Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1209: Deadly

   Robert didn't wake up until sunrise.

   After he got up, there was a pain in the back of his head, so he put his right hand behind his head.

   "It hurts, what's the matter?" He whispered.

   Qiancang Yi handed over the grey water bottle that had been filled with water.

   "Thank you, I happen to be thirsty." Robert took the kettle and drank.

   Robert drank the water in the kettle, yawned, and stretched again.

   Qiancang waited until this time before asking:

"How long?"

   "What?" Robert was taken aback for a moment, and his hands grasping the water bottle began to clenched tightly. The knuckles were a little white because of excessive force.

   Qiancang sighed, pointed his right index finger to the back of his head, and said at the same time:

   "You will hurt here, I hit it."

   "I woke up in the middle of the night and found that you were not there, and heard a strange sound, so I followed the direction where the sound came from, and then I found you in a corner of the ruins."

   "What you looked like at the time... how do you say it, it is very similar to the condition of Father Hall when he became ill, and it can even be said to be exactly the same."

   "Combined with the time when Father Hall became ill, I think your condition may already be quite serious, perhaps the same as when Father Hall came to see me."

   "So I ask you, how long has the condition worsened?"

   "You should have a little impression."

   Qiancang stared at Robert's face as soon as he finished speaking, without missing any details.

   Robert had a wry smile on his face, turned his head and glanced in the distance, then comforted:


   "Actually, if you don't tell me, I don't know about it either."

   "My only concern is that it may affect future actions."

   "If this happens at a critical time, I might drag you down, but even so, I must look for the manuscript."

   "Although I don't remember what I saw when I woke up, I can feel the existence of the manuscript is not simple."

   "There should be a very important secret hidden inside. This secret has something to do with everyone."

   Robert was avoiding Qiancangichi's gaze when he spoke.

   Qiancang sighed.

  If Robert doesn't want to say, he can't keep asking.

  In its current form, it is impossible for him to apply the way he treats the enemy to Robert.

   He had to give up and said:

   "Let's go to Rachel, hurry up."

   "No matter what those cultists want to do, it is always right to rush over as soon as possible."


   In order to take care of the wounded, the Baige Hospital was temporarily set up.

   Although it is called a hospital, it is actually just some temporary tents. These tents all come from a farm not far from the East Beacon City.

   Before dawn, Rachel was already busy.

   Basically everything she can do has been done with help.

   Doctor Tom rubbed his eyes with his right hand and walked into the tent where the medicine was stored.

   When he saw Rachel’s gorgeous long red hair, he was a little surprised and asked:

   "Rachel, are you up so early? Don't work too hard."

   "The wounds on the injured body cannot be cured in one day."

   "I don't want you to lie on the bed too."

   "What will happen to those who haven't healed by then?"

   "You must take care of yourself."

   Tom’s tone was full of concern. After he finished speaking, he stepped forward and came to Rachel’s side.

   A faint scent drifted into his nose, making him a little intoxicated.

  Rachel put down the bandage in her hand, turned her head and replied:

   "Doctor Tom."

   "I have one thing to tell you."

   "In the near future, I may have to travel far away, so I can't help you for the time being."

   "Maybe you can find more helpers, I can recommend a few people for you."

   Doctor Tom was a little curious and asked:

   "Where to go?"

   "Bury the Bone Wilderness." Rachel put down her sleeves while speaking.

   "Why did you go to such a dangerous place? You should know what's in the Bone Wilderness." Doctor Tom looked serious.

  Rachel nodded, smiling at the corners of her mouth, and said:

   "Doctor Tom, you should have heard of child trafficking cases, right?"

   "I went to Bury the Bone Wilderness to solve this matter forever."

   "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. What's more, the destruction of the East Beacon City this time may also be related to those cultists."

   "There are some things that I have to do."

   The smile on Doctor Tom's face gradually disappeared, and he persuaded:

   "You can help them by staying here, why go to such a dangerous place?"

   "If you go to other cities, I won't persuade you, after all, you have your own ideas, I will support you, but buried in the wilderness..."

   "In the past, a large-scale hunting event was organized every May. Since encountering those monsters in the depths of the Bone Wilderness in the past few years, it has been cancelled."

   "You know all these things too."

  Rachel sighed and replied:

"I know."

   "Stay here can indeed help the injured, but it can't be solved at the source."

   "If this matter is not dangerous, they will not find me."

  Rachel's eyes are firm and she has made up her mind.

   "They?" Doctor Tom was a little puzzled.

   At this time, as soon as Qiancang walked into the tent, Robert followed him.

   Qiancang opened the door and asked Rachel:

   "How are you thinking about it?"

   Ruiqiu replied:

   "I will take you there, but you need to be prepared in advance."

   "We will talk about specific matters on the road."


  【Part of the "Expo of Life" score has been updated, the role score has been increased, and some rewards will be given. 】

   ["Samuel's Paintings" have been viewed 6 pictures (total 8 pictures), the character rating has been increased, and part of the pay is awarded. 】

  【The movie's progress is almost halfway. 】

   [Reminder: Your current mental condition is-rational. 】

  【In this state, the mind is conscious and the body functions normal. 】

   When the East Beacon City began to rebuild, Qiancangichi's mind sounded a hint of the **** movie.

  The most important reminder is naturally the progress of the movie.

   Qiancangichi also knows why he has this prompt, it is entirely because his participation in "The Manuscript of Disappearing" this time is a self-reduction pay, so **** film provided some information in return.

   Although it can't provide him with much substantial help, it can at least make people have a goal in their minds.

  A goal is already very important to the actors in **** movies.


   Rachel is no stranger to Burial Wilderness.

   Before embarking on a journey to explore the wilderness, you must be well prepared.

  The horses that travel, the weapons of self-defense, and food...

  A trivial wound can quickly take life.

   In terms of procurement, if the East Beacon City has not been destroyed, it is not a problem, but with the current situation in the East Beacon City, these are all major problems.

   Qiancang found the mayor Danvers and the director Merman, and got their help.

   finally arrived on the day of departure.

   The three are ready to go.

   The morning sun just rose in the distance.

   At this time, Doctor Tom hurried over, with a white medicine box in his right hand.

   "Wait, wait!" Dr. Tom shouted, panting.

   The three turned to look at Tom.

   Doctor Tom came to Rachel’s side and passed the medicine box in his hand:

   "There are many poisonous insects and beasts in the Burial Wilderness, maybe you can use them."

   "It's also a little bit of my heart."

   "I wish you success!"

  Rachel patted the green backpack behind her, shook her head, and replied:

   "No, I'm all ready."

   Tom blinked and explained:

   "There are three of you, maybe the medicine will not be enough."

   At this time, Qiancang couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Rachel:

   "Tom is right, maybe I will use it later."

   Robert also said:

   "It's just a small medicine box, take it."

   Tom raised the medicine box in his hand.

   "Okay, thanks." Rachel took the medicine box.

   With the whip thrown out, the three of them greeted the sun and headed to the depths of the Burial Wilderness.

  Doctor Tom looked at Rachel's leaving figure, raised his right hand and waved it left and right.

   On the hill in the distance, Merman watched the three leave.

   When the three of them couldn't see clearly, he said:

   "This world needs miracles."

   "Are you guys who create miracles?"

   "I will wait for you to bring good news."

"Wish ya'll good luck!"


   If everything around on the first day is considered normal, then from the third day, the Burial Bone Wilderness really reveals its terrifying truth.

   The bones of animals can be seen everywhere in the wilderness, and the wild wolves in the distance will always cast bloodthirsty glances at the three of them.

   The vultures in the sky hover high, as if the death knell has been sounded.

   In the middle of the night, even if there is a bonfire to rely on, you still need to take turns to watch the night to prevent the wild beasts from attacking.

   A week later, the three of them finally arrived at the place Rachel said-an aboriginal tribe of about 50 people.

The houses of the    tribe are dominated by gray tents, with sharpened wood around the tents to resist wild animals.

  Rachel pulled the rope off the horse, stopped the horse, then rolled over and got off the horse, and then said to the two of them:

   "In front of you is the Wamir tribe. They are the aboriginal people of In'an Continent. You should have heard related rumors."

   "Don't worry, they belong to the pro-civilization faction. Someone in the tribe can speak our language, so it is convenient to communicate when exchanging materials."

   "By the way, be careful not to stare at their girls, it's very impolite."

  Rachel gave a few words after a brief introduction.

   "Understood." Robert nodded.

   Qiancang got out of his horse and followed behind Rachel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The guard in charge of the Wamir tribe found three people and quickly surrounded them.

   Qiancang glanced up and down at the guard's clothes.

  The people of the Wamir tribe and the citizens of Eastern Beacon wear similar clothes. The only difference is that these guards wear black round caps on their heads.

  Rachel walked forward, making a fist with her right hand on her brow.

   The guard on the opposite side did the same, and then a guard ran into the tribe.

   Qiancang took the opportunity to ask Rachel:

   "The clothes on them..."

  Rachel replied:

   "The clothes are all bought in East Beacon City, and I have helped them purchase them."

   "As individuals, we have no problem dealing with them."

   "By the way, the etiquette I did just now is a greeting."

   Qiancang nodded and didn't say much.

   Not long after, a short-haired girl in a beige dress ran out. When she saw Rachel, she opened her hands and hugged Rachel.

   "Long time no see, Milo." Rachel said hello.

   "It's been a long time, Rachel." Milo's tone is a little weird, she doesn't seem to be very proficient.


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