Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1400: Olive branch

Almost at the same time, Qiancang had already arrived at the hotel he was staying in. After paying for the car, he walked into the hotel.

The staff on the night shift at the front desk looked up at Qiancang with a puzzled look.

Qiancangyi ignored the staff, walked to the top of the stairs, ran up, and gradually slowed down when he came to the third floor.

When he stepped on the third floor, there was an unfamiliar voice in Room 301, where he was.

"I know you will come back, but it's meaningless. Gracilaria must have been killed by Pu'er. I stayed here to wait for you. It should take you a lot of time to get here from the exit. I don’t know if you have any. Did not consider it clearly."

This voice was the same as the voice heard on the side of the road before, and it was the voice of the actor who separated the three.

As soon as Qiancang stopped, he took out a pistol with his right hand.

Because the dangers are everywhere in "The Funeral of the Sun" and the situation is complicated, life-saving weapons will be carried at any time. As for the source of firearms, although firearms are not sold in supermarkets on the surface, there are many in the black market.

"Open the door, let's talk face to face."

Qiancang's tone was calm, without a trace of anger, but the hand holding the handle of the gun was slowly raised.

"Haha, are you going to kill me as soon as you see me? Pu'er told me about your skills, he has no time to react, and likewise, I definitely don't have time. This door is my guarantee, as long as you When I plan to rush in, I just leave through the door." The actor inside the door didn't mean to open the door.

Qiancang took a step back and asked: "What should I call it?"

"The code name is not important. I have nothing to talk about with you. I just want to know your general idea." The voice of the actor inside the door is quite casual.

"You tell them where the two are, and I will answer your question." Qiancangyi did not directly refuse.

"They mean Gracilaria and Wutong? Don't worry about Wutong. The situation is the same as you. As for Gracilaria, she is in a hotel called Jinjiang in the north, and the room number is 202." The actor inside the door did not hesitate and gave it directly. Out of the position of the two.

As soon as Qiancang turned on his mobile phone, he checked the location of Gracilaria, which took twenty minutes to drive.

"How?" the actor inside the door asked.

Faced with this problem, Qian Cangyi's expression gradually became serious.

Real contact? The results of rejection and acceptance should be similar, there is definitely no good thing, it is better to not turn your face for the time being and continue to look at it.

"The notorious admonition meeting? I am not at ease, but if the benefits are sufficient, I can consider it." Qiancangyi gave a reply.

"It's very refreshing, I leave a dedicated channel earplugs for you. I can hear some of our news. It may be helpful to you. Then I will talk next time." After the voice inside the door, the sound of the door lock turning sounded. .

The door of room 301 has been opened.

As soon as Qiancang took a step forward, the back of his left hand gently pushed the door open, his right foot stepped out, and his eyes scanned the room.

At this time, there was no one else in Room 301 except him.

On the bedside table next to the bed, a black earplug is placed on a piece of white toilet paper. The surface of the black earplug is painted with a white radio symbol, and an isosceles triangle iron tower logo. There are three gradually getting longer on the left and right sides of the sphere at the top of the iron tower. curve.

As soon as Qiancang walked over, he touched his earplug with his left hand, and suddenly, a **** movie reminder sounded in his mind.

[Actor Cang Yi, you get a special item: exclusive channel earplugs. 】

After the prompt tone ended, the description of the dedicated channel earbuds came to mind.

[Prop name: dedicated channel earplugs]

【Category: Function】

[Effect description: After use, you can choose whether to listen to the messages of the dedicated channel. 】

【How to use: same as ordinary earplugs. 】

[Use object: self]

[Available number of purchases: unlimited]

[Whether to occupy the special item carrying bar: Yes]

【Payment required for redemption: 200】

[Whether it is recyclable: recyclable]

"The remuneration needed is not much. It is estimated that the big head is on the special props for sending radio messages." Qian Cangyi picked up the earplug with his left hand and placed it on his left ear.

[Do you choose to use dedicated channel earplugs? 】

【After use, you can listen to the unique news in 2485MHZ. 】

"Since you can choose whether to listen to it, there should be no traps. Of course, it will have an impact after use. The other party may use this method to check whether I am a member of the warning club, but..."

Having said that, Qian Cangyi chose OK in his mind.

"...What is risk-free?"

After he made the choice, the earplugs turned into white light and disappeared.

As soon as Qiancang left the room, he happened to see Wutong going upstairs when he went downstairs.

"Cang Yi, you--" Wutong's words were interrupted by Qiancang as soon as he spoke.

"——Come with me." Qian Cangyi walked past Wutong.

As soon as Qiancang left the house, he saw a yellow-green painted taxi approaching. He stretched out his right hand and stopped the taxi.

The two got in the car.

"Go here." Qiancangyi showed the taxi driver the map on his phone.

The driver nodded and stepped on the accelerator.

"Jiangxi is in danger, I don't know if it will be too late." Qiancang said to Wutong when he turned his head.

The driver glanced at the two of them, and quickly looked forward.

"It should be okay." Wutong's tone was quite affirmative. "When we met Gracilaria, she was not a person who needs others to survive. I believe her."

"Yeah." Qiancang nodded.

After Wutong said that, he also recalled the scene when he encountered Gracilaria, which is precisely the scene when Gracilaria met Qian Jiangyue and others. From various angles, Gracilaria is not protected and unbound. The power of the chicken. On the contrary, when Jiang Ling was hunted down, she was already prepared to deal with it. After being attacked, trapping Pu'er, or letting her past self end her life all showed her determination.

"Does Pu'er have any accomplices?" Wutong said in a worried tone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and moved forward.

"It's probably just a deal. His accomplices only intend to separate us and leave the hands-on work to Pu'er himself." Qiancang thought of what the actor said just now.

Although they are all members of the admonition club, based on the situation before my encounter with rice paper, the internal relationship of the admonition club is estimated to be quite complicated and not monolithic. Of course, it is also possible that Pu'er has confidence in himself.

Speaking of, the first time you heard about Pu'er skills, if you only consider skills, it is not too cool to be teammates with this kind of person. Each movie guarantees two lives. However, after the surprise attack in Hua'an City... it is estimated that this It is also the reason why the rest of the admonition members do not plan to cooperate with Pu'er, or because Pu'er has a problem with his own personality.

Thinking of this, Qiancang couldn't help but become more and more curious about what it is that can make such a big change for an actor who has undergone the baptism of **** movies.

"Why do you know her location?" Suddenly, Wutong asked such a question.

Qiancang looked back at Wutong, and saw the deep doubt in the latter's eyes.

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