Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1158: Memory journey

Peng Tian took a sip, and was about to say something to Qiancang. The shouts reached the ears of the two, attracting their attention.

"Director Wang Qingfen asked me to call you, and there is another scene that needs to be filmed."

A staff member ran over and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I know, go over immediately." Qiancang nodded.

The current situation is slightly different from the period when Ren She Bailian controlled it. At least from the surface, Wang Qingfen has more control over the movie "Fuck 2", and many aspects need to be determined by her.

The only pity is that Wang Qingfen is unwilling to help Qiancangyi and the others. She is afraid to repeat the same mistake again.

A few days later.

Qiancangyi finally got a new clue, the same way of delivery, but the information delivered this time was similar to the previous one, but it was completely different.

After arranging and combining the obtained words, Qiancangyi got words that he could read through.

[Find the line, you can read the memory]

What does it mean? What line?

Qiancang flipped through the script and found nothing. After a few seconds, his frowning brows stretched out. He couldn't let Snake Bailian see that he had received news from Xu Su. All channels have been blocked, and future results will only be resigned to fate.

The thread can read the memory, and I should take the thread to the body of Renshe Bailian. In other words, through the thread, I can get the memory of Renshe Bailian. After the memory is obtained... By the way, the ghost town itself can be obtained. Ontology.

Thinking of this, Qian Cangyi couldn't wait to find the line Xu Su said.

In the ceiling, under the bed, under the desk, in the gap in the floor...

Qiancang had already searched almost all the places in the room. During the whole process, he had hidden the purpose of searching in various redundant actions. Unless Ren She Bailian kept staring at him, he would not be able to find it.

Finally, as soon as Qiancang lay on the bed, he began to think.

I can be sure that there is no, either the line has been given to me, but it is in a place where I can't find it, or in the rest of the place, or on the rest of the people.

In addition to Peng Tian, ​​the people Xu Su had contacted were Wang Qingfen...Will it be with them?

Qiancang went to bed together, opened the door and walked outside. He glanced to the right and then walked to the room where Wang Qingfen was.

He is more inclined that the line Xu Su said is in Wang Qingfen's hands, because if Peng Tian finds something special, he will definitely find a way to tell him.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Wang Qingfen turned his head and looked at the door.

"It's me, Cheng Xingyuan, I want to ask some questions about the script, maybe some places can be changed." Qian Cangyi's voice came from outside the door.

Wang Qingfen wanted to refuse, but Qiancangyi’s reasons made her not easy to refuse. In addition, Renshe Bailian and the ghosts of the ghost town no longer threatened him, so she also relaxed her vigilance in this regard.

She walked to the door and opened it, and then let the Qiancang walk in.

As soon as Qiancang closed the door, holding the script in his hand, he turned the script to the page he had already thought of an excuse, and then he said to Wang Qingfen: "Here, is it better to use'you dream' than'you never dream'? a little?"

"Oh? Let me see." Wang Qingfen nodded.

When Wang Qingfen reached out to get the script in his hands, Qian Cangyi took the script back. Just as Wang Qingfen looked at Qian Cangyi with a puzzled look, Qian Cangyi handed it over again. Only this time, Qian Cangyi passed the script. When Kuraichi handed it over, his right hand pointed to the new place.

"There seems to be something wrong with this sentence." Qian Cang pointed to the word'line'.

Wang Qingfen blinked and didn't understand what the person in front of her was doing, but she was already prepared. No matter what the other party advised her to do, she didn't intend to agree.

She will not do things like rebelling against ghost towns and rebelling against humans and snakes.

"Well, indeed, it shouldn't be a big problem to try it when the time comes to see which one is better." Wang Qingfen said while looking at the contents of the script.

As soon as Qiancang stood up, he walked to Wang Qingfen's side and bent over, pointed again with the index finger of his right hand to point to the word'line' he had just pointed to, and at the same time looked at Wang Qingfen's eyes and asked, "Really?"

Wang Qingfen realized that the other party was suggesting herself, she raised her head and glanced at Qian Cangyi, and then looked down at the script.

The word line caught her eye.


Wang Qingfen suddenly recalled the thin line he had discovered when he first met Xu Su.

She hadn't figured it out, and now, she found that Cheng Xingyuan was hinting at herself.

By the way, I remember this incident is related to Xu Su!

Wang Qingfen recalled abruptly, the memory of that time appeared like a tide, and at the same time, the scene of being hung in the waiting wind pavilion by an iron hook also came to her mind.

She put her right hand in her jacket pocket, and the thread was still in her pocket.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely silent.

Wang Qingfen hesitated for two seconds, hiding the thread between her fingers, then she closed the script and said: "Well, no problem, I'm a little tired, let's talk tomorrow!"

After she finished speaking, she handed the script back to Qiancang.

Qiancangyi stopped staying, but returned to his room. He opened the script and glanced at it and saw the thin lines in the pages of the book.

This thread... really belongs to Wang Qingfen!

He kept the thread in his pocket calmly.

The method and purpose are already known. The question now is how to get to Ren She Bailian's body.

A few days later.

After the shooting on that day, Qiancang began preparations.

He did not tell anyone that Xu Su had contacted him, including shadow puppets and Wutong.

The fewer people who know about it, the better. If he can, he even wants to let himself forget about it when he knows he should do it.

Ahead, the fluke memorial appeared before his eyes.

The surrounding ghosts are already familiar with these actors. Because of the spacious streets that they walk all the time, even if there are ghosts who want to find Qiancangyi in trouble, there is no suitable opportunity.

The first, second, and third floors of the fluke memorial are still the same as before, but now a staircase to the top floor has been added.

The corpse of Renshe Bailian was placed on the top floor for ghosts to visit.

Qiancang stepped forward, holding a bunch of white chrysanthemum in his hand.

On the top floor of the fluke memorial hall, Renshe Bailian's body was surrounded by flowers. The two blushes in the corners of his eyes were almost invisible, as if he had fallen into eternal sleep.

Qiancang walked in a circle, and after choosing the angle, he placed Baiju next to Renshe Bailian's head, and at the same time he ticked, everything around was still, the immortal clock was activated by him calmly, and in this second of time , He put the thread Xu Su said on the back of Ren She Bailian's head.

Time starts to flow again.

No ghost noticed his movements.

Qiancang took two steps back and focused on the back of Ren She Bailian's head. He saw that the thin thread he placed was digging into the back of Ren She Bailian's head bit by bit. This discovery made him even more convinced that his own judgment was not. wrong.

The stalemate situation suddenly became clear. Then, he only needs to take back this line, and then place this line on the back of his head in the same way. He will be able to read the memory of Renshe Bailian, and even from it. Find Renshe Bailian's memory about the ghost town itself.

Once the memory is confirmed, he will be able to tell Xu Su this news, and of course, he will be able to find a way to get it by himself.

In short, compared to doing nothing the previous week, there are many things that can be done now.

At this time, the white-clothed mother-in-law did not know when Qian Cangyi appeared beside Qian Cangyi, and she greeted Qian Cangyi.

"long time no see."

This cold voice surprised Qian Cangyi's heart. When Qian Cang turned his head slowly, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, showing a smile, "Are you here?"

"Are you practicing giving flowers to others?" The white-clothed mother-in-law's tone was very puzzled.

"His death surprised me too much." Qian Cangyi replied calmly.

The white-clothed mother-in-law put her eyes on the white chrysanthemum that Qiancang had just handed over, and then she reached out and took the white chrysanthemum in her hand, and asked: "Why do you give flowers to others? He killed many of your friends, and his death should let you I am very happy."

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became silent.

Qiancang always stretched out his hand to the white-clothed mother-in-law, and at the same time replied softly: "Happiness is happiness, and respect is respect. These are completely different things. Since you said that humans and snakes sacrificed themselves for the sake of ghost town, then he deserves my respect. "

When he said this, his right hand was already holding the white chrysanthemum he had brought, and at the same time, his eyes had caught the back of Ren She Bailian's head.

The thin thread he had placed behind Ren She Bailian's head just started to drill out, seeming to have absorbed the memory of Ren She Bailian's corpse.

Qiancang took the white chrysanthemum back with force, and directed it to the original place again, but when his hand reached halfway, a white silk tied his hands. This was the white silk extending from the sleeves of the white-clothed mother-in-law.

"If Li Kuang was here, he would definitely understand my thoughts."

A meaningful sentence came into the ears of the white-clothed mother-in-law.

There is Qiancang's view of a white-clothed mother-in-law, as well as his affirmation of the headless general.

He knew that there was a contradiction between the headless general and the white-clothed mother-in-law. At this time, using this point, he could anger the white-clothed mother-in-law, and at the same time, he could also make the white-clothed mother-in-law divert her attention away from the body of the human snake.

"What do you mean?" The white-clothed mother-in-law's voice was full of doubts.

The surrounding ghosts all focused on Qiancangyi's body. At this moment, Qiancangyi became the focus of all ghosts, and this is what Qiancangyi would like to see.

Because at this time, the thread that drilled from the back of Ren Shebai's head was getting longer and longer.

Qian Cang looked into the eyes of the white-clothed mother-in-law and said: "I just want to say that when facing enemies, I don't have to look at them with contempt. I really didn't stand on the side with Renshe Bailian, but I respect his self. The spirit of sacrifice."

What Qiancangyi didn't expect was that the surrounding ghosts began to applaud.

This was completely beyond his expectation.

The white-clothed mother-in-law also took Bai Ling back.

Qiancang took advantage of the situation and put Bai Ju back to its original place. At the same time, with a thought, the leader of Time Tomb mobilized. Taking this opportunity, he pulled out the line of the back of Ren She Bai training. In order to prevent his actions from being suspicious, he did more. It lasted for a second and put the thread back in the pocket.

"I'm going back first." As soon as Qiancang finished all this, he turned and left the fluke memorial.

Just now the mother-in-law in white treated him like this, and his current behavior is completely in line with common sense.

During sleep time, Qiancang put the thin line behind his head when he was lying down, and then he closed his eyes.

A slight tingling sensation came from the back of his head, and after a while, a burst of drowsiness struck him, leading him to sleep.

The feeling of spinning gave Qian Cangyi the illusion that he was not dreaming. Soon, he felt that he had fallen into a small town, which was much smaller in scale than a ghost town.

"It seems that my idea is correct. What we need to do now is to find the main body of the ghost town."

As soon as Qiancang got up from the ground, he tried to touch surrounding objects, such as walls and ghosts walking by him. As he expected, his hands passed directly through these ghosts.

"It is indeed a memory. I will go around first to see if I can find any clues."

He started walking along the street.

One obvious difference in the former ghost town is the weather.

The ghost town in Renshe Bailian’s memory is sunny and sunny. Living in this kind of weather will dispel a lot of the haze in his heart, and the ghost town where Qiancang stays is always a gray and cloudy day. It is very depressing.

"Find Bai Lian first."

As soon as Qiancang started running, he didn't know how much time he had to find the body of the ghost town, so he had to speed up.

Not long after, the ghosts gathered in the distance attracted his attention.

He approached and saw an elderly man wearing a hat and quilt was looking at the palms of a bluish-faced ghost.

The elderly man said solemnly: "Jin Yuan, you will be a tailor in your next life."

"Ah? Xu Su, you can see clearly!" Jin Yuan's expression was taken aback, then he shook his head and said, "I don't want to be a tailor. Hooking up with my lover poisoned me. In my next life, I want to enjoy it. I also want to hook up with other people’s wives."

It turns out that he is Xu Su.

Qiancang's eyes lit up.

At this time, a swift and lightning-like white snake sprang from the fish basket at Xu Su’s feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He came to Xu Su’s shoulder and said in an immature voice: "If everyone is like you, Then this world will be messed up? In your next life, you are destined to be a tailor. You now know that you should be thankful. Why do you still ask for this?"

Qiancang approached again and again, and he saw the white snake clearly.

The white snake sitting on Xu Su's shoulder is a human snake. The tiny snake has a baby head on its body, which even looks cute.

"You...you...what kind of monster is this?" The man named Jin Yuan was frightened.

"Bai Lian, don't be rude." Xu Su patted Bai Lian's head, and Bai Lian stuck out his tongue, and went back to the fish basket.

Then, Xu Su looked at Jin Yuan and exhorted: "Jin Yuan, when is the time to repay the injustice? Rather than living in the hatred of this life all day, it is better to live the next life."

"Easy to say." Jin Yuan replied angrily, got up and left.

The next resentful ghost onlookers approached Xu Su and stretched out his left hand.

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