Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1196: The disappeared manuscript

Before entering the movie, Qiancangyi also carried out a preparatory work.

Shooting training.

A lot of gunfire sounded in the promo, the hint was already very obvious.

Considering the age of Marshall, the main purpose of training is to understand the basic knowledge and familiarity with the hand.

The real accuracy practice may have to wait until after entering the movie world.

After intensive practice, the notice of the **** movie arrived.

As soon as Qiancang was asked to go to a church and sit down, as the priest in front began to preach, the surrounding scenes began to gradually distorted.

Darkness fell, and a few seconds later, the light of a kerosene lamp appeared on the front left.

The original church has disappeared, replaced by a large yellowish desk.

There are several opened letters on the desk.

Qiancang looked around and found that he was in the bedroom.

He returned his gaze to the table, then reached out and picked up the letter, and read it.

"I didn't expect Father Hall to have passed away."

"When I went to see him last year, his body was still quite strong, and it wouldn't be a problem to live another 20 years."

"Last time you asked me to look for this person Verdra, so far I haven't gained anything."

"I heard you say that Verdra has a very deep connection with Sakuraism, so I went to find Sakuraism again."

"Do you know what I found?"

"I found nothing."

"Father Marshall, Verdra doesn't exist at all, he is just a fabricated person."

"Of course his manuscripts are also nonsense."

"Of course, I will continue to help you pay attention."

"Your good friend Dickens."

Dickens was a good friend of Father Marshall and did not appear in "The Treasure of the Burning Sea".

Qiancang put down Dickens' letter and picked up another letter.

This is a special letter, it is a letter from Robert.

The above briefly described the situation in Molov Port and his intention to come to Pegasus City to join Qiancang.

The city where Qiancang No. 1 is located is called Pegasus City, which is a city with a long history.

The name of the city comes from the Feima Lake, a lake outside of the city. Legend has it that there used to be flying horses in Feima Lake.

The handwriting on the white letter paper is scribbled, with a little ink stain on the lower right corner, which seems to be written in a hurry.

"Marshall, Port Molov has been shrouded in terror."

"Your worry has become a reality. Those diamonds have big problems. They disappeared inexplicably, as if they were flying away."

"Most of the ships that went to sea failed to return, I am afraid they have all been buried in the Villefort."

"Recently, there have been some rumors in Molov Port. At night, you can often see jellyfish shining with diamonds floating in no one's corners. If you accidentally touch these jellyfish, their bodies will turn into diamonds."

"I don't know whether the rumors are true or not, but Port Molov will definitely not be able to stay any longer. I will go to you."

"Also, recently... nightmares have become more frequent. I want to write down the contents of the nightmares to see if I can find some clues, but unfortunately I can't write anything."

"Robert who is already on the way."

As soon as Qiancang put down the letter, he felt a lot of emotion at this moment.

At that time, his view of the movie world was more inclined to the characters arranged for the plot in the **** movie, similar to the NPC characters in the game.

Looking back now, the movie world is the real world.

Although Robert is indeed related to the plot, he is not a bunch of data, but a living person.

The only problem is that he had reminded Robert at that time and refused repeatedly, but Robert still did not hesitate.

In other words, Robert's view of the manuscript may not be prevented at all.

This is the end of the matter, I want to unintentionally.

As soon as Qiancang put down Robert's letter, he picked up the rest of the letters.

The content of the following letters is of little value, nothing more than words of concern and no gain.

From boarding the train back to Pegasus City to training to being able to walk around freely, Marshall has been trying to find Verdela's trace.

Although Marshall did not watch "The Verdra Manuscript", he still often had nightmares.

At present, the "Verdela Manuscript" is deposited by Marshall in Pegasus Bank, which also conforms to the scene given at the end of the promotional film.

Qiancang walked together, jumped a few times, and felt his body's weakness.

After all, Marshall is just an ordinary person. With the medical skills of the movie world, it is quite good to be able to recover to this.

As soon as the jar was taken out of the special item carrying compartment by Qiancang, he opened the upper black lid and drank it in one fell swoop.

This is the first time Qiancang used special props as soon as he entered the movie world.

After using the "No more pain", a warm feeling came from the body, and the body has begun to repair.

Qiancang took the light gray coat in his hand, and then walked to the door.

Since the "Verdra Manuscript" will be stolen, why not take it out in advance?

At least this approach is theoretically feasible.

As he walked to the door, there was a knock on the door, and a calm male voice came from outside the door.

"Marshall, it's me, Irving."

As soon as Qiancang heard these words, a short and fat figure and a benevolent face appeared in his mind.

Irving, full name Irving Smith, Bishop, Marshall's superior.

Although Irving and Marshall get along very well at work, but that's all, they don't have much communication in private.

Qiancang opened the door behind him, and Owen, wearing a brown jacket, stood by the door.

With a smile on his face, Owen took off the black top hat with his right hand, placed it on his chest, and said in a calm voice:

"Long time no see, Marshall, how are you resting?"

Qiancang smiled and replied:

"It's better already."

"My Master Bishop came to see me this time, so there must be something important."

After he finished speaking, he stepped aside and invited Owen to his home.

The two sat on the sofa, facing each other, with two cups of warm coffee placed on the coffee table in the middle.

Qiancang nodded slightly to show that he understood, and then he asked:

"Pope Reid is interested in the "Verdra Manuscript"?"


At this time, what Marshall did in the past few months came to Qian Cangyi's mind.

After returning from Port Molov, Marshall told Owen about the death of Father Hall and the reason for this trip.

However, there are too many things along the way and it is too difficult to understand, even Irving does not believe it.

Just as Marshall's injury needs to be taken care of, Owen also let Marshall take a good rest.

It stands to reason that this matter should be over here, but today, Irving came to ask about the "Verdela Manuscript".

The purpose is very doubtful.

Owen blinked, then whispered:

"I don't know the reason, but... you also know the character of the Pope. It's better not to ask too much."

"Besides, Marshall, don't you also want to solve this strange manuscript?"

"It just happens to be handed over to the Pope."

Irving would not explain why.

Qiancangyi didn't ask, but took a sip of the coffee at the table. After two seconds, he replied:

"I know what the Bishop meant, but the manuscript is not in my possession now. I keep it in Pegasus Bank."

"If you need it now, we can leave for Pegasus Bank immediately."

Owen stood up, nodded slightly, and replied:

"That couldn't be better."

When the two went out, Qiancangyi chose a carriage with carriages.

The carriage has gorgeous decorations, and the main customers are tourists and upper-class people who come to visit Pegasus City.

As soon as Qiancang looked out the window, passers-by came and went in a hurry on the clean street.

"Actually, it was because of Port Molov." Owen suddenly said.

Qiancang turned his head and looked at Owen.

Compared to the smile on his face just now, Owen was a lot more serious at this time. He waited for Qiancang to turn his head before opening his mouth and continuing:

"It doesn't matter whether people believe in God, what matters is that God must have a spokesperson."

"Marshall, that one, felt the threat, he dreamed of the oracle."

"The "Verdra Manuscript" cannot fall into the hands of other people and must be kept in the Holy See."

"Your vacation will be extended. During this period, you need to figure out why the Sakuras want the "Verdra Manuscript" so much."

"This is an order, and don't tell anyone."

"You can contact me if you have any trouble, and I will try my best to help you solve it."

Owen lowered his voice, and the rhythmic sound of horseshoes covered his words.

Qiancang frowned slightly, and the topic instantly became serious.

More memories of Marshall came to mind.

"That person" naturally refers to Pope Reed Walker. The church where Father Marshall is located is called St. Walker's Church, and the connection is self-evident.

Judging from the tone of Bishop Owen and the content of the words, this matter must be done.

Irving gave this matter to Marshall, played by Qian Cangyi, not just because it was related to Marshall, but also because of another reason. Marshall solved several similar "troublesome" things during his inauguration career. , Father Hall will contact Marshall.

In the sense of reason, this matter will fall on Marshall.

Qiancang nodded silently, without asking too much about the reason.

After he accepted, the **** movie also gave a symbolic reminder.

[Event Log: Found "Verdra Manuscript". 】

[Event Log: Find out why the Sakuras wanted the "Verdra Manuscript". 】

About half an hour later, the carriage arrived at Pegasus Bank.

The location of Pegasus Bank is in the center of Pegasus City. The interior of the bank is magnificent and heavily guarded.

Mainly handle deposits and withdrawals and...lending.

For distinguished customers, Pegasus Bank also provides safekeeping services, which are expensive.

The items will be placed in the safe. Whether it is stored or taken out, it needs to be accompanied by a guard and the person in charge of the bank.

Qiancangyi is a distinguished customer, at least in the upper part of the movie, he has always been generous.

After they got out of the car, they walked straight to the door of the bank.

In front of the gate, a strong man wearing a black jacket was walking past them with his head bowed.

As soon as Qian Cang realized that this person was familiar, he shouted:


The strong man stopped and turned his head.

The angular face was slightly decadent, and the dark circles under his eye sockets were clearly visible.

It was Robert, but his mental condition was much worse than when he first met.

When Robert saw Qiancangyi, his eyes widened and he exclaimed:


"Why are you here?"

As soon as Qian Cang noticed Owen's vigilant gaze next to him, he knew that Owen didn't want to be extravagant, so he said to Robert:

"It's a long story. I have something urgent to do now. You can wait for me here or go to my house to rest."

After speaking, he took out the key from his pocket.

Robert waved his refusal and replied:

"I'm just waiting here."

Qiancang nodded, then turned and walked towards the bank with Owen.

After confirmation by the staff at the counter, Qiancangyi followed the person in charge and the guards to the safe.

Owen stayed in the hall.

Qiancangyi followed the person in charge and the guards through the two iron doors, and then came to the room where the safe was stored.

There are many safes in front of the three walls. These safes are the same size and neatly placed.

Each safe has a four-digit number written in the upper left corner.

These numbers correspond to the numbers on the key one by one, making it easy to find.

The key to the safe in Qiancang No. 1 hand has four numbers 1127 written on it.

"Sir, your safe is this one." The person in charge puts his left hand behind him, stretches his right hand forward, and points to safe No. 1127.

The money warehouse nodded and inserted the key in his hand into the safe.

There was a click.

The sound of the lock cylinder turning sounded.

After that, the safe was opened.

As soon as the money warehouse looked into the safe, there was nothing inside, and the "Verdela Manuscript" disappeared!

The person in charge who witnessed this scene blinked, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

As soon as Qiancang reached into the safe and touched it, there was not even obvious dust in the safe.

He took a deep breath and asked:

"Where's my stuff?"

The person in charge of the bank has found that the situation is serious, he apologized and replied:

"Sir, please don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter properly!"

After he said this, he turned his head and told the guard a few words, and then walked to the hall with the money warehouse.

The accounts on the counter were checked again, and the items in Qiancang No.1 had not been picked up midway, but now the contents of the safe have disappeared.

In other words, Pegasus Bank was stolen!

Even if the lost item is just a manuscript whose meaning is unknown, the theft is still quite serious.

This time a manuscript was stolen. Will it be valuable jewellery next time?

Reputation is very important for banks.

Once the dishonesty is serious, it is impossible to suppress the matter, and it may even cause a bank run.

This is why the bank only provides the important item custody function for your customers.

If money is stolen, money can be used to suppress the situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, diamonds and gems are easy to be stolen, but large amounts of money will not be easily stolen.

When the bank entered the alert state, Qiancangyi told Irving about the incident.

Owen looked calm and seemed to have thought of this, he said:

"I was nervous when I saw Morse coming out just now, and I already guessed that this might happen."

Morse was the head of the bank who had just gone to the safe room with Qiancang.

Owen continued:

"Marshall, who do you think would steal it?"

Qiancang thought for a while and replied:

"If the remaining safes are not stolen, then..."

"The thief must be related to Sakuraism."

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