Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1175: Recite

Qiancangyi shares its current location.

The precise real-time position is transmitted to a distant place by means of electromagnetic waves.

Under the eyes of everyone, blood-covered human snakes came to the lobby on the first floor. For the customers who were still in panic, the appearance of human snakes was tantamount to ghosts that came out of the movie.

A pair of icy eyes searched around in the mall, and after sweeping a circle, they looked up.

In the clothing store on the third floor, four people are hiding here temporarily.

"Let me talk about the current situation first." Qiancangyi asked the three of them to come together. The more critical the moment, the more we need to plan tactics: "The danger comes from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the resentment of the ghost town. At present, I can only wait. Xu Su has already arranged it in advance; on the other hand, it is a man and a snake. He may not live long. Now it is just a return to the light, we can just escape."

"What you said is too easy..." Peng Tian glanced outside the door.

"How to escape?" Wutong brought the topic back. As an actor in a **** movie, her way of looking at problems is naturally not at the same level as Peng Tian.

Qiancang said in a deep voice, "We must separate!"

"Because we are not the opponents of humans and snakes, we must escape separately, and one can survive. After escaping, we must either hide in a safe place or find a way to leave Yuanlin Town. In short, we cannot stay here anymore. ."

The shadow puppet frowned and asked, "What about you? What do you do?"

The reason why she asks this is very simple.

Renshe Bailian is now struggling to death, that is, if the four of them are scattered and fleeing, he will definitely chase the first person to kill, and then kill them one by one according to the degree of hatred.

There is no doubt that Qiancang will naturally rank first in terms of people and snakes.

As a teammate, Qiancangyi is very reliable and trustworthy; as an opponent, after a period of contact, he will naturally be the first to be removed.

Just like among detectives, smart criminals will always solve the detective before committing a crime.

"I will think of a way. I don't have time to discuss these now, so hurry up!" Qian Cang urged.

The head of Ren She Bailian has appeared on the escalator on the third floor, and the figures of four people are reflected in the dark eyes.

As soon as Qiancang ran up, he ran up the stairs of the safety exit.

"Why are we running upwards?" Peng Tian was puzzled and stopped.

"There are few people." Wutong had already stepped on the first step with her right foot. She turned around and replied: "When the grieving ghosts eat in large numbers, they will naturally chase people in places, so it is possible to hide in places with few people and survive. On the contrary, it’s bigger. In addition, there are many outlets in the mall, so we don’t have to worry about jumping off the building."

After Peng Tian understood, he followed the pace, but he had just taken two steps, and suddenly felt as if something was wrong with his body. It was obvious that his right foot should be stepped on the next step, but only the tip of the toe touched it.

The same situation happened not only to him, but also to the four people standing on the stairs.

"What's the matter?" Wutong supported the steps in front of him with both hands to prevent himself from falling.

"Maybe it's the ability of humans and snakes to practice in vain..." Qian Cang glanced back, planning to continue running to a higher floor, but he had just taken a step, and his body was affected by this mysterious power again.

"My body can clearly maintain balance, why is it weird when I walk forward?" Peng Tian tried it again, and the situation remained the same.

In the clean and tidy corridors, blood dripped on the floor, like a blossoming rose.

The speed of human-snake-white training is not fast, and is even similar to the normal walking speed of an adult, but at this time he has a deeper sense of oppression than before.

When the shadow of a human snake appeared on the wall opposite the stairs, the four people staying on the stairs could not help holding their breath.

The fatal danger is coming.

When Renshe Bailian catches them, maybe he doesn't intend to keep them tortured slowly, but to twist their heads cleanly, or to divide them directly.

"Run!" Peng Tian didn't stand up anymore, but started to climb up directly with both hands.

As soon as Qiancang looked at his moving hands, he suddenly recalled the cooperative game he had played when he was a child.

Two people with three legs!

The current situation is so similar, the only difference is that the limbs of the four people are not tied together by obvious ropes.

"I know what happened to us... It's a two-person tripod. Every step we take will be affected by other people." Qiancang said his findings loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, noisy voices came from the speakers in the corner.


Afterwards, the ethereal singing is like a light breeze and drizzle surrounding the stairs. This calming voice is not only in the stairs. The entire shopping mall, and even the entire Yuanlin Town, all unified broadcasts sounded this unique Chant.

After the chanting sound lasted for about two seconds, a loud shout came out.

Qiancang couldn't help turning his gaze to the stereo, and he recalled what Qian Jiangyue had just said.

The chanting sound gradually weakened, and the scriptures chanted in unison came out from the sound. This is not one or a few people chanting, at least more than a hundred people chanting can achieve this effect.

Floating name and dust, He Nian opens up.

Don't disturb your soul if you live far away.

A soft white light slowly appeared among the stairs. Qiancang turned his head to look at the source of the white light. A little boy was squatting next to him. In the little boy’s hand, there was a red string. The rope connects the hands and feet of the four people together.

"It turned out to be a resentful ghost!" said the shadow play.

At this time, Renshe Bailian had already arrived at the top of the stairs. He didn't say harsh words or sneered at him. He just looked at the four people with calm eyes.

No emotional fluctuations can be seen in the dark eyes.

At this time, the human snake Bailian seemed to have already died.

The moment the white light of the stairs disappeared, the ropes of the four people's hands and feet had also been untied.

At the same time, a blue talisman shattered from the hands of the shadow play, and a breeze appeared out of thin air, gathering on the soles of the four people.

Special props Kamikaze Rune.

After use, the people around can get an acceleration effect lasting 1 hour according to the user's idea.

Qiancang quickly got up and continued to run upstairs. The three people behind him were not far behind.

Four people took three steps and crossed the steps in two steps. After three seconds, they reached the fourth floor.

"Strange, why didn't Renshe Bailian kill us?" Wutong frowned, very puzzled.

Qian Cangyi also had the same concern. At least from the time he tried to fake suicide before, Renhebailian's speed should be very alarming, even if it is slow, it is impossible for them to escape easily.

"I don't know, his speed is indeed much slower." Qian Cang took a deep breath.

Even if they now have the bonus of the **** wind talisman, compared with the speed demonstrated by the previous human snake white training, they can still only be regarded as the turtle speed.

"Don't worry about this, I'll go up, you leave from another exit." Qiancang pointed to the commercial area on the fourth floor with a strong tone, and didn't even discuss with the three of them.

The shadow play was a little hesitant, but after thinking for a second, she chose to do what Qiancangyi said.

As soon as Qiancang continued to run towards the fifth floor, the chants on the radio seemed to cheer him.

He did this not to sacrifice himself, but to avoid meaningless sacrifices.

The plan to escape separately had already been set. When the chanting in unison appeared on the radio, the time had come. I had not separated before because I was afraid that I would not be able to save myself when I met a ghost alone.

Although the four of them couldn't compete with the human snake Bailian, it was not impossible to save the companion who was unfortunately attacked by the ghost.

The Hurricane Shopping Center has 8 floors. Even if you continue to move up, Qiancang No.1 is not in desperation, and you can go around another exit.

It's also dangerous, but it's not a life from a dead end.

After the four people separated, Qiancang continued to run to a higher floor. As he passed the window, he glanced out the window.

On the plaza with corpses everywhere, the soft white light grew more and more, like a strange landscape.

As soon as Qiancang knew, every white light below represented a grudge who vented his resentment due to the killing, and it meant that he was one step closer to disappearing completely.

Suddenly, there was a noise from below, followed by a buzzing sound.

The blood-stained snake tail lifted and lowered, and the chanting in the stairs gradually diminished.

"Cheng Xingyuan, keep running, remember how you feel now, you still have a few minutes."

A familiar voice came, and the voice was a bit weak, but this couldn't hide the harshness in the voice at all.

Ren She Bailian was quite angry.

"The reason why you haven't killed me up to now is because there are still some resentful ghosts in the ghost town that haven't been transferred?" Qian Cang asked back.

"Hehehe, Cheng Xingyuan, you seem to be more sensitive than I thought..." Renshe Bailian chuckled a few times, and then continued: "I am very curious that everything is under my control, but why did you There will always be mistakes here?"

Qian Cangyi finally knew why Renshe Bailian was just following him at present.

Of course it is because **** movies are interfering with your destiny!

He answered in his heart.

"Because your destiny is like this!" Qiancang replied in a deep voice, with a steady tone, as if he was not running for his life at all, but on an outing.

"Hahahahaha." Renshe Bailian laughed twice, and then began to cough: "Cough, cough, cough!"

"See you are so hurt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How about we make a deal?" Qiancang rolled his eyes and began to talk with Ren She Bailian.

"...Said." Renshe Bailian seemed to be interested.

"You let me go, I will tell you why you failed." Qiancang paused when he said that, and then added: "I am a hurried visitor to you, not worth your hard work."

"Good." Renshe Bailian agreed.

Qiancang was taken aback for a moment, and then he found that Ren She Bai Lian did not stop, and was still following behind him. Suddenly, he understood that the promise just now was just that the man and the snake were playing tricks on him, just like before he pretended to be crazy. The situation is the same for practice.

"Skinning, cutting in the waist, cracking a car, all five punishments, lingering, hanging, cooking, palace torture, torture, burial alive, stick torture, sawing, cutting the vertebrae, pouring lead, playing the pipa, and pumping the bowels. Cheng Xingyuan, which one do you like? "Ren She Bailian said more than a dozen punishments in one breath.

"In fact, I prefer live snake wine. Later, I will chop off your head first, and then put your snake body in the jar. This jar must be transparent, after all, I want to take it out for the exhibition." At this point, Qiancang is naturally unwilling to show weakness.

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