Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1078: Explore

?Ghost town, does it really exist?

This question surfaced in Qian Jiangyue's mind at the same time.

If it exists, do we need to enter the ghost town?

The second question appeared in Qian Jiangyue's mind.

"I'm not sure if a ghost town really exists, but I don't think the possibility is zero." Xiao Zuanfeng thought about his words, "Your father's disappearance may be related to the ghost town. We should also look for the ghost town. In this way, The foundation of our cooperation will be more solid. If you consider Peng Gao, we will be responsible for all the consumption on the road. "Through Qian Jiangyue's clothes, Xiao Zuanfeng can judge that Qian Jiangyue's role is not rich.

Hearing Xiao Zuanfeng's words, Qian Jiangyue moved his gaze to the table, as if thinking carefully about Xiao Zuanfeng's proposal.

Are you still hesitating?

The fable glared at Qian Jiangyue.

"Yes, but I have one condition. If there are special circumstances, I will act alone. It is not my purpose to find the ghost town. My purpose is to find the traces of my father. The two may not overlap." Qian Jiangyue looked up at Xiao The eyes are sharp and sharp.

Xiao Zuanfeng leaned forward and stretched out his right hand, "Welcome to join!"

In the double room, Qian Jiangyue took the chair by the table behind him. He took out a notebook from his backpack. The notebook contained information that Peng Gao had collected in recent years. "I have investigated many places and found no clues. The locals are not clear about the filming of "Fuck"."

Before the movie "Fuck" was released, the director and actors were not well-known, and there was no pre-publication. Therefore, fewer people were interested in it. It was not until it was broadcast and after the precipitation of time that it reached the point where everyone knew it.

Xiao Zuanfeng took the black notebook that Qian Jiangyue handed over, and he turned to the first page, and at the same time, the fable also sat beside Xiao Zuanfeng and watched it with him.

After the person disappears, the position will be vacated, and new people are needed to fill the position. In any case, a person's disappearance will definitely leave a clue.

On the first line of the first page, such a sentence is written.

The little diamond wind and the fable continue to look down:

On November 23, I found director Zhao Dehua. He had a problem with his mental state. I couldn't get any useful information by asking him. Perhaps his abnormal mental state was the most useful information. This clue simply didn't work. According to my investigation, Zhao Dehua’s mental problem seems to be higher than the time when the movie is released. Does this mean anything?

On April 5th, I found the lead actor Mao Lu, who played Fu Zhiyao in "Fuck", the robbed person. When I found her, she was about to divorce her husband. Because she was in a bad mood, Mao Lu didn't want to talk to me. So I found her husband, but her husband didn't want to talk to me either.

I didn't plan to give up. Finally, after my perseverance, Mao Lu decided to talk with me in a tea restaurant for half an hour. For half an hour, I have been repeating what Mao Lu said to me: Give up, don't let yourself in.

On June 21st, I found the lead actor Chao Guang, who played Shao Bochao in "Fuck" and gave himself a green hat. The place where I found Chao Guang was a temple. According to the monks in the temple, Chao Guang would come to the temple to pray for blessings every week. When I showed my intentions, Chao Guang immediately drove me away and warned me not to touch him again.

I did not leave. I secretly observed Chao Guang. I found that Chao Guang had been consciously or unconsciously isolating himself, even his wife didn't even know why he believed in Buddhism.

I found Chao Guang again. I thought Chao Guang did the same as before, but it wasn't. Chao Guang knelt directly in front of me. I clearly remember the appearance of him crying and begging me not to look for him again, like an orphan abandoned on the side of the road, and could only walk forward alone against the wind and rain.

On May 18th, I finally found Han Xi. She played the role of Shu Rou, a minor who had a bad relationship with his family. Her current occupation is a primary school teacher. All her students said that she was a gentle person, but when I explained what I came here, I couldn't feel the slightest characteristic related to gentleness from her. She yelled at me, threw things, and told me to roll.

I was not discouraged. Even though the police detained me, I still did not give up, but I did not expect Han Xi to run away. According to her colleague, she took a month off. I waited for a month, but Han Xi did not come back.

On August 8th, I found Yan Chengze, who was in business. He was completely different from when he was performing. He had gained two laps of weight. If I hadn't investigated again and again, I couldn't believe that he was the actor who played Qin Guan in "Fuck". He is still unmarried.

I expressed my intention to Yan Chengze. Yan Chengze’s reaction was not as violent as the other three, but it was not much better. He invited me to a meal and kept apologizing to me and advised me not to continue investigating this case. Things, he thinks I should have a good life, I should live a good life, since many things have passed, do not continue to investigate.

I have to admit that what he said is very reasonable, and I also have to admit that I am so obsessed with finding my father if it is too extreme, but I always dream of the scene when my father took me to a barbecue when I was young, and I realized that I might It is not necessary to find my father, but I must find him.

There is a year before each date. Sometimes the date between the two people is two or three years apart. In addition to the director and the four leading actors, Peng Gao also found several supporting actors, but the result is still the same. What happened back then was silent, and there was no breakthrough at all.

After the actor's investigation had no clues, Peng Gao pointed his direction towards the filming location of "Fuck". He investigated about a dozen villages and towns that may be the filming location of "Fuck," but found nothing.

After reading it, Xiao Zuanfeng handed the black notebook into the hands of the fable. Then he turned his head and looked at Qian Jiangyue, "Peng Gao, what exactly did you think caused Director Zhao Dehua to be mentally abnormal, and all the relevant personnel were silent? What are your guesses about this?" His tone was very formal.

The fable was very satisfied with Xiao Zuanfeng's tone. He looked at the contents of the notebook and nodded secretly.

"I don’t know. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com may be a large organization, but I can’t figure it out. Even if my father is dead, I can’t make waves with their power. I just want to find my father, even if It's just a corpse." Qian Jiangyue shook his head slightly.

"Unrealistic." Xiao Zuanfeng also shook his head. "If it is an accident, just report directly. Even if the report needs to be delayed because of the film's reputation, more than ten years have passed, and it is impossible to hide it; if it is a murder, you So many people have been found, and they have such power, why don’t they do it against you? Instead, they let you keep investigating, which is not normal."

"What do you think is the reason?" Qian Jiangyue focused on Xiao Zuanfeng.

"Remember what I told you just now? The reason for your father's disappearance may be related to the ghost town. I think he may have entered the ghost town during the filming process." The little drill wind led Peng Tian's disappearance to the ghost town. Above, "Compared to your clueless investigation, this clue is more exploratory. If this is really the shooting location of the year, we might be able to find some clues about the ghost town in Hufeng Mountain."

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