Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1073: lucky

"Cheng Xingyuan." Qian Cang said the name of his role. After he got up, he stood in front of the mirror. Inside was his current appearance. After fine-tuning, his face became more rounded and white, and he looked a few years younger. "First think of a way. After meeting with them and exchanging the information they have obtained, we will arrange the next plan."

More information emerged in Qiancangyi's mind.

What he pays most attention to is the memory of "Fuck 2". With his concentration, the memory of Cheng Xingyuan's audition seemed to be illuminated, drawing all his attention.

The audition room is a bright and spacious room. A long black table is placed on the right edge of the room. There are two men and a woman behind the long table. The woman sitting in the middle is dressed in formal clothes. She is the director of "Fuck 2" His name is Wang Qingfen.

The men sitting on both sides are the assistant directors in charge of the early casting. They are responsible for the initial selection of actors. After the actors who meet the preliminary requirements are selected, Wang Qingfen will come over to finalize the casting.

Cheng Xingyuan's role in "Fuck 2" is named Du Hongxuan, and the role is positioned as the male third.

He has passed the first appearance, and now, he still has 16 competitors. Among these 16 people, there are even second-tier movie stars who are willing to drop their pay for this role.

Cheng Xingyuan's pressure was very high, but the greater pressure also gave him more motivation.

The new script had been handed over to him the day before yesterday, and the ten-page script only featured Du Hongxuan.

The lights around the audition room went out, leaving only a bright light shining on Cheng Xingyuan. His opportunity has come. Whether he can seize this opportunity will determine his future life.

He took a deep breath, took a step forward with his right foot, and looked horrified, as if he had seen a ghost from **** with his own eyes. At the same time, the lines were also read from his mouth, "You, you promised me that you won't hurt them, you lie to me! "At the last three words, the trembling voice gradually turned into a roar, and at the same time, the expression on his face became distorted.

The director sitting behind the long table stared at Cheng Xingyuan intently, with a very serious look in his eyes.

After everything was over, Cheng Xingyuan bowed deeply to the director, "Thank you very much for the three directors for giving me this audition opportunity."

Hearing these words, the assistant directors sitting on the left and right all turned to look at Wang Qingfen.

"Cheng Xingyuan." Wang Qingfen read, looking at the form in her hand, "It's pretty good." She nodded, then looked up at Cheng Xingyuan's face, "Can you give me a smile? A tricky smile."

"The trickery succeeds? What exactly is it going to be? Introverted or exaggerated?" Cheng Xingyuan found that he couldn't grasp Wang Qingfen's intentions keenly.

"It's up to you." Wang Qingfen didn't care.

Cheng Xingyuan nodded, then glanced at the ground, and then set his gaze on Wang Qingfen's face. The next second, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and the movement of the corners of his mouth affected the surrounding muscles, and the whole face was frozen on this expression.

Wang Qingfen just watched silently, and as time went by, her brow furrowed deeper.

As soon as Qian Cang recovered his thoughts, after the audition, Wang Qingfen only asked Cheng Xingyuan to wait for the result, but did not finalize it on the spot.

At present, the script of Hell Movies has not been given, and there is no convenient way to contact the team members. Even if they know that the role played by the shadow puppet is Tao Zhenru, they can’t be contacted because they don’t know Tao Zhenru’s phone number, even if the agent can be obtained. For the phone number, Qian Cangyi couldn't quickly prove that Cheng Xingyuan was himself. Perhaps there were countless people doing the same thing at this time. Of course, these people were not members of the Hell Return team, but just Tao Zhenru fans.

Taking into account that it is still in the beginning of the movie, and this movie is not like "Night Run" which only has one night performance time, it may be longer, so there is no need to worry too much.

Because Cheng Xingyuan didn't get Du Hongxuan's script, Qian Cangyi couldn't start from this aspect.

Qiancangyi sat in front of a 4K curved screen computer and entered the password. On the desktop were a series of acting tutorials and classic bridges from famous movies.

He didn't open it, but found the movie "Fuck".

Before entering the movie, this clue already existed, and he couldn't possibly ignore it.

As he manipulated the mouse, the introduction to "Fuck" was enlarged on the screen.

"Fuck" is a thriller and suspense film directed by Zhao Dehua and starring Chao Guang, Mao Lu, Han Xi and Yan Chengze.

The film mainly tells the story of the four people who strayed into the ghost town and survived hardships in the ghost town.

A series of awards are listed below the introduction, and there is no reference.

As soon as Qian Cang clicked on the entry of the director and the starring role, he found that, as stated in the promotional film, Zhao Dehua retired in the mountains after directing the film. The four starring roles in "Fuck" all gradually withdrew from the film industry.

After initial understanding, Qiancang clicked the play button and started to watch the movie "Fuck".

The barrage moves from the right, and most of the content is:

Six brushes today, the classic is the classic.

Ooh, the second part is finally coming out, I just hope to keep this style.

Hello, 12,584 netizens who watched the video with me!

and many more……

Once Qiancang closes the barrage, then stretch your right hand to the speaker's volume **** to turn up the sound, and then click the full screen button in the lower right corner of the movie player.

At this time, the producer’s shots have all been played, and the feature film is about to begin.

The light on the screen is very dim. The lens is behind the sparse bushes and then gradually moves from left to right. In the next second, the lens catches up with a pair of white high-heeled shoes. The person wearing these shoes is running. Then, the lens shifts to the right while gradually moving Pulling up, from the wide gaps in the bushes, I gradually saw the running woman's calves, thighs, abdomen, and chest, and finally stayed on the woman's tired and anxious face.

"Master driver, wait, wait for me!" The tall woman stretched her right hand forward, but the bus in front had already left the bus station, leaving only a cloud of gray-black exhaust.

The woman wiped her nose with her right hand, and at the same time, the leaves on the bushes beside the camera combined into a few words:

Mao Lu as Fu Zhiyao

Mao Lu is the name of the actor, and Fu Zhiyao is the name of the character.

Fu Zhiyao supported her knees with her hands, took a few deep breaths, and then walked towards the bus stop. She glanced at the last bus time on the stop sign, her eyes dimmed suddenly, and then she took out a flip phone from the red square packet. After finding the phone number with husband's remarks in the phone book, press the dial key.

As soon as the picture turned, the bell rang, but it was suppressed by the sound of mahjong and noise.

A man with a beard and scumbag took out his mobile phone from his pocket, took a look at the call, then hung up the phone, then turned it off, and then returned his attention to the poker table.

The camera switched back to the bus station. After Fu Zhiyao found that the phone was hung up, he pressed the dial button again. As a result, a familiar notification tone came from the other side, "The phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later." Fu Zhiyao put the phone back in his bag, looked at the environment around the bus station, and then walked forward.

All the parts Fu Zhiyao walked by gradually faded. She walked in front, and the scene behind her slowly became the scene of her working place. Several pictures flashed alternately, all of them were Fu Zhiyao's boss trying to eat tofu. scene.

Suddenly, Fu Zhiyao stopped, and the scene in the back returned to normal. A man in a messy clothes was holding a butterfly knife and placed it behind Fu Zhiyao.

"Robbery, don't move!" The man said softly to Fu Zhiyao.

The expression on Fu Zhiyao's face was calm.

"Two hundred, I only need two hundred, you give me and I will let you go." The man continued.

"It's in the bag, take it yourself." Fu Zhiyao moved his shoulder.

Just as the man was about to take the bag, a rant came from behind him, "Get out of the way!"

Qiancang was taken aback for a moment, pressed his ears with both hands, and then reached out to turn down the sound of the speaker.

In the camera, the expression on the robber's face was very horrified, and the expression on Fu Zhiyao's face was surprise and then doubt, and the two looked back almost at the same time.

The camera moves to the direction that Fu Zhiyao and the robbers are looking at. A black horse is galloping. The sound of hooves is very clear in the quiet night. On the horse's back is a domineering general in black armor. The general quickly approached on horseback. When the black steed crossed the camera, Qiancang saw that the general in the camera had no head.

"Headless General?" Qiancang leaned back on his chair.

The camera turned back to Fu Zhiyao. She and the robber had fallen to the side of the road. The robbers put their hands on Fu Zhiyao's shoulders and arms. From beginning to end, Fu Zhiyao didn't look at the robber's face.

"What was it just now?" the robber said in a trembling voice.

"I don't know what it is. Brother, there are two hundred in my bag. I haven't seen your face, and I don't plan to call the police. After I give you the money, you leave immediately, and we will assume that we have never seen it before." Zhiyao's face was gloomy and his tone was cold.

At this time, on the ground beside the two of them, a few words appeared again, these words were integrated with the environment, so that the audience could see them but did not appear abrupt.

Yan Chengze as Qin Guan

After Qin Guan took the money, he quickly left and walked in the opposite direction. Fu Zhiyao, as if he had never been robbed, stood up, patted the dust on his body, and moved on.

Qian Cangyi noticed that the background of the two men had changed at this time. Although the original background was located in the suburbs, some modern buildings could still be seen, but now the background was barren mountains and ridges.

The camera gradually pulled back, and the expressions on Fu Zhiyao and Qin Guan's faces indicated that they had realized that something was wrong with them, but they still walked in their respective forward directions without stopping or changing directions.

The next second, the two stopped, because they actually saw each other's face in front. At this time, the camera was still pulling countless Fu Zhiyao and Qin Guan appeared in the camera, obviously back to back, but again Face to face with the other person in front.

After the shot continued, the speed was much faster this time.

The previous scene seems to be concentrated on the black hair. As the lens goes on, the back of a man appears in the lens. Although the man is back, there is a photo on the monitor in front of the man.

"Are you going?" A question sounded from the speaker, and the man in the camera raised his right hand and waved his hand, "You go first, I'll go by myself later." The sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

The camera moves forward and freezes on the computer screen. The handsome man on the screen is marked with a green hat on it, and at the same time there is a happy laugh. The camera gradually rotates to the right and then moves backward, showing the man’s appearance. Gradually appear in the lens, just like the green cap on the computer screen.

The person in the photo is the man himself.

At this time, the man bit his left finger while laughing, his eyes looked a little crazy when he looked at the screen.

The computer screen on the right gradually disappeared into the darkness. The door of a hotel appeared in the picture. The camera on the left gradually narrowed. The hotel room was hung with white curtains, and black figures appeared on the curtains, a man and a woman. The silhouettes of the two men and women are making each other.

The man moved the mouse, clicked the cross in the upper right corner, and chose not to save. After turning off the computer, he got up and left.

On the computer's shutdown screen, several unusual words appeared, which were the actor's information:

Chao Guang as Shao Bochao

There was a clicking sound, and the lights went out.

When the light appeared, the scene had come downstairs of a residential building. Shao Bochao was passing by the residential building. Then a girl about 16 years old ran down the stairs. The girl was wearing a white T-shirt, crying while running. The direction is exactly the same way as Shao Bochao.

Shao Bochao did not run over, still maintaining the original speed. In the next shot, the girl was hiding in the corner and crying. Shao Bochao walked past the girl. The camera did not move. After a few seconds, Shao Bochao walked behind the girl and said, "Fighting with the family Up?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"Don't worry about it!" the girl replied, crying heavily in her voice.

"There is a late-night snack shop nearby. I will take you to a late-night snack. After the supper you will go home and admit a mistake." Shao Bochao was not angry.

"Don't worry about it! You don't understand human language, do you?" The girl choked back and shouted.

In the camera, the tear-eyed girl looks pitiful, and at the same time, on the wall next to her, information about the actor slowly surfaced.

Han Xi as Shu Rou

"You should accompany me..." Shao Bochao's voice suddenly became very aggrieved.

The camera transitions from the wall, Shao Bochao and Shu Rou walk into the alley one after another, and the camera follows.

At the exit of the alley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a woman wearing a white mourning suit appeared from the right to the left carrying a white lantern. Shao Bochao and Shu Rou stopped, the expressions on their faces were very solemn. At that time, the camera in the picture zoomed in from the entrance of the alley to the exit of the alley, and the next white lantern appeared. It turned out that the white lantern was not a lantern, but a person's head with white powder.

Then, the third white lantern appeared, but this time it did not reach the left, but turned to the direction of the lens, which is in the alley. The woman in the picture has a fair face, but she doesn't look like a person, but like a white mask.

The picture gradually approached the white mask, and two big blood-red characters appeared in the two hollow eyes.


It is the name of this movie. ()

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