Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1234: Skills analysis

"Thank you for participating."

As soon as Qiancang noticed the "message" underneath, he didn't know if he needed to say "No thanks" for this kind of gratitude that might be deadly.

In terms of reputation value and remuneration, compared with the previous movie, there is a certain amount of reduction.

The reputation value has not decreased much, but the salary has been greatly reduced.

Combined with the budget that the broker Xiaoma said is not enough, it is also in line with it.

Adding the rewards of participating in the movie, the reputation value has reached the requirements for participating in the promotion movie.

【Name: Qiancangyi】

[Actor Code: Cang Yi]

[Team name: Return from Hell]

【Reputation value: 5380/5000】

【Payment: 2900】

[Official actor: four-line actor]

[Badge: the glory of the pioneer, the vision of the explorer]

Considering the shortcomings of solo participation, Qiancang Yi decided to take a step back, and two consecutive singles were too challenging.

If he loses the miracle ring, he must set aside a special item carrying compartment to store special items for recovery.

Promotional movies are completely different from other movies. They have unique scoring requirements. Considering that increasing the score is mostly to take risks and challenges, it is foreseeable that there will be a lot of difficulties to overcome in the promotion of movies.

If an actor is seriously injured in the process, loses the ability to move, and has no recovery type special props, he can basically be declared dead.

In the same way, the promotion of the film is also a big challenge for the "hunzi" actors.

Usually formal movies and team movies are basically performed in a teamwork manner. A few actors have recovery skills and will naturally receive key protection.

In this way, except for some movies, in most official movies, actors with recovery skills will have a high survival rate.

Basically the last few actors who died.

When the promotion film only allows actors to act alone, these actors will face huge challenges, because they usually face smaller challenges than other actors, and naturally they have not withstood enough tests in all aspects.

Conversely, if they can survive and meet the score requirements, they will be greeted with a new sky.

"Herzerak's gaze." Qiancangyi focused his attention on this newly acquired skill.

"The beginning part of each skill description is almost the same. It's just the difference in the amount of life consumed. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is what happens if Hezerac doesn't open his eyes?"

"It is estimated that the skills will not take effect. Although the possibility is unlikely, logically speaking, the situation of Hezerac not opening his eyes is not non-existent."

"In other words, no matter how much life force I consume, if Hezerac doesn't open his eyes, the skills will still not take effect."

"The description of the first skill can be understood as Hezerac imposes a state on the surroundings, which are fear of surrounding creatures. Of course, the description of the skill shows the principle of fear."

"Assuming that the object being stared at by Hezerac, that is, the stared at, there is only one possibility."

"From the long past to the distant future, there is only one line. Just like the previous guess with eyes open, the fear effect will not work, and similarly, the subsequent state of excitement will not take effect."

"The stared person in the skill description, according to the description, should be all creatures."

"However, considering the results of my tests in the movie "The Treasure of the Burning Sea", ordinary cats and dogs should not work, that is to say, the scope of the stared person should be that the thinking ability is not too much lower than that of normal humans. Creatures."

"This belongs to the target of skill description 1. Similarly, I also belong to the category of the target, but I can decide whether to include myself in the stare."

"The disadvantage is that I can't just strengthen myself when applying a state of excitement. Of course, this shortcoming needs to be combined with the second skill description."

"The description of skill description 2 seems to be an alternative description of the shortcomings of skill description 1."

"In the description, the actor is used to describe it, not the stared person, which means that the object of action can only be me."

"The collapse of the most advantageous one among all the possibilities for the actor into reality, combined with the inability to collapse in Skill Description 1, shows that whether it can collapse into reality is the difference between idealism and materialism."

"Skill description 1 affects thought, and skill description 2 can affect reality."

"Like the ability of Hezerac to change the real world at the end of "The Manuscript of Disappearing", it is probably just to collapse the rest of the world into the real world, thus achieving the effect of replacement."

"Of course, it can collapse the entire world, and the effect I use is only one person, and it must be myself."

"It is estimated that some changes have been made to the Hell movie so that the actors can also use this ability to survive."

"As for the specific use effect, restoration and enhancement of abilities, speaking of it, the effect of the Ring of Miracle can be replaced by Hezerac's gaze to some extent."

Qiancang sighed.

From the effect point of view, Hezerak's gaze can indeed make up for the Ring of Miracle, but there are two problems.

The first question is that Hezerac’s gaze is a skill, and the second effect requires a lot of life force. In this way, all the pressure is on the life force.

The ring of miracles does not have such a burden, and the effect of creating "miracles" is extremely powerful. Even if you are in a desperate situation, you can still use the ring of uncharged miracles as special items.

The second problem is that the frequently appearing words in the skill description are "random", that is, the effect is not fixed.

Whether randomness is good or bad, Qiancangyi doesn't know, but he doesn't like too much randomness, because it makes it impossible for him to plan.

Combined with the description of the skill description, the countless possibilities themselves are related to randomness. Therefore, the actor will not be surprised by the randomness after watching it.

Why random?

Because the mechanism of the skill itself is to use unlimited possibilities.

"The conditions for the success of the collapse are probably considering the distance between possibility and reality."

"Assuming such a situation, I was shot in the abdomen. In case 1, the enemy held a pistol against my stomach, then pulled the trigger, and the bullet passed through the abdomen. At this time, I activated my skills.

"The most favorable possibility for me should be that I avoid or the enemy misses. Assuming there is no interference from external forces, I must be shot."

"In this case, the most advantageous possibility may need to consume all of my life force to change this result, but if I consume all of my life force, I will die, so... it is meaningless."

"In other words, this possibility cannot be successfully collapsed into reality. I want to survive and must think of other ways."

"Scenario 2. The enemy fired a gun from a hundred meters away and hit me in the abdomen. Under this circumstance, there is too much possibility that the bullet did not hit me. Any possibility can be collapsed into reality."

"A hundred meters away, my hand was a little bit sideways, my eyes got sand, and I sneezed. There were too many cases of not hitting."

This is why Qiancangyi believes that Hezerac's gaze is not as good as the Ring of Miracle in terms of restoration. However, after all, this is just a usage of Hezerac's gaze, and the effect is not as strong as the Ring of Miracle.

Qiancangyi puts his sight on skill description 3.

"At first glance, this is foreknowledge, but the actual usage is completely opposite."

"The scope of use is basically limited to the mortal situation, that is to say, when I am in a desperate situation and cannot find a solution, I can use this skill."

"Assuming I didn't see the only death scene, or I saw it but I didn't die, it can be concluded that there must be a way to escape."

"However, although the conditions of use are very harsh, it requires a huge amount of life force and will cause space-time rejection after use. It can be determined that Hezerac can affect the rules."

"Speaking of..."

Qiancangyi couldn't help but think of the deal between Hell Movie and Hezerac.

What is the content of the transaction? What are the conditions?

Qiancangyi is very curious. After all, if he can trade with the **** movie, maybe, there is a chance to completely break away.

Although this possibility is almost negligible.

The purple lightning above the **** shop flickered frequently, no matter how many times it came, Qiancangyi felt that the entrance was a little gloomy.

The agent's little wife is sitting in a black rocking chair, holding a book with a black cover in her hand.

Qiancang walked over and was about to speak when he suddenly saw the words on the black cover.

Verdra manuscript.

His eyes widened, and he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Oh, are you here?" The manager closed the manuscript with both hands and turned to look at Qian Cangyi.

"I want to ask you about trading." Qiancang Yi chose to get straight to the point.

"No." Xiaotai shook her head, her tone beyond doubt.

"About..." Qian Cangyi wanted to ask again, but the green flame in Xiaotai's eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Count you cruel." Qian Cangyi raised his left hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows with his index finger and thumb.

In the next second, the green flame in Xiaotai's eyes ignited again, and then he spoke:

"I just asked, I can reveal some information to you."

"You know."

Xiaotai stretched her right hand forward, rubbing her index and thumb phalanx.

"If your answer satisfies me, I can give you all the pay for this movie." Qiancang said.

"No, you have to pay first." Xiaotai shook her head.

"I will give you 100 first." Qiancang handed over the remuneration neatly.

"Question." The young lady put away the "Verdra Manuscript".

"You know I'm coming, so you read this manuscript specially?" Qian Cang asked with a cold face.

"I like talking to smart people." Xiaotai didn't answer directly.

Qian Cangyi could feel the ridicule in Xiaotai's tone.

"What is the content of the transaction between Hell Movie and Hezerac?" Qiancang changed his words and pointed to the core issue.

"With regard to dreams, expectations, and the future, the more advanced creatures are, the more they will have the highest pursuit." Xiaotai's tone was suddenly serious.

Qiancang didn't expect that Xiaotai didn't make any mistakes~www.wuxiaspot.com~Can you be more specific? "Qiancang said softly.

Little Tai gave a fake cough and said:

"Different creatures, such as humans and ants, humans have the idea of ​​hanging pots to help the world, but ants don't. Even if you tell them to ants, ants don't understand."

"Similar creatures, the richest man and the beggar, the richest man runs around every day, and his eyes are all issues related to the world. All beggars think about is the next meal. Even if they say it to the beggar, the beggar will not understand it. Among the hoe."

"Now, do you still want to know?"

Qiancang nodded.

The green flame in Xiaomao's eyes jumped, and then he waved his hand, and all the lights in the cabin disappeared without a trace of light.

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