Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1324: End of commission

A typical office, where the role played by the return from **** team works.

The six people were sitting at their desks, dealing with the follow-up procedures of this entrustment.

The shadow puppet show uploaded the collated information. After evaluation, the firm's ranking level rose from 4399 to 4396.

Zhu Chi was retrieved safely and is now undergoing psychological counseling in the hospital.

Knocking! Knocking!

There was a knock on the door, Xiao Zuanfeng was going to open the door, but Qiancang called him:

"I go."

As soon as Qiancang came to the door, he stretched out his hand to open the door.

A serious-faced Yue Long was standing outside the door, still holding a pale yellow paper bag in his hand.

"Please come in." Qiancang smiled.

After the two were seated, Yue Long took the lead to ask:

"What is going on? Can you tell me in detail?"

Yue Long's expression was suspicious.

Xiao Zuanfeng brought the tea up, and after putting down the teacup, he turned and left.

Qiancang looked at Yue Long's eyes and replied:

"In fact, it's easy to understand that when the living creatures are connected with the material world, all kinds of weird things can happen."

"The pillow man who brought Zhu Chi into the'game' world is the product of the combination of the two."

"The purpose of the Pillow Man is also well understood. It wants Zhu Chi to die, but a condition needs to be met. Zhu Chi must die voluntarily."

"Before he died, the Pillow Man met Zhu Chi's expectations, living in games, and being able to play games 24 hours a day."

Having said that, Qiancang looked away and looked out the window, as if he was sorting out the next words.

Yue Long nodded slightly, but his frowning brows did not relax. He thought about it and asked:

"Well, why did the pillow man look for Zhu Chi?"

"Is Zhu Chi more special or random? Will the same thing happen in the future?"

This is the issue that Yue Long is most concerned about. It is impossible for him to let them find every time someone goes missing while playing a game.

Although Zhu Chi's parents are suspected of touching porcelain, there are indeed weird incidents such as "Bite of Winter" in this world, so it cannot be completely ruled out that it is the problem of "Come" itself.

What's more, as a popular mobile game nowadays, any controversy in "Come" will push the company to the forefront.

The company's competitors are very happy to see these, but this is not something Yue Long is willing to see.

As soon as Qiancang turned his head, he was waiting for Yue Long to ask this question. The key to the entrustment lies in the three words "why".

Why did the pillow man kill Zhu Chi?

Qian Cangyi already knew the answer from Zhu Chi, but he couldn't verify it.

What Zhu Chi said was true or false, but he didn't know whether what the pillow man told Zhu Chi was true or false.

"Don't worry, it is basically impossible to happen again. Even if it happens again, someone from the Joint Investigation Association will come forward to solve it."

"As for the reason, Zhu Chi should be special."

"According to him, the Pillow Man came back from the future, about 33 years later, when Zhu Chi was 40 years old."

"That year, he committed a sensational murder. A total of 26 people died."

"After he was arrested, the whole society began to pay attention to him, trying to find a reason from him, one, the reason for the crime."

"Later, people noticed that Zhu Chi had been playing video games since he was a child, and he didn't have much contact with the outside world, so..."

Having said that, Qiancang paused for a while.

"So?" Yue Long was very curious, "What's wrong? What's the reason?"

"Video games." Qiancangyi's tone was calm.

Yue Long opened his mouth slightly, his face showed an unbelievable expression, "This... are you sure you are joking?"

This problem has already been expected by Qiancangyi.

Compared with the real world, the time of the film "Joint Investigation Association" is more "future", but it hasn't changed much.

According to the information known to his role, video games have been regarded as "electronic heroin" for decades. Thirty-three years later, when Zhu Chi committed the crime, all walks of life once again criticized video games.

Even if these people play by themselves, it has not changed the status of video games.

"Reality is more miraculous than movies, isn't it?" Qian Cang asked back.

"But..." Yue Long hesitated to speak.

Qiancang leaned back and said:

"Let's put the matter down temporarily, or talk about the pillow man."

"Due to the dispute over the motive of the crime, Zhu Chi's death sentence was postponed, and at this time, the pillow man found him."

"You brought disasters to people and video games, do you regret what you did in the past? I can help you, and I will let you die gently, so that those who were killed by you will come back to life. Video games will also be spared. Pillow Man told Zhu Chi this way at the time."

"Zhu Chi agreed."

"So, the pillow man came'crossing', intending to take Zhu Chi's life."

After speaking, he took a sip of the tea on the table at the end of the money warehouse.

Yue Long was silent, the doubt on his face did not disappear, he grabbed his ear with his right hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked:

"What's the matter with that string of data? Does it represent the pillow man?"

Qiancang nodded and replied:

"So far, people don't have a deep understanding of living creatures, but you can understand it that way. I think that Pillow Man can pass through, perhaps because it is just a string of data and has no entity.

Speaking of this, Qiancang couldn't help but think of the last commission, a quirky "word".

The quirky "words" can change the past from the present, and the pillow man can change the present from the future.

"It turned out to be like this." Although Yue Long said so in his mouth, his brows wrinkled deeper.

Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly asked:

"You just talked about the disaster of video games. Will video games be blocked in the future? It shouldn't be possible?"

When he said this, Yue Long had expectations in his eyes, and he hoped that Qian Cangyi could give him a satisfactory answer.

Qiancang blinked and replied:

"When one day, a video game can pull the trigger, shoot a bullet, and easily kill people, it will definitely not be blocked."

"So is the novel."

"As for the future of video games, I can only say that relying on the big tree is good for the shade, and your company can work harder in finding the big tree."

""Come" is a good game."

After listening, Yue Long was silent, his face was uncertain, and then his eyes flickered and said:

"Thank you very much, then I'll go first."

He stood up and stretched out his right hand.

Qiancang nodded slightly, shook hands with Yue Long, and then sent Yue Long away.

When the sound of the door closing sounded, Qian Jiangyue's voice came from the office.

"Are you ready?"


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