Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1124: Reunion

Most of the sunset in the distance has sunk below the horizon, and half of the sky is reflected in the setting sun.

Peng Tian, ​​to be precise, is Peng Tian who occupies He's fitness body. He is walking on the grassy mountain road. The leaves of the triangular maple and mulberry on both sides are gently shaking with the breeze.

Peng Tian, ​​who was walking down the winding mountain road, felt as if he had a pair of eyes staring at him behind his back. He stopped and glanced back. The dimming sky affected his vision, making him unable to see too far. , For example, ten meters away, a black shadow behind a mulberry tree with thick branches, whether it is a stone or a figure, he has no idea.

The advice of Xu Su, the former mayor of Ghost Town, came to Peng Tian's mind.

"You must pay attention. Even if you leave the ghost town, the man and the snake will send ghosts to monitor you. Therefore, you must not reveal your true identity, let alone act rashly, otherwise everything will be abandoned, and you, Will never see your child Peng Gao again."

More than ten years, enough to change many things.

Peng Tian couldn't help thinking of what he had said to Peng Gao. He had promised his children to bring many gifts back.

A gust of mountain breeze made Peng Tian sneezed, and he put away his thoughts and no longer recalled the past.

The sky gradually darkened, and Peng Tian took out the cell phone belonging to He Jian, turned on the flashlight, and continued to walk down the mountain.

Unexpectedly, even mobile phones have developed into this way now. Fortunately, Xu Suyou told me about this aspect after the shooting of "Fuck 2" and let me experience it, otherwise I would really not be able to adapt to it for a while.

Peng Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In the corner that Peng Tian hadn't noticed, a pair of eyes were watching his back silently, watching his figure gradually melt into the darkness.

The bright moon hung in the night sky.

In the blue simple house next to the man-made ghost town of Yuanlin Town, Qian Jiangyue was leaning against the slightly dirty wall. He folded his hands across his chest, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, temporarily forgetting where he was.

After nightfall, the workers who built the man-made ghost town got a rare break. They sat in a circle and talked about interesting events that happened this afternoon.

Why would they suddenly faint next to them when they were clearly working?

All kinds of bizarre and contradictory conjectures have been put forward along with some adult jokes.

Gracilaria walked out of the blue simple house, holding two ripe apples in her hand. At this moment, the water droplets on the surface of the apples were slowly sliding down along the curve. Jiang Ling picked up the apple in his right hand and took a bite. With a ‘click’, the crisp sound was particularly noticeable in the dark night.

Qian Jiangyue retracted his thoughts, turned his head and looked at Jiang Li, his eyes full of alert.

"Eat it?" Jiang Ling stretched out the apple in her left hand. Seeing Qian Jiangyue had no intention of taking the apple, she added, "Just washed."

"You can eat it yourself." Qian Jiangyue shook his head.

"Don't worry, there is no poison." Grahama's left hand passed it forward again.

"The problem of habit has nothing to do with you." Qian Jiangyue still did not take Apple.

Jiang Lao did not persuade any more, and, like Qian Jiangyue, put her back on the wall of the blue simple house. She said as she ate: "Thousands of rivers have water and thousands of rivers and moons, and there are no clouds and thousands of miles. This poem comes from Lei'an in the Southern Song Dynasty. The currently received "Jia Tai Pu Lantern Record" Volume 18. These two sentences are Buddhist verses with extremely high realm."

"I took the code name casually." Qian Jiangyue's tone was calm.

"The name comes from your parents, but the code name comes from your heart. I don't think you took it casually." Jiang Ling shook his head, his eyes became serious.

Just as Jiang Li was talking about this, a figure gradually appeared in front of him. Judging from the figure's height and figure, he was a man, and from the direction he came, he could judge that this man was a person who came down from the mountain.

As the figure approached, Qian Jiangyue and Jiang Li finally saw the face of the figure clearly through the moonlight.

It is He Jian, the hero of "Fuck 2".

After Qian Jiangyue and Jiang Lao looked at each other, they hurried to catch up, but this time, they didn't chase He Jian in the same way that they forced Fang Zichen in the afternoon.

Because they have obtained enough information in the afternoon, they need to change their strategy.

The soul in Fang Zichen's body is not Fang Zichen's own soul. Therefore, He Jian who appears next to the man-made ghost town is not He Jian's own soul.

The two didn't need to tear this point again, they planned to keep He Jian to find out more secrets.

According to the predetermined plan, Jiang Ling quickly ran back to the blue shack upon seeing this. After a few seconds, she took out a photo album of He Jian, and then she and Qian Jiangyue ran towards He Jian, who was a little confused. .

In fact, all the photobooks related to "Fuck" and "Fuck 2" actors, as long as there are, and can be easily bought on the market, are all prepared, and there are more than one, the purpose is to deal with the first meeting Happening.

This is a response plan made after meeting Fang Zichen today.

After Jiang Lai used the truth and lies to Fang Zichen, he had already obtained vital and true information, so there was no need to use the method of dealing with Fang Zichen, but first stabilize and then gradually talk about it. It is guaranteed that the ghosts will not be discovered, but the information of the ghost town can be continuously obtained.

Just in case, the two even prepared a photo album of Tao Zhenru, played by shadow puppets, and Cheng Xingyuan, played by Qian Cangyi.

"He Jian, I am your fan!" Jiang Li's voice was not loud, just so He Jian could hear it.

Peng Tian was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that someone would be guarding He Jian on the set of "Fuck 2". Although He Jian’s popularity and personal charisma might indeed exist, but when he personally experienced it as He Jian At that time, it still felt very different.

Encountered this situation just after going down the mountain, and even gave Peng Tian the illusion that he was indeed He Jian in his heart.

At this moment, he finally understands why the four starring in "Fuck" are willing to keep secrets for so many years.

The carrot and stick method works for most people.

On the one hand, it gave generous material conditions, and on the other hand, it made the four protagonists feel the existence of ghosts at all times, so that they didn't dare to act rashly. Even if they suffocated their stomachs, they could only continue to hold back.

Jiang Ling held the photo album in both hands and handed it to Peng Tian, ​​and then she said in a happy tone: "Help me sign it! It won't take you too long."

Playing a fan is nothing to Jiang Li.

Under the moonlight, her face was full of expectation, and with her slightly restrained movements, even Qian Jiangyue almost thought she was a fan of He Jian for more than two years.

"And me." Qian Jiangyue also handed over the photo album of He Jian that he had just received from Jiang Ling.

Although it was only a simple request like a signature, Peng Tian showed a look of embarrassment on his face, because he did not know how He Jian’s signature style was, or even how He Jian handled this kind of thing. He did it more than a decade ago. He is just an unknown actor, not a famous star in the country. The difference between the two is like a trench and a mountain.

Peng Tian's hesitation is shown on his face, even for true fans, it is possible to expose his true inner thoughts, not to mention the super-observant Qian Jiangyue and Gracilaria.

Qian Jiangyue was keenly aware of the expression on Peng Tian's face, but this expression alone could not make an accurate judgment.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, otherwise next time?" Peng Tian smiled awkwardly. He wanted to get there first, and after he found an assistant, he would slowly learn about He Jian's living habits.

Although the assistant will also doubt it, as the assistant's boss, He Jian, even if the assistant doubts it, will not be able to affect Peng Tian. Even if the previous He Jian had a bad temper, and Peng Tian has an easygoing personality, he might still be able to help him. Close to one's side.

"Are you uncomfortable? Where is it?" Jiang Li asked concerned, and stretched out his hand at the same time.

Seeing that Gracilaria reacted so violently, Peng Tian was frightened immediately. He quickly blocked Gracilaria’s hands and said, “No, it’s okay. Give me the photo album, and I’ll give you your autographs.”

Jiang Ling did not ask any more, but put the photo album in Peng Tian's hands.

Peng Tian opened it, took a pen in his right hand and scratched the title page of the photo album a few times. Then he covered the cover and handed it back to Grahama's hand. Then he reached out to Qian Jiangyue and said softly: "And you of."

Qian Jiangyue didn't say much, but handed over the photo album in accordance with Peng Tian's request.

Peng Tian took the photo album, signed the title page of the photo album in the same way, and returned it to Qian Jiangyue.

At this moment, Peng Tiancai saw Qian Jiangyue's face clearly through the moonlight. He found that the young man in front of him had many similarities with the appearance of his son Peng Gao, so he asked in a casual tone: "What is your name? "

Peng Gao should have grown so big...

Peng Tian couldn't help thinking of his son.

"Peng Gao." Qian Jiangyue replied.

Originally, Peng Tian was about to hand over the photo album in Qian Jiangyue’s hands. When he heard Qian Jiangyue’s name, which he had hoped so much, but was so ordinary, his heart was shocked, as violently as the collapse of Mount Tai. Both hands were too shocked to hold the photo album tightly.

The photo album fell to the ground.

Qian Jiangyue bent down slightly and grabbed the photo album before it fell to the ground. Then he said to Peng Tian, ​​"Do you know me?"

At the same time, Qian Jiangyue's eyes fixed on the expression on Peng Tian's face.

This scene also surprised Jiang Ling, and He Jian's appearance in front of him was too strange.

"I just happened to think that there is still one important thing I didn't do. I'm sorry that you misunderstood." Peng Tian had a gentle smile on his face, but his heart was very different from the expression on his face.

Calm down, calm down, Peng Tian. Maybe it’s just the same name? Don't reveal your identity. Now you are being stared at by a ghost. Once you accidentally show your feet, so many years of waiting will be in vain. You must hold back! No matter whether the person in front of me is Peng Gao who I think, I can't recognize him, or he will be harmed!

Peng Tian kept admonishing himself.

"It's okay." Qian Jiangyue shook his head, completely without the appearance of a fan.

"By the way, I have a question, why did you go down the mountain alone? Tao Zhenru and the others are still on the mountain?" Jiang Li began to get into the topic.

"Well, they are still on the mountain." After Peng Tian finished speaking, he didn't say much, and walked in the direction of the blue simple house.

Qian Jiangyue and Jiang Ling glanced at each other, did not stop Peng Tian, ​​but let Peng Tian leave.

Jiang Ling took out her mobile phone and began to look up He Jian's signature. Then she compared the signature on the title page of the photo album with He Jian's signature on the Internet pictures, and found that there was basically no similarity.

"It is 100% sure that it is not, we have to keep an eye on him!" Jiang Ling looked towards Peng Tian's departure direction.


Logically speaking, in He Jian's position, he should be equipped with an RV, but He Jian is not an extravagant person, so he did not make such a request that embarrassed the director. Therefore, there are also He Jian's in the blue simple room. one.

After Peng Tian asked the assistant, he found the room belonging to He Jian.

He has too many things he doesn't understand now, and his life for more than ten years is like a prison. He needs to understand relevant knowledge as soon as possible.

Fortunately, although more than ten years of development has changed everything, it is not an epoch-making change. New products and trends are more user-friendly than before, and learning is easier.

Peng Tian was sitting at the square table. He was looking at himself in the mirror. With his handsome face and tall figure, he could easily fascinate many women who had been secretly concealed by this skin.

A cold chill slowly sneaked into the house, and Peng Tian felt his feet feel cold, which made him uncontrollably bow his head.

There is nothing below.

Peng Tian raised his head and looked at the long mirror in front of him again, and then he found a face with an invisible face standing outside the house looking at his back.

In the night, this face was blurred, but Peng Tian felt the threat of humans and snakes.

Even after leaving the ghost town ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he is still under surveillance, just like the four leading actors in "Fuck".

Peng Tian slowly turned his head and found that his face had disappeared, but he did not let go of his vigilance.

Xu Su asked me to find someone who is predestined, but I don’t even know who is predestined, and I don’t even have a name, so I can’t take the initiative to look for it. From this point of view, Xu Su will definitely give me a reminder. Yes, I hope I won't meet the fans just now.

By the way, is the young man named Peng Gao my son? Forget it, try again when you have the opportunity.

Peng Tian left the mirror and sat on the bed. He began to use his mobile phone to find relevant information about He Jian, watch some interview videos of He Jian and variety shows that He Jian participated in.

Some information he didn't understand but needed very much, Human Snake left a message when he left the ghost town.

It is through this information that he can quickly find the location of the artificial ghost town.

After watching for a while, Peng Tian lay on a single bed. As a temporary shack, it can only provide this level of supporting facilities. It is indeed a little bad for He Jian and others, but according to the original plan, Every time the filming reaches a critical stage, there will be a short break for a few days.

In fact, with He Jian's financial resources, he can live in a hotel in Yuanlin Town every day, but He Jian does not plan to do so.

The drive between the man-made ghost town and Yuanlin town is about three hours, and the time is basically spent on the road once you come and go.

Peng Tian turned off the fluorescent lamp, closed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep.

At the bottom of the single bed, a slender woman with a big belly dressed in white was lying quietly on the floor, her faceless face exuding chills.

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