Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1274: Silent resistance

Facing Qian Cangyi's problem, Tao Shu thought for a long time.

The hardest part of a dream to remember is the beginning and the end.

Tao Shu looked out of the window in a daze, as if searching along the timeline in his memory.

Qiancangyi did not urge, but waited quietly.

The breeze blowing in from the window stroked the ends of their hair, bringing a refreshing breath.

Tao Shu's body trembled violently, and at the same time, Tao Shu's pupils began to shrink, but soon returned to normal.

"It's really a hard and painful journey." Tao Shu turned his head and said to Qian Cang, his tone full of fear.

"What do you mean?" Qian Cangyi didn't quite understand what Tao Shu wanted to express.

Tao Shu took a deep breath, then sighed and replied:

"You just asked me what the ending of the dream was. I tried to remember it, and remembered the ending."

"It was a cloudless sunny day. I stood on the top of the building, opened my hands, and then a gust of wind blew. At that time, I had a feeling that I can fly, and I want to fly."

"So I jumped from the top of the building and ended my life."

"But, look at me now, was it really the end of my life at that time?"

"Although my current life is incomparable with my dreams, I am indeed living, and the me in my dreams is not like living, more like suffering for the afterlife."

"By the way, tell me about you, Prince."

Speaking of the back, Tao Shu changed the conversation and brought the topic to Qian Cangyi.

This made Qiancang unexpected.

"I...cough cough, the situation is similar to yours, but my dream is not over yet, I'm still dreaming."

"That's what you said, but you said you couldn't wake up in the morning and couldn't fall asleep at night. I have also experienced a very painful feeling."

"Sometimes, I also thought about ending this dream, but I still endured it later. Maybe I just missed an opportunity, an opportunity to stand on the roof like you."

"I was surprised that I was able to meet you here."

Making up temporary excuses is naturally without difficulty for Qiancangyi.

The only question is, what does Tao Shu have to do with the Flesh Factory?

Qiancang one must find the connection between the two, otherwise staying here is a waste of time.

"Actually, it's pretty good." Tao Shu's tone became sad for some reason. After hearing this, the hound outside the door seemed to feel the master's mood and sobbed.

"Really?" Qiancang smiled.

"You know..." Tao Shu stretched his voice when he said, scratching his hair with his right hand, and then continued:

"...In terms of making money, it's not small, but the factory lacks humanity. At least I don't feel the warmth of humanity from any rules and regulations."

"Even if it is snacks, holiday benefits, factory celebrations, etc., all of these, I do not feel the existence of human nature, no matter what they do, I will subconsciously believe that these benefits are set up to better squeeze employees."

"Can you feel this feeling? It's like a person treats you well, but the purpose of his being good to you is only the money in your bank card."


Tao Shu had a long pause here.

"I came out to work for money, and my boss opened a factory for money."

"It's not that people are making money at all, but that money is controlling people. In this way, whoever controls the money will control the people."

"I sit on the production line every day, doing repetitive work, putting parts together."

"Assembling a product will not take a few seconds, and it will not take much effort. However, in the process of assembling, it is not just my strength that is consumed, do you understand?"

Tao Shu stood up suddenly, his expression agitated, he waved his hand and said angrily:

"Every repetitive action puts my time, my life, my expectations, and my future into the finished product."

"That is the culmination of my hard work. However, it is only a few dollars, and I can get about a few cents for each."

"I have no value."

Tao Shu hung his hands on his side, and his whole body seemed to have disappeared.

I have no value.

Qian Cangyi repeated this sentence in his heart.

Suddenly, Tao Shu put his hands on Qian Cang Yi's shoulders, and looked at Qian Cang Yi with a sincere look.

Qiancang looked up and found that Tao Shu was not malicious, so he didn't fight back, but waited for Tao Shu to explain why.

"You just said you were still dreaming, right? You can still return to the factory, right?" Tao Shu looked excited again.

"Yes." Qiancang nodded.

Tao Shu let go of his hands, walked to the bed, and picked up the pillow.

A piece of white paper facing each other was pressed under the pillow.

Tao Shu picked up the white paper, turned around and handed it to Qiancang's hand, and said at the same time:

"This thing may be useful if you hold it."

As soon as Qiancang opened the white paper, he found a poem titled "Dream in a Cage" written on it.

Looking out the window every day, when is the end/

Day after day, year after year/

Childhood dreams turned into dust/

The youth's expectation to meet in sleep/

Despair it hides behind hope, deceiving you to approach desperately/

Gluttonous behemoth, devours everything/

Birds outside the window, do you hear my call? /

Please take me out of here/

help me/

help me/

help me/

"You..." Qiancang looked up, but found that Tao Shu had been lost in the house, "Tao Shu?"

The hound outside the house called loudly, like howling a wolf.

As soon as Qiancang ran out of the house and looked around, he still couldn't find Tao Shu's figure. His body gradually began to float up and floated towards the sky.

Within a few blinks, Qiancang realized that he had returned to the flesh and blood factory.

The Tao Shu sitting opposite him is no longer assembled, just like the employees who "occupyed the seat" before, losing their souls.

Qian Cangyi put down the parts in his hand and turned his head to look at the three people in the corridor. At the same time, the three people in the corridor mountain also cast questioning glances at him.

[Temporary card user Wang Hou, your account has received 10 million activity funds donated by worker Tao Shu. 】

[Currently testing your eligibility for application. 】

[You do not meet the requirements for the talent card application. 】

[You do not meet the application requirements for the effort card. 】

[The activity funds in your card will not be converted into savings funds. 】

[You are currently in the factory of Yao Tianhai, a hard-working card user, and some functions are prohibited. 】

[If in doubt, please insert the temporary card into your mind. 】

The mechanical beep sounded in Qiancangyi's mind.

Qiancang was shocked and took out the black card in his pocket.

At this time, the black card shines with a unique metallic luster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A red five-pointed star pattern is added on the front.

Qiancang held a black card in his right hand and placed it flat near his forehead.

The black card slot appeared on his forehead, and the money warehouse didn't hesitate anymore and inserted the temporary card into his forehead.

【Ding! 】

[Temporary card user Wanghou, hello! 】

[You currently have 0 savings funds and 10 million active funds. 】

[Since you are a pilot user of an inter-industry bank, the functions provided by our bank are limited. 】

[Temporary card cannot be bound or loaned. The basic functions are as follows:]

【1. Activity funds can be consumed to buy ghost security guards, ghost workers and other hired personnel. 】

【2. When the black card tries to steal you, the activity funds will be consumed first. ].

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