Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1351: Night tour

In Fan Yuantang's bedroom, steady breathing echoed in the room.

Qiancang closed his eyes and relaxed his body, but he did not fall asleep and remained awake.

Although there was no life-threatening danger today, anyway, there is a corpse in the attic now, and the face of the corpse is exactly the same as that of the people around him. It's always right to be careful.

The hands slowly turned, and the time had come to the wee hours.

Qiancangyi is not only on guard, but also taking the opportunity to make vitality biscuits.

The life force biscuit mold is protected by **** movies and will not be discovered. Moreover, the production process of the life force biscuit is quite simple. You only need to hold the life force biscuit mold in your hand and do not need to do other things.

The only thing to note is that after the life force biscuits are made, they cannot be stored in the special item carrying column. They can only be carried on the body or stored somewhere.

In the production process, the vitality will be slowly consumed, the consumption speed is much faster than the natural recovery speed, but it can be stopped at any time.

In order not to consume too much life force, Qiancang first consumes a little bit, then waits for the life force to slowly recover, and then consumes the life force after almost.

Suddenly, Qian Cangyi felt that Fan Yuantang, who was sleeping next to him, moved a bit and moved closer to him.

Everyone's sleeping habits are different. Qian Cangyi couldn't tell whether Fan Yuantang was deliberate or unintentional at this time, so he didn't move or open his eyes, but silently waited for the situation to develop further.

Then, Fan Yuantang moved again and moved closer.

Qian Cangyi was able to judge Fan Yuantang's location from the sound of his breathing.

Even if he didn't open his eyes, he had already imagined the situation in the bedroom in his mind.

He played Liang Ping lying on the bed, sleeping on the left side of the bed. Fan Yuantang, who was sleeping on the right side of the bed, propped up his upper body with his right hand, leaned his body sideways, and brought his head close.

After this step, the sound of breathing did not approach anymore, and Fan Yuantang did not make a cross-boundary movement, but did not leave, as if he was just maintaining the original posture at this time, as if he was observing whether Qian Cangyi had fallen asleep.

Qiancangyi still chose to wait and see the changes.

A few seconds later, Qian Cangyi felt some changes in his body. Something was pulled out of his body from his ears. Although it was not uncomfortable, it was a sensation that he could really feel.

What Fan Yuantang must be doing!

Qiancang wanted to take a look. He opened his eyes and activated the leader of the Time Tomb. Of course, before the skill was activated, the vitality biscuit mold had been taken back to the special item carrying box by him.

The leaves floating in the wind outside the window were completely still, everything around was still, and the heart seemed to be held by a big hand, unable to beat.

Qiancang's eyes rolled, and then the faint light saw the situation beside him clearly.

Fan Yuantang's posture was similar to what he had imagined, but his face was slightly different. In addition to the pair of eyes under the eyebrows, there were two pairs of eyes under the original eyes.

The two extra pairs of eyes are looking around.

In Fan Yuantang's left ear, a strand of white ribbon-like object twisted in the air, extending to Qiancangyi's left ear.

After Qiancang saw the situation clearly, he quickly closed his eyes, thinking about the solution in his mind.

No matter what Fan Yuantang intends to do, it must be stopped!

The effect of the leader of the Time Tomb is over, and everything flows again.

Direct intervention or escape is not a good way. Qian Cangyi still doesn't want to expose himself. He recalled the scene when he woke up the night before and in the morning, and a crazy idea flashed in his mind.

Since Fan Yuantang was worried that he might be sleepwalking during the day, it was better to pretend to be sleepwalking, so that he could escape Fan Yuantang without being exposed.

After thinking of this, Qiancangyi planned to act immediately.

He sat up abruptly without any sign, then raised his hands forward, and after raising them to a position flush with his shoulders, he turned his waist and turned to get out of the bed.

The whole movement is not coherent, and there is even a sense of sluggishness. It seems that the brain's signals to control the body have a very large delay. However, this effect is what Qiancang wants.

After getting out of bed, the quilt with flowers was dragged to the ground by the money bin, but he ignored it, and dragged the quilt to continue walking outside the bedroom.

"Liang Ping, where are you going, go to the toilet?" Fan Yuantang's slight shout came from behind him.

Qiancang ignored it and walked straight to the door.

Since he had already planned to use sleepwalking to escape tonight, naturally he could no longer sleep in Fan Yuantang's house, so instead of returning to his bedroom, he planned to leave the house and go to Po Chen's house to repeat the situation last night.

In this way, Fan Yuantang would not doubt at all. Maybe he would contact Liang Ping's mother by phone. Then, Qiancang would have another choice when he escaped from Fuluo Village.

After ten seconds, Qiancang opened the door and walked out.

There was a gust of wind outside the house, and the sound of leaves being blown by the wind seemed to cover the horror hidden in the shadows.

Qiancang always walked to Po Chen's house. It didn't take long for Fan Yuantang to follow him, but this time, Fan Yuantang didn't call "Liang Ping", but just followed him a short distance in silence to keep his distance.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in his mind, like a phantom.

The content of the screen is that the corpse in the attic is raising its hand, and it makes a slight noise after touching the top of the box.

Originally, this picture was just a fleeting scene in his thoughts, but Qiancang thought of Pharaoh at the same time, as well as the corpse in Pharaoh's bedroom.

If the corpse in the attic moves, then the corpse in Pharaoh's bedroom should also move, and Pharaoh slept next to the bedroom.

As soon as Qian Cang thought of this, he originally planned to go to Po Chen's house, but changed his destination and walked towards Lao Wang's house.

Considering that Fan Yuantang was following him, Qiancangyi did not choose to speed up, and even deliberately slowed down. After walking for about ten minutes, the sound of footsteps behind began to approach, and only stopped when he was 4 or 5 steps behind .

As soon as Qiancang realized that Fan Yuantang might be planning to test himself, he was ready in his heart.

A few seconds later, Fan Yuantang came up from the left and stared at Qian Cangyi's face.

The corner of Qiancang's eye caught a glimpse of this scene and moved on.

The next second, Fan Yuantang stretched out his left hand and shook it up and down in front of Qian Cangyi's eyes.

"Wake up, Liang Ping, the sun is tanning!"

Fan Yuantang whispered in Qian Cangyi's ear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qian Cangyi knew that this was Fan Yuantang's test. Once a flaw was revealed, he would be exposed.

If Fan Yuantang finds out that he knows that there is something wrong with Fan Yuantang in front of him, the result is likely to be death.

At this moment, Qiancang's nerves were tense, and at the same time, another question flashed in his mind, a question he hadn't thought about carefully before.

If Chen Po's death was not a natural death, is it also related to the secrets of Fuluo Village?

After this question came to mind, his breathing speeded up a bit.

"Liang Ping!" Fan Yuantang said again, but this time his voice was much louder, "Did you find out?"

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