do." Qian Jiangyue stood up and walked to the dwarf demolition team under construction.

In Panfeng Village, Qian Jiangyue scolded the lazy dwarves everywhere, with a mean face, as if he had been in this business for many years.

"Here, speed up the progress. Remember, the time you are wasting is not only your own time, but also everyone's time. All of your stolen laziness needs to be made up by other people. Work harder, and wait until you build it. It will definitely be welcomed by the girls in the village." Qian Jiangyue urged on the left and persuaded on the right.


In the classroom of a rental building, Qiancangyi's hands were dancing on the piano keys. His slender fingers were originally suitable for talking about piano, but because he had never touched this aspect, he could not make full use of it.

There are two reasons for studying now. On the one hand, it may be used in movies, and on the other hand, it is used to relieve some of the psychological pressure.

People cannot be under extreme stress forever. Excessive time will lead to mental breakdown. You must have time to relax. Different people have different ways to relax.

Some people use their free time to travel, some people use their free time to lead a normal life, do nothing and stay at home, and some people choose some exercises such as bungee jumping to release their stress. Moderate method, learn new knowledge.

Suddenly, as soon as Qiancang stopped the movement in his hand, he did not press the wrong syllable. The reason why he stopped was because his mobile phone rang.

Not the phone ring, but the message alert tone.

He took out his cell phone and found that it was news from the **** movie.

The content of the news made Qian Cang Yi a little surprised. It was a special invitation for a movie. The name of this movie was "The Manuscript of Disappearance". Just looking at the name of the movie, Qian Cang Yi could not be determined yet, but he still typed it after the name of the movie. A sequel to "The Treasure of the Burning Sea" is written in the brackets.

"The Lost Manuscript" (the sequel to "The Treasure of the Burning Sea")

A few simple words explain everything.

"It really did." Qian Cangyi was not in the mood to talk about the piano anymore. Yesterday, he asked his wife to talk about it. At that time, the wife said that he would ask, but he did not agree.

"Originally, you were the starring role in the first movie. It is only natural for you to star in the sequel. Originally, they had such a plan, but you rose too fast and the demand for remuneration was too high, so it was temporarily shelved. If you can lower the remuneration requirement, perhaps I can persuade them, and accordingly, they will also give you a certain degree of convenience."

What the little wife said at the time sounded in Qian Cangyi's mind.

Convenience is indeed there, and it is the convenience that makes Qiancang Yi a little unexpected.

The movie "The Manuscript of Disappearing" will not start shooting until Qiancang has a schedule. This means that even if Qiancang is not acting now, as long as the other person is not dead, this movie will always be reserved for him. Of course, the film remuneration is fundamental. He couldn't meet his current requirements, but his reputation value would increase with Qiancangyi's own reputation value.

This movie is an official movie.

In the past, formal films did not appear to wait for actors, and many films were abandoned by Qiancangyi because of lack of schedule.

"A little flattered." Qian Cangyi said softly.

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he also recalled the memory of the movie "The Treasure of the Burning Sea". The manuscript in the second part undoubtedly refers to the key prop "Verdra Manuscript" in the first part. , The disappeared manuscript, the meaning is self-evident, the manuscript that should have been kept by Father Marshall disappeared bizarrely, and there must be hidden secrets in it.

"But not right now. This time, participating in "Old Life" alone has caused some troubles. It is not good for the unity of the team to participate in the movie alone again. We still need to wait for a suitable time. It just happens that this movie can wait forever. Me, it also fits my current situation." Qiancang took the phone back into his pocket.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window. Below is the road where cars go. ""The Funeral of the Sun" is related to a large-scale team movie. My reply to me is to wait, compared to the first time. As far as the answer to the inquiry is concerned, it is already very good. Except for the existence of the admonition club, everything seems to be moving in a good direction.)

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