Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1339: Escape from Voluo Village

The wooden board stuck in the closet was moved partially, revealing the things hidden in the closet.

Qiancang raised his head and saw a cyan face with corpse spots on his face. It was a dead man's face, and he knew it.

This face is exactly the face of Lao Wang, that is, the Lao Wang who is playing cards at Po Chen's house.

Qiancang sniffed, and the corpse was the same as the corpse in the attic, without any smell.

If it smells like a corpse, it won't hide in this place.

He put away the dagger and turned off the helmet light.

"Liang Ping, you--" Ran Ya walked over, and at the same time, she also saw the corpse in the closet.

Just when she was about to shout, one hand covered her mouth.

Qiancang Yi tightly covered his right hand, of course, did not cover his nose, he had anticipated this situation before removing the wooden board.

Because of this, he told Ran Ya not to watch.

"Don't call, you will be found, do you know?" Qian Cangyi whispered in Ran Ya's ear.

Ran Ya's eyes were horrified, she always couldn't help but aimed at the corpse in the closet, and after a full two seconds, she nodded slowly.

As soon as Qiancang slowly let go, he did not completely relax his vigilance.

After confirming that Ran Ya would not scream anymore, he went into the closet and put the boards back.

"Why my grandpa would..." Ran Ya didn't say the following words, her voice was already a little hoarse, and pressing her inner fear and sadness to the bottom of her heart had consumed all her energy.

"Ran Ya, I'll talk about it later, we have to rush to the platform right now, you search for the clothes." Qian Cangyi answered in a calm tone.

"...Hmm." Ran Ya nodded, then took a long breath, then rummaging through the coat on the bed.

Qiancang took a deep breath and slammed into the board. Because of his small size, he could only rely on his body's strength.

The size of children is too different from that of adults, and the impact is much greater than expected, completely different from the situation in the anime.

After trying his best to reinsert the plank, he turned his head and looked at Ran Ya.

At this time, Ran Ya was holding a few red banknotes in her hand.

"How much money is there?" Qiancang asked.

"800." Ran Ya handed the money over.

As soon as the money warehouse received the money, it was divided into two parts, and then one part was handed back:

"You also take half, for fear of accidents on the road."

"Come on, hang up your clothes."

After speaking, he started finishing work.

Ran Ya never recovered from what happened just now, but she still did what Qiancang said.

After Qiancang closed the closet door, he took Ran Ya's hand with his right hand, "Let's go!"

After speaking, he walked to the living room.

Just when he was about to leave the security door, he suddenly saw a football, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "It is better to take the football. If you encounter them on the road, you can still use kicking as an excuse."

It's normal for a little boy to play football with a little girl.

As soon as the Qiancang released his hand, holding the football in his hand, he walked to the anti-theft door.

However, when he walked to the door, Ran Ya did not follow.

"What's the matter?" Qiancang asked as he turned around.

"I want to find out the reason and get the evidence. I don't plan to leave Fuluo Village." Ran Ya's tone was full of determination.

"Are you crazy? Ran Ya, how do you fight them? Let's leave Fuluo Village first, and then think of a way to be much better than this." Qian Cang frowned.

"I'm not crazy, we are kids, no one will believe what we say even if we escape, no one will be able to find if they just hide in another place, or buried in a remote place." Ran Ya held her left hand. The walls seemed to be burning with flames in his eyes.

"So, what can you do?" Qian Cangyi's expression gradually became cold.

"Liang Ping, think about it, even if we can escape, we are just hiding at home. At this time, if our grandpa finds it, what do you think will happen? We have nowhere to escape, since we saw the corpse From that moment on, there is only one way left." Ran Ya still insisted.

Qiancangyi naturally couldn't say such things as "I may be able to leave the **** movie directly."

"In this case, then--" He just said this, and his words stopped abruptly.

Because, the new script came to his mind.

Oops, could it be...

Qiancangyi had an unknown hunch in his heart.

[Liang Ping was shocked. He thought he was brave enough, but Ran Ya, who stood in front of him, was more brave than him. 】

[After seeing my grandfather's body, instead of deciding to run away immediately, he planned to stay in Voluo Village to find out the truth. 】

[Liang Ping took a deep breath, his expression relaxed a lot: Ran Ya, you are right, even if we escape, this matter will not end. In this regard, you think more deeply than I do, so I plan to... stay, Find the answer with you! 】

[Ran Ya has tears in her eyes when she hears this sentence: Thank you, Liang Ping. 】

[Liang Ping smiled, just about to answer. At this time, footsteps came from outside the door, and they were getting closer. 】

[After hearing the footsteps, Liang Ping put his right index finger in front of his mouth, made a hissing gesture, and then turned his head to look at the security door. 】

[The sound of the door lock turning, the security door was pushed open, and Lao Wang's face appeared in Liang Ping's eyes. 】

[Lao Wang (surprised): Oh, Xiaoya, you and Liang Ping are here. Grandpa came to get some money. I'm not lucky today. Don't worry, Xiaoya, what do you want to eat, grandpa will buy it for you tonight. 】

This concludes the script.

Among them, the part Liang Ping promised to stay was marked in red.

The red part of the script must be shown by the actors.

it is as expected!

Qiancang gritted his teeth, according to the script's requirements, he must say the same thing.

Regardless of whether he does not say it or continues to run away after saying it, what punishment will be left aside for the time being, the score must be quite low.

This is a promotion movie, not an ordinary official movie. It is indeed the first one to survive, but if you don't get the minimum score for promotion, then it is meaningless to participate in this movie.

However, the content given in the script is more than that. At this time, Lao Wang is rushing back to his home because his gambling money has already been lost.

In other words, the time for Qiancang to think is only a few seconds.

Qiancang took a deep breath, using the side effect of Time Tomb's Leader's skill to buy himself a few more seconds of thinking time.

For a time, his mind was full of thoughts.

What Ran Ya said did have a certain truth, but there was a huge loophole, that is, she was just a child.

What can children do? Almost nothing can be done, unless it is a film and television work or a peerless genius.

Although Ran Ya is indeed smarter than ordinary children, it is still very reluctant to find the answer to the puzzle with this level of cleverness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But... no amount of weighing is useless, this is after all Promote to the movie, not to mention that it has not yet reached the end of death.

After excluding several options, there is only one option left in the Qiancang-according to the requirements of the script.

When the skill effect ends, only a small amount of life force is consumed.

"Ran Ya, you are right..." When Qian Cang read the lines, his right hand clenched his fist tightly to calm himself, "...Stay and find the answer with you!"

"Thank you, Liang Ping." Ran Ya's tears rolled in her eyes.

As soon as Qiancang put his attention to his ears, the sound of footsteps outside the anti-theft door gradually approached, and then the sound of the door lock turning came.

Pharaoh, back!

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