Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1347: Turbulent undercurrent

Hearing this question, Fan Yuantang stood up, stretched out his right hand, touched Qian Cangyi's head, and said:

"Liang Ping, this is not necessarily true. As long as the external environment does not change, the box can still survive, but what you said is correct, because in any case, the external environment will change. It's just a matter of time."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the light gray desk clock on the table. The hour hand was already close to the number 10. In another 5 minutes, the time would come to 22 o'clock.

"Go to bed first, it's late, and do your homework tomorrow. Children should rest well. Staying up late to study is not good for your health."

As he said, he seemed to remember something, and reached into his trouser pocket with his right hand, took out the wallet, then drew out a red banknote and handed it to Qiancangyi.

"You take it, and buy what you want to buy. If it's not enough, then ask Grandpa for it."

The moment Qian Cang saw this paper money, Qian Cang thought of Lao Wang and Fan Yuantang’s request for apology. For some reason, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart, but he did not express this worry on his face, instead. A happy smile from the heart appeared on his face:

"Thank you Grandpa."

After speaking, he held the hundred-yuan bill in his hand, even though he had already held it in his hand, he still laughed "hehe" in his mouth.

Fan Yuantang did not say more, but turned and left the bedroom. When he walked to the door of the bedroom and put his left hand on the edge of the door, he suddenly turned his head and said:

"By the way, Liang Ping, I almost forgot, there is one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Qian Cang blinked, his immature face and bright big eyes really looked like an innocent child.

"Remember what happened last night? Just in case, I slept with my grandfather tonight. Don't wake up and sleep in another place." Fan Yuantang's tone was serious, and his expression on his face was full of worry.

In an instant, Qiancang remembered the situation of waking up today, and he already had an idea in his mind.

"Good!" He agreed to Fan Yuantang's request.

Fan Yuantang smiled and left the bedroom.

Qiancangyi lay his hands on the table, looking at his summer homework and thinking about what had just happened.

From last night until now, Liang Ping, who he plays, has done too many unusual things. Although Fan Yuantang has not suspected for some unknown reason, once the doubts accumulate, it will reach a threshold sooner or later.

On the other hand, Po Chen appeared last night and may reappear tonight. Staying in Liang Ping’s bedroom may repeat the same mistakes. Sleeping with Fan Yuantang can test whether there is a relationship between Po Chen and Fan Yuantang.

Even when he knew that Fan Yuantang was wrong, he still chose to spend the night together. There was a certain risk in doing so, but not doing so did not mean safety.

Thinking of this, Qiancang took the draft paper in front of him, then wrote the number 1 on the left, and then drew a circle on the back.

He intends to sort out what happened from last night to now.

"the first thing."

After saying these words, he closed his lips tightly and stopped making a sound.

There are only numbers and symbols on the draft paper to avoid accidentally revealing their true identity.

Although there is a blank on the draft paper, Qian Cangyi's mind has already reflected yesterday's scene, and he said in his heart:

This incident is related to Fan Yuantang, and the cause is Fan Yuantang's lateness.

Later, I investigated and found that there was a corpse in the attic, and it was Fan Yuantang, and there was a note in the hand that said "Remember to pick up my grandson."

Assuming that Fan Yuantang in the black box is the problematic Fan Yuantang, then the real Fan Yuantang is the Fan Yuantang who spoke to me just now.

There is a message from Liang Ping’s memory that there is no essential difference between humans in the movie world and humans in the real world, and Fan Yuantang is not too unique.

So, combined with the results of the test just now, Fan Yuantang's memory level is already in the abnormal range, so this inference is obviously problematic.

Among the other situations, one is more special, that is, the Fan Yuantang in the box and the active Fan Yuantang are fake. This conjecture is of little significance, so I will not consider it carefully for the time being.

The most likely thing is that only Fan Yuantang in the box is the true Fan Yuantang. Liang Ping's grandfather is dead, and the time of death can be judged by the note.

The day before yesterday, Liang Ping’s mother told Fan Yuantang that Liang Ping was coming. Therefore, no matter who wrote the note, the content of “Remember to pick up his grandson” can limit Fan Yuantang’s death from 9 am the day before yesterday to 6 pm yesterday.

In the picture displayed by the deceased’s vision, Fan Yuantang went to a place in Fuluo Village before his death. Because the effect of the special props was the picture that the deceased saw before his death. The picture was very bright at that time, so it can be confirmed that it was daytime, but it’s summer. Determine the specific time.

It is more troublesome to continue to narrow the scope, but you can also refer to some details, such as whether Fan Yuantang attended during the time of Po Chen's funeral; another point is that to hide the corpse, you need to go to the attic, but I did not see the footprints when I went to the attic to investigate.

Unfortunately, these details are not strong enough, after all, I don't know what Fan Yuantang is now.

"Second thing."

Qiancangyi wrote the number 2 under the number 1 with a pen, and drew a triangle at the back.

Just as he was about to think carefully, the corner of his eye suddenly saw someone standing outside the window.

Liang Ping's bedroom is on the second floor.

Qiancang suddenly raised his head and saw a phantom face on the glass of the window. At the beginning, the face was not clear enough, but as time passed, the face gradually became clear, and finally, a familiar face appeared. On the window, it was Po Chen's face.

This face is lifeless, the wrinkles on his face are like gullies, and the corners of the raised mouth are pulled to the limit, making the scary face even more terrifying.

Qiancang stopped moving, and now he dare not breathe.

The second thing he thought about was exactly what he saw Po Chen last night.

The next second, in the blink of an eye, the face on the window suddenly disappeared, replaced by the face of a black cat.

The black cat's faint green eyes seemed to be spiritual, staring at Qian Cang Yi firmly.

After a short "meow", the black cat jumped out of the window.

Qiancang quickly got up and walked to the window, but he didn't get too close. He looked out the window. The black cat on the window sill had reached the road, then crossed the road, ran into the alley, and disappeared.

On the other side, Ran Ya, who had already returned to Lao Wang's house, was also dealing with Lao Wang.

Ran Ya inserted the plug with her right hand, and she locked the bedroom door, and the sound of the door lock turning was heard, followed by a knock on the door.

After she heard it, she leaned her back against the door, pressed her palms on the door, and replied loudly:

"Grandpa, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Just now Pharaoh planned to talk to her about some things, but Pharaoh's face was very bad and his tone was very severe.

At this time, Ran Ya's nerves had been tightened to the limit.

"Xiaoya." Lao Wang's voice was full of exhaustion.

"I'm tired, grandpa." Ran Ya pressed her hands.

"Okay." Old Wang no longer insisted.

Ran Ya heard the footsteps outside the door gradually go away, and took a long breath. Then, she slowly walked towards the mirror.

With every step she took, she felt her legs soften.

When she came to the long mirror, she was already leaning against the mirror, her forehead and hands supporting her whole body.

The fear in her heart is destroying her spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When she was looking at Lao Wang just now, she thought of the corpse in the closet again and almost couldn't stand firm.

"Hold on, Ran Ya, you can't fall down." Ran Ya said to herself in the mirror. Then, she took a deep breath and held the mirror with both hands to make herself stand firm. Then, she looked at herself in the mirror.

The black shawl and long hair are a bit messy, his complexion is slightly pale, his eyes are flustered, and the cool blue dress is full of folds.

Ran Ya tugged at her long skirt, frowning.

"No, I can't wear a skirt anymore, it's too inconvenient, and hair..."

Having said this, Ran Ya's eyes became firm, she walked to the desk, pulled out the drawer, and took out the small red scissors.

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