Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1366: You are always in my heart

Fan Yuantang was silent for two seconds, patted his hand, and then took Ran Ya back and left the bedroom to make way for Qiancang.

Qian Cangyi was not surprised. The reason was simple. He knew that Fan Yuantang had calculated the affairs of Liang Ping's mother, so he didn't worry about Liang Ping's escape.

"I believe you, Liang Ping, I hope you don't let me down." Fan Yuantang's tone was full of approval, and he seemed very satisfied with Qian Cangyi's choice.

Qiancang Yi didn't answer, and walked outside the house step by step, every step was unusually heavy, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and it took a lot of effort to lift it up.

In the living room, Fan Yuantang took Ran Ya by the hand. The two smiled gently, like a family, and the atmosphere was sweet and warm. However, the corpse on the ceiling was like a trembling poison, killing all the warmth.

"I'm waiting for you." Ran Ya's tone was firm.

As soon as Qiancang walked to the anti-theft door, he turned the door handle with his left hand and glanced back with complicated eyes. Then, he opened the door and stepped out with his right foot.

In front of the street, the villagers of Fuluo Village have gathered. The number is small, probably dozens of people, but these people, like Fan Yuantang, tied the corpse to the waist with ropes. However, because it is outdoors, the weight cannot completely offset the buoyancy. Therefore, some heavy objects were hung on the ropes, mostly ironware and stones.

The soles of these people's feet, wild cats dead, wounded, and the streets are like slaughterhouses.

As soon as Qiancang took a step forward, the villagers in front also took a step back.

Under the gaze of dozens of fiery eyes, Qiancang always walked in the direction of the stop sign. Now it is midnight and no long-distance bus will pass by. However, if you want to leave Voluo Village, the platform is almost the only entrance.

Of course, other places can also escape, but the danger and inconvenience of the mountains and forests almost cut off this possibility, after all, Liang Ping is only a 10-year-old child.

A few minutes later, as soon as Qiancang walked in front, the rest of the villagers followed. At this time, if a passerby saw it, he might think it was sending the child to catch the train overnight.

The simple stop sign is like a lone traveler standing at a fork in the road, and there is no sound around it.

Qiancangyi stood under the stop sign, looked up at the starry night sky, and then looked in the direction of the bus in the trailer.

After the road goes all the way, it bends to the right and extends to the mountain ahead.

Then he turned around and stood facing the villagers in Fuluo Village.

"We will send it here, you have to take care of yourself." Fan Yuantang said, here is the limit distance he is willing to give.

After speaking, Fan Yuantang walked to Qiancang.

Qiancangyi stretched out his left hand, "Let Ran Ya come."

After Ran Ya heard it, she prepared to step forward, but was blocked by Fan Yuantang's right hand. At this time, Fan Yuantang was looking at Qian Cangyi with a wary expression.

"I hope you will not forget your family." After saying this, Fan Yuantang withdrew his hand and let Ran Ya move on.

"I will never forget them." Qiancang opened his hands and looked at Ran Ya.

After walking a few steps, Ran Ya ran up. After approaching Qiancangyi, she gently jumped up, opened her hands and hugged Qiancang, "You are so kind."

Qiancang hugged Ran Ya and said softly in Ran Ya's ear:

"Although you are dead, you will always be in my heart, and I will never forget you."

Ran Ya's smile stiffened after hearing these words.

Qiancang pushed Ran Ya away, holding the rope tightly in his hand, turned and ran into the weedy field. On the rope, the real Ran Ya hung.

When he hugged just now, he had already untied the rope.

"Chasing, kill him directly!" Fan Yuantang ran out first with a cold face, followed by the villagers.

In the field, Qian Cang pulled down the rope with his right hand to prevent Ran Ya's corpse from becoming a signpost. At the same time, he pushed aside the weeds in front of him with his left hand and ran forward.

After losing the obvious road signs, the villagers in the rear slowed down a bit. They wanted to prevent Qiancang from sneaking back.

Soon, as soon as Qiancang came to the edge of the cliff, he threw away the stone that had been used to increase the weight and climbed up the rope at the same time.

After losing the weight of the stone, Ran Ya's body gradually floated up.

"There!" Fan Yuantang pointed to Qian Cang Yi, speeding up and ran over, trying to grab the rope, but Qian Cang had already thought of this a long time ago. After he climbed up, he immediately put the rope away.

Qiancangyi was condescending and looked down. He was different from the villagers disguised by Shi Yiling. He didn't need to keep in touch with the corpse. He could jump off after reaching the specified height, but the situation of the villagers was different. After they jumped, the corpse would continue. Ascend, the distance will be pulled away soon, and soon, the disguise will be broken, revealing the prototype.

It is easier to catch Qiancang I when the prototype is exposed, but there is a problem, that is, Shi Yiling can't exist for a long time alone, and they have to be rushed back immediately. As for the reason, Qiancang I is not clear, but this has been verified before.

Therefore, the villagers who have been following just looked up.

"I have a way." Fan Yuantang frowned slightly.

After a few seconds, the two villagers untied the ropes and tied the corresponding corpses together, while the remaining villagers stood on the consecrated corpses in a ratio of 2:1.

Fan Yuantang took Ran Ya with him, and then the body began to float up.

Above, Qiancangyi has risen to a sufficient height ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has been prepared for a long time, his legs jumped out forcefully, his hands stretched forward, grabbed the branches, and then quickly climbed along the branches to the mountain.

The whole action was done in one go, as if it had been rehearsed countless times.

The same action was replaced by the real Liang Ping, who had already fallen to death several times.

After Qiancang moved away from the cliff, he raised his head and watched Ran Ya's body fly into the vast sky. He raised his right hand and waved it as a final farewell. After that, he turned and fled into the dense forest.

Soon, Fan Yuantang and his party also came to the same place, and Ran Ya, who stood beside him, had a tendency to begin to deform.

After waiting for the height to rise again, Fan Yuantang jumped off holding Ran Ya. At the same time as she landed, Ran Ya's body began to deform. After a few seconds, it turned into Shi Yiling's appearance. However, it did not return to Voluo Village. Is to continue to chase Qiancangyi.

In the mountains and forests, Qiancang pays attention to the surrounding environment for a moment, and he can't ignore any disturbances. Now it can be said that the last moment of the whole movie, once he makes a mistake, everything he did before will fall short, or he will die directly in the movie.

Suddenly, the horn of the car came from the front.

As soon as the Qiancang stopped, he focused his attention on his ears. After a few seconds, the whistle sounded again.

A choice was placed in front of him, whether to hide and wait until dawn to find a way to leave, or to run directly to the road to stop the car.

"Here, he is here!"

Suddenly, a voice came out, and it was in the ear.

Qiancang turned his head abruptly and saw a face exactly like himself. Behind this face was the white ribbon representing memory. The other end of the white ribbon went deep into his ears.

"Here!" The shouts of the exposed position became louder and louder.


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