Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1212: prevention

   Benjamin’s words contained two pieces of information, tomorrow night and the meeting place.

   From the point of view of function, it is undoubtedly the best way to let Benjamin be internally. Killing him and mixing it into Wika Village is too reluctant to implement.

   Direct inquiries are of course the best way at present. The problem is that Benjamin said that he should not be away for too long, so the choice is very important.

   Qiancangichi intends to develop Benjamin into his own helper, but the premise is to exclude Benjamin just to deceive himself.

   Therefore, the time and place of meeting all need to be determined by him.

   Qiancang opened his mouth and said to Benjamin:

   "No, I won't see you tomorrow, I won't see you until three days later."

   "I ask you, Benjamin, is your route out to take out the trash fixed?"

   Benjamin nodded.

   Qian Cangyi continued:

   "Very good, I need you to stay the way you are. I will find you in three days. Remember not to tell anyone about this."

   "Also, remember to collect information on Wika Village, any information is fine."

   "Remember what I said?"

   Benjamin nodded repeatedly and said:

   "I know, I will never tell anyone that I am alone in Wika Village."

   "What information do I need? I will try my best to find out, but it may be useless. I don't understand many things."

   "No matter what, I will help you pay attention."

   Qiancang nodded, he untied the ropes of Benjamin's hands and feet, and then walked away from where the two Roberts were. After a distance, he returned to the place where Robert and Rachel were hiding in a big circle.

   "How is it?" Robert looked eager.

   Qiancangichi told them about his encounter with Benjamin.

  Rachel clenched fists with both hands, couldn't control the anger in her heart, and thumped the stone beside her hard.

   "Calm down, we are now going to solve this matter forever." Qiancang reassured.

  Rachel took a deep breath and said:

   "I didn't expect them to buy so many children for experimentation."

   "They are so inhumane that they should be thrown into the sea to feed fish."

   "Marshall, do you know the purpose of their experiment?"

   Qiancang nodded and replied:

   "I have a guess."

   "When we were in East Beacon City, Robert and I met Police Constable Arthur. At that time, Arthur was not afraid of bullets."

   When he said this, Rachel couldn’t help interrupting him and asked:

   "Not afraid of bullets?"

   Rachel was full of disbelief.

   Robert said:

   "I saw it at the time. Marshall's bullet hit Arthur's forehead. Although Arthur fell to the ground at first, he immediately got up."

   "Marshall failed to kill Arthur even after firing a few shots."

   Qiancang followed Robert's words and said:


   "I think the purpose of these cultists is to use children, the black worm "Her Prisoners" and some ancient methods to gain evil power."

   "With these powers, they can do more things. As for the ultimate goal, I am afraid that we need to catch the leaders of these cultists to know."

  Rachel sighed, suddenly, she thought of one thing:

   "How are you going to test Benjamin? I thought about it and found that there is no good way."

   "What if he deceives us first and then betrays us?"

   "It's too unsafe."

   Qiancang nodded, agreeing with Rachel's statement.

   He turned his head and glanced down the canyon, then said to Rachel:

   "You are right, so I agreed with Benjamin to contact me three days later."

   "I hope a solution can be found in these two days."


   After dawn, the three woke up near the Wamir tribe.

   They can only rest like this at the moment. Fortunately, all three of them are people who have experienced wind and rain. This difficulty is nothing at all.

   Miluo came here early in the morning.

   "What's the catch?" Milo still carried some roasted meat in her hand.

   "Is this for us to eat?" Rachel stared at the barbecue in Milo's hands.

   "Haha, eat, roast venison I brought you specially." Milo sat on the rock.

   Qiancang had an idea when he woke up, so he turned his head and asked Milo:

   "Do you know if there is such a place nearby?"

   "The two can communicate with each other, but the two think of rushing to where the other person is, and they need to detour a long way."

  Mi Luo asked:

   "You mean there is a wall between two people that only allows sound to pass through, right?"

   Qiancang nodded.

  Miluo hesitated for a while, then said to Qian Cangyi:

   "I do know that there is such a place, but I don't know if it is the same as you think."

   "When you finish eating the venison, I will take you there again."

   After brunch, the four of them marched toward the depths of the Bone Wilderness, and Milo walked in the forefront.

   Two hours later, the four of them entered a cave.

   The walls of the cave are covered with unknown weeds, and a large number of insects are lying motionless on the leaves of the weeds.

   Qiancang walked to the end of the cave and saw a crescent-shaped gap on the top of the cave. Bright light shined in from the crescent-shaped exit to illuminate the cave.

   "That's it." Milo pointed at the crescent-shaped gap.

   waited for the three of them to focus on the gap, she continued:

   "If you want to get outside from this cave, you need to make a big circle. This is my discovery, no one knows except me."

   "How about? Is it okay?"

  Mi Luo looked at Qiancangichi with curious eyes.

   Qiancangyi is not sure for the time being:

   "I still need to go out and have a look."

   The four of them walked outside the cave, and after going around a large circle, they finally found a crescent-shaped exit near a large stone that was nearly prismatic.

   Qiancang squatted down halfway and looked at the hole from the gap, and he could see about one-third of the cave.

   "Verify, Robert, please go to the cave." Qiancang said to Robert.

   "Ah... I knew I would stay below." Robert muttered.

   "You need to know the route, and then you need to monitor the situation around the cave." Qiancang explained.

   Soon after, Robert appeared in the sight of the crescent-shaped gap.

   "Can you hear it?" Qiancang yelled.

   "No problem, it's clear, if the sound is louder, it will be fine." Robert trumpeted his hands.

   Qiancang didn’t hear clearly, and replied:

   "Your voice is a little quieter, then louder."

   Robert shouted again.

   "Speak louder." Qiancang shouted.

   Robert increased the volume again.

   "Okay, yes, you can come out." Qiancang got up as soon as he finished speaking.

   "Why didn't you come down?" Robert asked rhetorically, but Qiancangyi ignored it.

   Qiancang glanced at Rachel and Milo, and said:

   "This place is ok, let's prepare it."


   For three days, Qian Cangyi did not try to sneak into Wika Village, but he still observed the situation in Wika Village.

   During the day, he stayed above the canyon to observe carefully, while at night he hides in the dark to observe Benjamin’s route and the situation of the guard tower.

   The night falls again, and the first quarter moon hangs in the night sky.

   As usual, Benjamin pushed the cart and left Wika Village.

   He was very excited, and his hand pushing the cart trembled slightly.

   On the way, a voice stopped him.

   "Benjamin, do you see the red cloth mark?" The voice hid in the grass.

   Benjamin glanced around and found a branch tied with a red cloth. The branch was stuck in the ground, so he walked over.

   "You look down again, do you see the arrow? Keep going in the direction the arrow points."

   Benjamin took a deep breath and continued to walk forward.

   Under the guidance of Rachel, Benjamin came to the hole with the crescent gap. He looked around but didn't see anyone.

   "Benjamin, we meet again." Qiancang said hello.

   "It's you!" Benjamin was a little excited.

   "Sorry for letting you talk to us in this way, but we need to be careful." Qiancang said politely.

   "It's okay!" Benjamin didn't care at all.

   Qiancang entered the topic and asked:

   "Do you know who the leader of Wika Village is? What are the characteristics?"

   Benjamin nodded and replied:

   "I don't know his name, but he lives in the largest room in the center of Wika Village."

   "Everyone calls him a ‘prophet’ and he manages everything in Wika Village."

   "He seems to be able to control a mysterious power. I have seen him kill people. At that time, the whole body of the believer turned into a pool of blood, and the "Prophet" only did a few actions."

   "You must run away after being found by him!"

   At the last sentence, Benjamin yelled to Qiancang.

   Qiancangyi was a little surprised.

   From the first meeting, Benjamin seemed to pin all his hopes on him, as if his arrival was a beam of light shining into the darkness.

   Qiancang nodded and replied:

"I know."

   "Do you know if anything important arrives in Wika Village these times?"

   "For example...a unique manuscript?"

   Qiancangichi has not forgotten the original purpose of his tracking, which is precisely for "The Manuscript of Verdela", even the name of this movie is called "The Manuscript of Disappearance".

   In any case, this manuscript cannot be a trivial item.

   Benjamin lowered his head to think carefully. After about ten seconds, he said:

   "I don't know if it is a manuscript, but some time ago, something very important was sent to Wika Village."

   "There were more than a dozen escorts, just a small box, and after this box was delivered, the "Prophet" basically never appeared."

   "I think the contents in that box are probably the manuscript you mentioned."

   Benjamin provided a clue, which was the only clue he could understand.

   As a member of the bottom of Wika Village, Benjamin would be bullied even if he only appeared in front of the other cultists.

   No matter what the protection regulations in the cult organization are, it basically has no effect on him.

   Everyone can bully him.

   Qiancangichi thinks that the box mentioned by Benjamin is very likely to be the "Verdra Manuscript".

   "Can you help me get in?" Qian Cangyi made his request.

   Many things still need to enter Wika Village to know whether they are correct. Regardless of whether what Benjamin said is true or false, Qiancangyi needs to personally confirm it, otherwise there will be a big mistake at that time and the whole army may be wiped out.

   "I have a big box, you can hide in the box and get in." Benjamin nodded.

   "Will it be checked by the guards?" Qiancangyi was a little curious.

   "The box is double-layered, and the lower level may be a bit crowded, but the guards generally don't check it carefully." Benjamin said the key.

   Qian Cangyi later asked about the combat power of Wika Village, because if he was found after sneaking in, he might need to break through.

   There is a special item called Bullet Buster, and it is not a fantasy thing to break through the front.

   Firearms and other weapons are basically not to worry, but some weird attack methods must be paid attention to, such as the scary plant called the "pink demon".

   Benjamin gave Qiancang an answer.

   There are nearly 300 people in the entire Wika Village. Most of the cultists are not equipped with weapons, only about 80 are equipped with pistols, and there are less than ten cultists with "special abilities".

   Although the combat power is still strong, it is far better than expected.

   Qiancang asked Benjamin to go back first and meet again tomorrow.

   After Benjamin left, Qiancang left the crescent gap and walked towards the meeting place.

   During his conversation with Benjamin, Robert and Rachel have been staring at the route from Wicca Village to the cave. If there are believers who follow in secret, they will definitely be spotted by them.

   Qiancangichi exchanged news with the two after meeting, and got a reply that "no one was following".

   "Do you really plan to sneak into Wika Village alone?" Robert still felt a little wrong.

   Qiancang patted Robert on the shoulder and said:

   "Don't worry, I have my own plan."

  Rachel was also a little worried, she said:

   "We will be waiting for you near Wika Village. If there is anything that needs help, try to make a big noise, and we will save you."

   Robert nodded, agreeing with Rachel.

   Qiancangichi nodded solemnly.

   One day passed quickly.

   Everyone hides in a designated location.

   Benjamin, as he said, brought a large wooden box that can be hidden this time. In order to make the wooden box deceptive, the upper layer of the wooden box also put a lot of plants on the buried wilderness.

  According to Benjamin, he will plant some plants in Wicca Village and can use this excuse to cover up the past.

   After everything was cleaned up, Qiancangyi hid in the lower level of the wooden box.

   Soon, the whole trolley began to shake, and Benjamin pushed the trolley and walked towards Wika Village.

   Along the way, Benjamin whispered to explain the surrounding situation, such as how long it will take to reach Wika Village.

   About ten minutes later, the trolley stopped.

   Heavier footsteps came from around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a while, there was the sound of the wooden barrel on the trolley being opened. Not long after, the fierce guard reached out and opened the wooden box.

   Under the moonlight, between the two guard posts.

   Benjamin stood respectfully by the wheelbarrow, looking down at the feet of the guard in front of him.

   "What's in it?" The guard in black robes pointed to the wooden box and asked.

   "Both... are some common plants, I want to plant them in the village..." Benjamin replied in a low voice.

   The boring guard snorted coldly, reached into the wooden box with his right hand, grabbed a handful of unknown weeds and threw it on Benjamin's face.

   Benjamin snorted in pain, but did not dare to resist.

   "Haha." The guard of Wicca Village laughed twice, then waved to let Benjamin in.

   Benjamin pushed the trolley and walked towards Wicca Village.

   "Wait." The guard who was about to return to the guard tower stopped Benjamin.

   "Huh?" Benjamin's voice trembled a little.

   "Pick up the grass on the ground." The guard pointed to the unknown weed he had just thrown on Benjamin's face.

   Benjamin hurriedly ran to pick up the weeds, put them back in the wooden box, and then pushed the cart to move on.


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