Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1411: Short silence

"You know from watching this movie. No matter where you hide, I am afraid you can't escape the influence of the admonition." Wutong looked up at the sky, and the black cracks on the sun seemed to herald the future of this world.

Qiancangyi also looked to the sky, "It should be the case for large-scale team movies. Everyone is involved in the vortex of conspiracy, and no one can escape."

"That's right!" Wutong suddenly thought of something, she turned to look at Qian Cangyi, "Before, the reason why Pu'er could not die, you said it was related to time?"

"Well, those soft armor made of blue silk threads protect Pu'er, and all injuries are temporarily stored in the blue silk threads. During this period, all ordinary injuries should not be able to kill him. As for how long this state will last. , And the subsequent processing, I am not clear for the time being. In addition, I actually have a guess that this effect is not actually the effect of his skills." Qiancang nodded.

"Admonish the leader of the society?" Wutong asked.

"Not necessarily, but it is very possible. By the way, where are you going?" Qiancang changed a question.

"Me?" Wutong pointed his right index finger to his face, and then shook his head, "I don't know yet. I don't want to participate in the dispute between actors. I think actors should unite against **** movies. However, it seems that there is no such thing. Method."

"If you have something you want to do, I recommend that you also go to Kuanwang City." Qiancang said softly.

"Why?" The expression on Wutong's face was puzzled.

"Qian Jiangyue, you know, they have better luck." Qian Cang looked down at the grass and sighed at the same time.

"Luck?" Wutong thought about the meaning of these two words, but didn't understand the meaning inside.

"The sun's heart." Qian Cang turned his head and looked at Wutong.

"Huh?" Wutong understood. "You mean, they found the Sun Heart?"

"No, the Sun Heart found them." Qian Cang shook his head, "Whether it is a warning club or a vampire, or a high-level human being, they will perform on the stage of Kuanwang City, unless you don't want to participate in this, hide in... Going to outer space, otherwise, Kuanwang City is a good choice."

"It's a bit unexpected." Wutong grinned. "It is dangerous for us to look at the Sun Heart in Hua'an City. We didn't expect that they would meet directly, and the other way round, Sun Heart was looking for them."

Qian Cang nodded silently, why didn't he have such an idea in his mind? What's more, by asking a few people, he could confirm that the heart of the sun named Qi Yue was able to find Qian Jiangyue because of the character "Ji Tianzong". People, and "Ji Tianzong" is exactly the role he once played, and it is also the role he got the ancient book "The Funeral of the Sun".

At first he thought there was no connection between the two, but now when he looks back on the past, he will realize that many things are not as simple as they seem on the surface. Some subtle clues may be important in the future.

It stands to reason that in the "Ji Tianzong" he plays, the person Qi Yue wants to contact should be him. However, the actual situation is all his teammates except him. Therefore, he can only think that it is precisely because he once played the role of "Ji Tianzong" that Qi Yue could not find him.

"Don't tell anyone about this, including rice paper." Qiancang reminded him.

"Where is Jiang Ling?" Wutong glanced back.

"I will tell her."

"I see, but why didn't you tell Xuan paper? Didn't you act with him before?" Wutong was a little surprised.

"The situation is complicated. When I met him before, it was actually in a hostile state." Qiancang recalled the scene of encountering rice paper in the factory at that time. "We all mistakenly thought that the other party was the person in the admonition meeting.

"Really... That's embarrassing."

"It's okay." Qian Cangyi raised his right hand and rubbed his temple with his index finger.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Li came over.

"The next step." Wutong turned around, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me." Jiang Ling showed a gentle smile on his face, "Cang Yi." She looked at Qian Cang Yi, "I haven't officially thanked you yet, thank you for saving me."

Qiancangyi looked serious and replied:

"I originally wanted to keep Pu'er. He has too many secrets, but I didn't expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly, but it was a bit out of control.

You don't need to thank me. The silver brilliance alone is enough to make up for my loss. Besides, if you didn't force Pu'er's hole cards out, he might be able to escape when I came. "

"You also have a loss, and it's not small. At the time when you were in the Wuxiang Shise restaurant, I remember you fell." Grahama said this.

Qiancang's expression changed. He didn't regret that his passive skills were used, but he recalled what he said in the past.

"No matter what, I will fulfill my promise, and I can bring it up wherever I need it." Jiang Liao looked up at the sun, "By the way, I have a question. You said at the beginning that the reason why Pu'er would be It's not just his own reasons, but also the skills of the admonition club, right?"

"It's just a guess, but it's very possible." Qian Cangyi gave his own answer.

Jiang Lao's eyes gradually firmed, "I want to figure out this matter. If it is really the same as what you said, I will avenge them."

Qiancang glanced at Wutong, he had already said about it just now.

Wutong glanced at each other, sighed, and did not answer.

Qian Cangyi told Jiang Li about the heart of the sun.

"Is that so... I'm going to Kuanwang City, too." Jiang Li made a decision.

Qiancang nodded, "Let's go then."


Kuanwang City, inside a high-rise building.

The windows are directly sealed, so no sunlight can enter.

Fluorescent lights illuminate the middle part of the room, but the part ten meters away is still dim as night, and nothing can be seen.

Suddenly, a blue thread appeared out of thin air under the fluorescent lamp. Then, the blue thread split and became two, and then four. The blue silk thread kept splitting and moving slightly during the splitting process, eventually forming a human form.

"Ah!" A scream sounded in the room.

The blue silk threads gathered in the human form eventually became a real person. This person had shoulder-length hair and was wearing white clothes. He was the Pu'er who died in the abandoned car park.

Pu'er knelt on the ground with his hands resting on the ground. He looked at the ground, the sweat from his forehead gathered together and then dripped onto the smooth white tiles.

"You failed." A voice that was so low that it didn't look like a human came from all directions.

Pu'er stood up slowly, bending his knees slightly, and then turned his head to look at the darkness around him.

"It's time to fulfill the promise." The deep voice came again.

Pu'er took a deep breath and shouted:

"Give me another chance. This time they must think that I am dead, and I will be able to use the skills again after I am reborn. They will never guard against it, and I also brought a very important news. You will definitely feel that interest."

When speaking, his chest rose and fell violently, and his eyes were filled with anxiety and fear.

"I don't have so much time to wait for you." The low voice was filled with impatience.

"Really? Just help me directly?" Pu'er spread his hands.

This time, the low voice did not ring again, and there was silence all around, except for the sound of heartbeat and breathing.

Pu'er snorted suddenly, and then he found that his right hand disappeared directly from his wrist, but there was no blood flowing out. The pain of a nail piercing the skin kept irritating his nerves.

"Ah!" Pu'er knelt on the ground, "The thing you have been worried about finally happened. I will die. It is not because the soft armor of time has expired or reached the upper limit of recovery. It is because an actor used his skills to directly control the time. The soft armor is destroyed!"

"The actor's code name is..." The deep voice came again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was hope in Pu'er's eyes, but it dimmed immediately, because the deep voice directly said the answer.

"...Cang Yi, right?" When the low voice finished, Pu'er's right forearm had disappeared, and he was being swallowed by mysterious power.

"You know?" Pu'er was a little surprised.

"I know more than you think...much more." A low voice echoed in the room.

Pu'er looked at his right hand, "If there is no Gracilaria, everything I do is meaningless."

In the next second, the entire arm of his right hand was swallowed.

Pu'er frowned and made a fist with his left hand. He was considering whether to activate the skill. After all, he could still use it once. Although the possibility of escaping is unlikely, at least he won't have the same chance as now.

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