Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1407: Converted person

The sound of qiāng sounded again, and there were a few more bullet holes on Pu'er's newly healed face.

Although Pu'er is not dead now, Qian Cangyi's anger has also dropped a lot. After all, Pu'er seems to be temporarily unkillable.

What's interesting is that even though Pu'er's body is full of scars, he can still move. It seems that he won't die no matter what, and the wounds heal faster and faster as time goes by.

Qiancangyi didn't want to repeat the previous process, "This can't kill you, then I'll change it."

He picked up the focused bǐshǒu and squatted halfway against Pu'er's neck. Then, he inserted bǐshǒu with his right hand into his neck, and then pressed it down. He wanted to cut off Pu'er's head.

"Is he transformed into a vampire?" Wutong stepped forward and asked softly.

"It's not like it." Jiang Li shook his head and stood up slowly, "I have encountered vampires, and they are not so strong at all."

"Maybe the identity of the actor and the vampire had a chemical reaction." Wutong said his guess.

Qiancang looked back at Wutong and replied:

"Pu'er doesn't have to become a vampire. If he won't die for the time being, he can use this to ask him some questions."

Having said this, he stretched out his left hand, lifted Pu'er's head, and placed it on the hood of a red car.

Jiang Ling's face changed slightly when he saw this scene, but he didn't say much.

After a few seconds, Pu'er's qiāng injury on his head recovered as before, without even leaving any scars. At the same time, his headless body was trying to climb up, while his head was attracted by a mysterious force and moved in the direction of the body out of thin air. A few centimeters.

Even at this level, Pu'er's body still has vigorous vitality.

If a passerby passes by, I'm afraid I will be fainted by this scene, but for the actors of the **** movie, this is nothing.

Qiancang stretched out his right hand, pressed Pu'er's head heavily on the car cover, and asked:

"How many people are the leaders of the warning society, what are their codes? What are their abilities?"

Pu'er's face was covered with dust. After he heard this question, he ignored it, then looked at Gracilaria and said:

"Jiang Lai, you have changed. The previous you would never stand idly by. I just didn't want to see this scene, so I planned to change everything. I didn't expect it to be like this in the end. Maybe, this is fate..." Good evening, My queen

After speaking, he closed his eyes and didn't mean to answer.

Hearing Pu'er's words, Jiang Ling clenched his fists subconsciously. The anger that finally calmed down, broke out again, "Pu'er, you are really hopeless."

"Is his brain broken?" Qian Cang closed his left eye halfway and bent his right knee slightly so that his head was level with Pu'er's. Then, he looked at the expression on Pu'er's face.

Pu'er's expression is peaceful and hopeful, just as a devout believer firmly believes in his own way. Death is just a destined event, and there is no need to be afraid.

"Are you so sure that you won't die?" Qian Cangyi added a little strength with his right hand.

In Hua'an City, Pu'er has an advantage and a reason for self-confidence. But now, in this old car park, he is gone. Unless the core skills can still be used, there is almost no possibility of a comeback except for the strange healing ability. After all, he is acting alone.

Qian Cangyi is not too worried about the way to "kill" Pu'er. The reason for saying this is because the film world of "The Funeral of the Sun" is a modern society, and there are almost no clear restrictions.

Actors can go anywhere. Therefore, as long as they are willing to spend a little time and energy, there are many ways to kill Pu'er, such as burying Pu'er in cement, or throwing Pu'er directly into a mixer. Put Pu'er in a freezer and freeze it. In short, there are many ways to freeze it.

Considering that Pu'er cannot forcibly transfer his position in the process of healing, unless he can "evolve" in the course of death, there is basically no possibility of surviving.

"Do you think..." Wutong hesitated to speak.

Qiancang turned his head, "What do you think?"

"...Pu'er seems to be a MLM organization xǐnǎo?" Wutong blinked as he finished speaking.

When Qiancang heard this statement, he was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in thought, and then nodded, "It's a bit like it."

Jiang Li stepped forward and said:

"He said something to me just now. It was roughly that he was riding a bicycle and I was sitting on the back seat of the bicycle. However, I had never done anything like this with him. Besides, he said that he took my photos Show it to his parents, but he told me a long time ago that his parents were already dead."

She told what she had felt wrong before.

Peerless Demon Empress: Playing with the Emperor's Family

The cold night wind blew through, and all three of them felt their backs chill.

They feel scared, not because Pu'er itself is terrifying, but because of what happened to Pu'er. Perhaps Pu'er has internal reasons, such as mental changes brought about by multiple use of skills, but it really changes Pu'er’s temperament. It must be an external cause that is not yet known.

Qiancang took a deep breath and looked at Pu'er again. This time, he had no personal feelings.

The clues that had appeared were connected in his mind.

What Jiang Ling said, what Pu'er said, Pu'er's performance at this time, and... Pu'er's time-based skills.

According to Jiang Li, the change of Pu'er was very sudden. The clear change before and after "suddenly" was that Pu'er joined the admonition meeting. In other words, it was definitely what the admonition members did to Pu'er, which ultimately led to the change in Pu'er. After that, Pu'er killed his teammates in the movie world.

Pu'er wanted to kill Gracilaria in order to join the plan of the admonition club, become a member of "immortality", and complete evolution and transcendence. However, this ideal alone is difficult to make people crazy. In this process, Pu'er will definitely After going through some things, otherwise, there won't be such a big change, just like insulting can't kill people, only hands can kill people.

What is the change?

Qiancang thought hard, and the various clues continued to combine and collide.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he thought of the "unknown" young man named Zodiac, the leader of the warning club he had seen in Hua'an City.

The performance of the Zodiac in Hua'an City is almost overwhelming. Although his skills cannot make Pu'er crazy, it can be used as a reference.

In front of him, the high-level vampire in charge of a city is like a paper tiger, vulnerable to a blow; in front of him, the heart of the sun, which is extremely important to mankind, can also be killed by the vampire.

Zodiac’s behavior seems to have been emphasizing one thing, he does not belong to any party between vampires and humans, but belongs to the admonition.

What's interesting is that this kind of powerful person is not the only leader of the admonition club. In the admonition club, there are at least two actors at the same level as the zodiac.

Zodiac's skills are focused on destruction, and the other two actors may not be the same. If the actor who first came into contact with Pu'er was one of the other two leaders of the admonition, then it is entirely possible that Pu'er's temperament has changed drastically.

Thinking of this, Qian Cangyi grabbed Pu'er's hair with his right hand and mentioned the latter, "Pu'er, the person who asked you to join the admonition club was the leader of the admonition club, right?"


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