Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1377: Stars Gathered

The previous proposal was put forward again.

Qiancangyi didn't agree at the beginning. Although it was possible to judge that Gracilaria was still alive through his friends, he did not ask about the specific situation. After all, he did not intend to help.

Qiancang glanced at the rice paper, but didn't answer immediately.

"It seems that you have a good relationship. You have started to whisper, take me a chant." The rice paper turned the teacup on the table, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Ling didn't care about the rice paper. He just looked at Qian Cang Yi and waited for Qian Cang Yi to answer.

As soon as Qiancang remained silent, he was weighing the pros and cons.

To be honest, he is unwilling to confront Pu'er. Even through the description of Gracilaria, he can feel the weirdness of Pu'er skills. What's more, after so long, is there any new usage of the skills? With a few life-saving equipment and special props, no one knows, the risk is too high.

Conversely, the benefits of Gracilaria itself are not small. The film "The Funeral of the Sun" is based on the interlocking of various forces and the fight for the heart of the sun. Fighting and death are inevitable. There is a person who can heal teammates. Actors are around to help, which can effectively alleviate the medical shortage. Otherwise, if you are injured and have no special equipment, you will have to queue up for treatment at the hospital or go to an unlicensed doctor for treatment, which is a bit miserable.

After making a decision, Qian Cangyi decided to help Gracilaria. The reason for this is still due to the combination of gaze and the leader. The suddenness of the stop and the fear effect of gaze can be used in Pu'er skills. Kill it before coming out.

Qiancang looked back at Jiang Ling's eyes and said softly:

"I can help you, but this must be said somewhere else."

"Don't expose my existence for the time being, you can give me your contact information, then we will find a safe place to discuss in detail."

After speaking, he looked at the expression on Jiang Ling's face, but he did not see the expressions of joy or happiness, but a little regret.

Qiancang frowned slightly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Ling explained:

"Don't get me wrong, I mainly want to ask him why he did this? Now it seems that I should have no chance."

"Cang Yi, thank you, besides, I also believe that you will give him a good time."

After a few people chatted, Wutong and Jiang Ling temporarily left and returned to their seats. Of course, the two parties exchanged contact information.

When Wutong and Gracilaria left, the rice paper asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Private grievances." Qian Cangyi did not want to talk more.

With the character of rice paper, after knowing this, I am afraid that Gracilaria will be sent directly to Pu'er.

Qiancang thought.

"Is my impression of you that bad?" The rice paper shook his head and sighed, "It's hard for a good person... Actually, I want to help you."

"That's really thank you." Qiancang picked up the phone and glanced at it, "Here."

"What?" The rice paper stopped the chopsticks.

"Maybe it's a waste of time, and the risk is too great, so I plan to change the method." Qiancang pointed the phone screen to the rice paper. "The stars are gathered in Hua'an City, with stars of all ages. It seems to be ready to catch them all. "

The rice paper squinted, got closer, and said:

"It should be just the beginning. After all, there are a few people who are chasing stars. Next, it is estimated that there will be home appliance delivery, handshake meetings, etc."

Qiancang nodded, and after taking back the phone, he flipped down. Suddenly, he saw an unfamiliar but highly recognizable face.

Lu Zijin, an actor with a good looks and good looks, is an actor in "Night Run", whose codename is Jiangnan. Interestingly, in this movie, the name of the star he played is also called Lu Zijin.

Compared to Lei Zhan's death penalty start, Lu Zijin's star has a much better start.

"What?" The rice paper suddenly asked.

"There is an acquaintance, maybe we can get in." Qiancang went together, "I'll go to the toilet."

As soon as the rice paper watched Qiancang leave, he boringly turned over current affairs news.

Five minutes later, Qiancang returned to his seat, "Why do you eat so fast?"

The rice paper raised his head, scratched his neck with the index finger of his right hand, and asked:

"What are you talking about? If you don't have enough, you can order yourself, and eat as much as you want."

Qiancang frowned. He picked up the bowls and chopsticks on the table and put them aside. However, when he retracted his hands, he accidentally touched the bowls and chopsticks and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and caught the bowl before landing. chopsticks.

"Is it because the waiter didn't clean up after the people at the table finished eating?" Qiancang put the tableware in place, his expression puzzled.

"This is what we eat." The expression on the rice paper became serious. "I said you came back from the bathroom, why is your brain abnormal?"

"Toilet?" Qiancang took a deep breath. "I just entered the restaurant and didn't go to the toilet at all?"

The rice paper looked sideways at the ground, lost in thought, and said in his mouth:

"I don't think you are like a person who likes to fool around. Besides, playing with me in this low-level method will only make me think you are..."

"Assuming you are not playing me, then... what do you remember?"

At the end, he stared at Qian Cangyi's eyes.

"You invite me to dinner, we take the car, get off, you walk faster, I will see you sitting here when I come in." Qian Cangyi looked at each other with the rice paper.

The rice paper opened his mouth slightly, tapped the table top, and then turned to look in the direction of Gracilaria.

Gracilaria seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked puzzled.

The rice paper pointed his right finger at Qian Cangyi, and his left hand motioned to Grahama to come.

Jiang Ling hesitated for a second, got up and walked to the rice paper, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, a dull sound came from the direction of the toilet, attracting the attention of the three people.

20 seconds ago.

In front of the toilet sink, Qiancang opened the faucet and put his hand under the water stream.

The water flowed down the fingers and gathered at the lowest point of the sink.

Qiancang raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. For some reason, there was a sense of anxiety in his heart. This anxiety is not strong, but it lingers like a haze that has been hanging over his heart.

"Could it be that the rice paper intends to trick me?"

He raised his right hand and was about to turn off the faucet, but somehow his hand suddenly hit the switch.

A slight pain came from the back of the hand.

"How come you hit it?"

Qiancang turned the faucet off without thinking about it, but after turning it off, the slight pain in the back of his hand combined with an unknown premonition in his heart made him feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't notice what was wrong.

"Forget it."

Qiancang sighed and walked out of the toilet. He planned to leave the restaurant first.

Between the restaurant hall and the toilet, there is a narrow aisle for two people to pass through. The floor of the aisle is covered with green anti-skid mats.

As soon as Qiancang walked halfway through the aisle, his knees began to twist abnormally, his body was completely out of balance, the changes came so suddenly and inexplicably, he even reacted completely when he fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

"What's going on... Wait a minute."

Just when he wanted to get up, he was surprised to find that the rejection of the dead with passive skills had been triggered.

"Is it an actor?"


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