Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1398: Gate

Hands, countless hands stretched out from the door.

Qiancangyi's back was close to the wall.

In the next second, there was a loud bang, and the adjacent door of Room 302 was opened at the same time.

Qiancang glanced at it, calculating in his mind whether the charcoal hand could hold him, however, room 301 on his left and right sides suddenly opened, and charcoal hand stretched out from it.

Oh, cell phone!

The money warehouse looked to the bottom right and stretched out his right hand to the phone.

The mobile phone itself is not of high value, but as a contact tool, especially at this critical juncture, a key message is likely to be a life.

At the same time, the hand extending from the dark room also grabs the phone. However, unlike Qiancangyi, these charcoal hands have no clear goal. They just want to grab everything and drag it into the door.


The doors of the four outer rooms opened at the same time, and many charcoal hands stretched out from them.

The entire corridor seemed to have turned into purgatory.

Qiancang Yi grabbed the phone before the charcoal-gray hand, but his clothes were caught by the charcoal-gray hand. After one hand grabbed it, the rest of the hands seemed to smell the **** sharks and grabbed it all at once.

The cold touch is transmitted to the skin through the clothes, like ice water at minus 20 or 30.

Qiancang couldn't help but shudder.

This feeling... It should be a ghost, is it really there? You must avoid it, and you can't be touched again afterwards.

Thoughts have been set, Qiancang launched the leader of Time Tomb.

In the weird hallway, all the charcoal gray hands remained intact and calmed down.

Qiancang Yi quickly ran a few steps forward and pulled away the charcoal-gray hand. After he got out of danger, he did not stop, but continued to run to the right.

Time refills the surrounding space.

The charcoal-gray hand returned to its original shape, and it stopped briefly just now, like a midfield timeout.

"Cough cough cough."

When he was running, Qiancang coughed violently, and every time he breathed, he seemed to have countless needles sticking in his lungs.

"Is it poison or a curse?"

Qiancang didn't have time to think about it.

At this time, the previously closed door on the left and right sides suddenly opened, and the charcoal-gray hand stretched out like a snake biting the prey, but did not grasp the clothes.

Qiancang held his breath and ran desperately. The darkness in front was dark. Behind him, the closed doors opened one by one, and countless arms stretched out from it, like an evil spirit who died unjustly. The living are drawn into purgatory.

The darkness ahead is getting thicker, and the light of the helmet lamp can no longer pass through the darkness, and the visibility is even only about one meter.

Running in this situation, it was too late to wait until he saw the evil spirits blocking the way. However, Qiancangyi had no choice.

Suddenly, as soon as Qiancang discovered that the tearing sensation in his lungs had disappeared, and in the farthest front of the field of vision, in the darkness, a crimson wooden door was looming. The strange thing was that no matter how the Qiancang accelerated, he did not approach the wooden door.

"Do you want to slow down?"

Qiancangyi hesitated.

"Try it first."

With the guide of the Time Mound as a guarantee, plus the reaction speed trained in more than a dozen movies, Qian Cangyi thinks that he has enough strength to dance on the tip of a knife. Of course, there are reasons for him to make this choice. One, that is, there is no other solution.

Qiancang gradually reduced the speed, but the vigilance was raised to the highest.

Fortunately, the wooden door in front is gradually approaching.

"There seems to be no danger behind."

At this point, Qiancang Yi completely stopped.

The crimson wooden door in front completely appeared from the darkness.

As soon as the Qiancang grasped the handle of the wooden handle, he turned it clockwise to the end, and then pushed forward hard.

The crimson wooden door was opened. Outside the door, the light of the street lamp illuminates the ground, and the bushes behind the road are full of greenery.

"this is?"

Qiancang felt a thrust behind him, pushing him out of the dark space.

He turned his head and looked at the crimson wooden door behind him.

The wooden door is erected on the side of the road, and there are two support frames in the lower half of the door to prop up the door.

An idea flashed in Qiancang's mind. He turned around and opened the door. Opposite the door was the road.

"It turned out to be a skill."

Qiancang released his right hand and took out his mobile phone. This time, instead of making a call, Qiancang opened the map software.

The positioning system marked his location, and now he is 10 kilometers away from the hotel where he is staying.

"It is estimated that it is the same skill as the small drill. After the skill is used, the two doors can be connected, but when crossing, there will be danger. For those who know the effect of the skill, just open the door and run directly, but for complete For actors who don’t know, being cautious may hurt themselves."

"The other party's purpose for doing this is bright. The first is to separate us, and the second is to try our luck and maybe be able to kill one or two."

Qiancang looked cold, he put the phone in his pocket and was about to leave.

At this time, a strange man's voice came from inside the crimson door.

"I heard that your skill is the time department, I wonder if you are interested in talking about it?"

Qiancang took two steps back and then looked around.

"The strong will always receive preferential treatment. You can think about it, maybe you can see a new world."

Inside the door, words of persuasion came out again.

"You mean joining the admonition meeting?" Qiancang asked back.

"Don't participate in this matter. After the matter is over, I will look for you."

However, the other party's answer was somewhat misplaced.

"That's it." Qiancang took a deep breath. "Is it also a door-related skill? Can you store sounds?"

This time, there was no sound from the crimson door.

Qiancang remembered the grinding of his teeth he had heard before. Previously, it was the clues of various suspected ghosts that made him choose to leave the room.

"It is estimated that Pu'er is looking for a helper. Although it is not very threatening, it wins by surprise. What Pu'er wants is this kind of effect. They are separated directly, and then defeated individually. Or, he just wants the life of Gracilaria."

He called Jiang Li and Wutong, the situation was still the same as before, and he could get through, but no one answered.

"Go back to the hotel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ maybe there is a clue."

He ran in the direction of the hotel, and at the same time the cell phone dialed the operator's service number. This time, he could get through or receive a manual call.

"Is it a special item?"

Ahead, a green taxi turned the corner and approached. Qiancang stretched out his right hand and stopped the taxi. After getting in, he reported the address of the hotel, and at the same time told him to hurry up and add money.

The driver stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end.

As soon as Qian Cang sat in the passenger seat, turned his head and looked out the window, he couldn't help thinking about Pu'er's behavior in his heart.

Pu'er's obsession with Gracilaria has become morbid. From the perspective of a normal person, Pu'er has been demonized. Even from the perspective of an actor, Pu'er's behavior is too extreme.

Although his performance after his appearance is no different from that of normal people, he is completely different inside.

What made him make such a big change?

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