Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1405: No time

"My memory has not been tampered with." Pu'er said calmly, his words like a basin of cold water splashing on Gracilaria's head.

Jiang Ling looked at Pu'er with a surprised expression, and his heartbeat couldn't calm down.

"Pu'er, people whose memories have been tampered with will not know that their memories have been tampered with." In Jiang Ling's eyes, there was the last candle named Hope that did not go out.

Suddenly, her shoulder was held by the cold and stiff hand again, this time the strength was greater than before, and it even made her pain unbearable.

"Jiang Liao, you are too nervous now, let your heartbeat drop." Pu'er frowned slightly, and did not say anything about tampering with his memory.

"How can I be calm?" Grahama stood there without struggling, even without even trying. For some reason, she felt that her eye sockets were getting moist and tears couldn't stop flowing out.

"If I never knew you so good, kill if you want, I don't care at all, I have had enough!"

"But I **** know you! Pu'er, I know you, I know you, I know who you are. Do you know how deeply you hurt me? You are a beast, you are a scum! Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Jiang Ling's emotions almost collapsed, her already uncontrollable breathing was completely out of control, she began to sob, and her words were intermittent.

The memories of the past came to her mind.

Jiang Ling, run, Pu'er... He... is crazy, run!

The teammates were covered in blood and their voices were weak. Even so, they still used their last strength to warn before dying.

Grahama, everything is up to you. I know the process is painful, but you must stick to it. The sunrise will always come after the dark night!

It seems to be an encouragement, but it is a farewell forever. Along the way, only herself is supporting her to continue.

The eyeless grandmother's hands became harder and tighter, her lips closed and her lips opened, and her sharp, jagged yellowish teeth were slowly exposed, and there was still uncleaned flesh and blood on her teeth. After her mouth opened to its maximum, it did not stop, as if there was no limit, it continued to open. Then, the muscles on both sides of her mouth split directly, and the shape looked a bit like a "flowering" gesture.

"I promise you." Pu'er shouted loudly.

Jiang Lao ignored it. She could hear that what Pu'er said was just a stopgap measure, because she lied to Pu'er before. If she died here, her soul would be taken away by evil spirits, so Pu'er would be so nervous, not to mention, Even if she let her breathing calm down now, it is too late.

The eyeless grandmother is an evil spirit, and evil spirits don't make conditions with actors.

Upon seeing this, Pu'er quickly ran over, grabbing the eyeless old grandmother's hands with his hands, and wanted to open them, but his strength couldn't resist.

At the same time, Jiang Ling's shoulder made a "click" sound, the blood had soaked through the clothes, and her face became paler because of the blood loss.

Pu'er hesitated for a while, then stretched his left hand into the eyeless grandmother's mouth.

The eyeless grandmother who was about to swallow Gracilaria changed her direction and bit Pu'er's body with one bite.

Pu'er snorted, and then most of his body was swallowed by the eyeless grandmother.

Gracilaria turned his head stiffly and saw Pu'er's internal organs at a glance. However, the blood in Pu'er did not flow down, but still moved along the original route, as if there were invisible pipes in the air.

The contented eyeless grandmother loosened her hands grasping Gracilaria's shoulders, then closed her eyes, raised her head slightly, and the chewing muscles began to contract rhythmically, as if she was tasting the delicacy of flesh and blood.

Jiang Ling half-kneeled on the ground, she almost fell to the ground because her hands were unable to exert her strength.

At the same time, Pu'er took a step back, and many particles of different colors appeared in the part bitten off by the eyeless grandma. These particles gathered together to rebuild Pu'er's body.

"Go, get out of here." Pu'er looked down at Gracilaria.

Jiang Ling was a little surprised. She couldn't even tell whether Pu'er saved her out of previous friendship, or just wanted her soul, or... both.

"The evil spirit you summoned will only act near the abandoned car park, right? Also, your reinforcements are probably coming soon. I don't have time to wait here." Pu'er added, raising his right hand slightly, silver The muzzle of the pistol was aimed at Gracilaria's forehead, and the threat was self-evident.

Jiang Lao looked away and stood up slowly. After the long-term emotions had been vented, she had calmed down a lot. However, at this time, there was still no hope.

Can you survive?

She asked herself in her heart.

In a corner where the moonlight is not visible, a figure approached from the dark. Then, his right hand was vacantly gripped, and a sharp dagger appeared. Then, his gaze was focused on Pu'er's right hand holding a gun.

The actor's equipment and skills are different, and it is not impossible to interfere.

On the opposite side of the figure, there was another figure holding guns in both hands, the muzzle was aimed at Pu'er's chest.

The two of them were Qiancangyi and Wutong.

It didn’t take long for the two to come to the abandoned parking lot. Because they were worried about being attacked, they did not directly search everywhere, nor did they shout the name of Jiang Ling, but pushed forward little by little until they heard Jiang Ling’s heartache. They just speeded up to come.

At this time, Grahamiae obeyed Pu'er and took a step forward, just opening the distance from Pu'er.

Although this distance is very short, it is enough for the money warehouse hiding by the side to do something.

The focused dagger that had already been aimed at was thrown out by the money warehouse.

The Concentration Dagger flew straight to Pu'er's right hand holding the gun. During the flight, as long as the direction of the Concentration Dagger was slightly changed, it was immediately corrected by a mysterious force. A second later, the dagger successfully hit Pu'er's right hand.

Pu'er snorted, let go of his right hand, and the silver pistol fell on the ground. Then, he turned his head to look at the direction where the dagger was flying.

Wutong had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The moment Pu'er turned her head, her right index finger pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew towards Pu'er's chest, making a successful hit.

After Pu'er was shot, his body shook, but there was no more reaction.

Jiang Ling turned around after hearing the sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, she shouted:

"Don't breathe!"

Pu'er grabbed the hilt of the dagger with his left hand and pulled it out. The injured right hand recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, he bent over and grabbed the silver pistol.

During this period, Wutong fired three more shots, but failed to stop Pu'er's movements. It only prolonged the time for Pu'er to get the silver pistol.

After Pu'er picked up the silver pistol with his right hand, he pointed the muzzle at Gracilaria's head.

Jiang Ling's eyes widened, her left and right shoulders were injured and exhausted, she could no longer hide.

Suddenly, the intense fear rising from the bottom of my heart took over my whole body, and the horror scenes I had experienced, the horror scenes I dreamed about in my dreams, all came out of my mind.

For a moment, she almost forgot everything, and every cell in her body trembled with fear.

The **** who dominates the world opened his eyes in the junk car yard.

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