Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1421: The essence of time

On October 25th, in a bed and breakfast on the outskirts of Kuanwang City.

Xianjiu stood on the edge of the window, looking out from the gap of the beige curtains, outside the window, pedestrians on the street came and went, no one turned his head.

Slight footsteps sounded from outside the door, and Xianjiu quickly turned his head, while holding his right hand vacantly, and then three knocks on the door came.

Knocking! Knocking!

Xianjiu didn't answer, didn't move, even held his breath.

"It's not easy to find you. I want to talk to you. You can call me rice paper." The actor outside the door reported that he had been looking for Xianjiu's Xianjiu since the last time he saw Xianjiu escape on the top floor of the building. , He has been searching for it, but the fairy wine is also very good at hiding it, causing him to find the fairy wine until now.

Xianjiu looked back at the window and focused on a few corners. Then, she placed her imaginary right hand on her chest, and a blue yo-yo with a cartoon head appeared on her hand.

"I'm the only one, I guess you should be able to tell the difference." The rice paper said again.

Xianjiu throws the yo-yo down with his right hand, and then hooks the rope with his left hand, and moves his right hand down, as if he is performing. After a few moves, the rope of the yo-yo forms an equilateral triangle, and the yo-yo stays in the middle of the triangle and rotates. Later, Xianjiu's eyes flashed several pictures, these pictures are the scenes in and outside the room, she can "see" what happened after 1 minute, and what she "sees" is the future when she does not take any action. To put it simply, the future she "sees" now is the future in which she stays in the room and does nothing. Even so, the future still has no signs of danger.

"Come in!" Xianjiu retracted the yo-yo, then walked two steps, came to the table, picked up the baseball cap and put it on.

The pale blue wooden door began to bend, and a foot in gray trousers stretched in. Then, a face that seemed so gentle that anyone could bully appeared in Xianjiu's eyes.

"Good afternoon." The rice paper said hello.

"What are you doing? I don't know you." Xianjiu lowered the brim of his hat with his right hand.

After the rice paper came in completely, he released his hand and the curved wooden door returned to its original shape. Then, he patted his hand and said with a smile:

"Looking at your appearance, I should not like to listen to long talks, so I will make a long story short. I am a solo actor and usually act alone. However, I am very interested in the information of the warning club, and the warning will be chasing you, so , If you don’t mind, can you tell me why the warning will hunt you down? Also, why the warning can threaten the **** movie? In exchange, I will help you too."

When speaking, he didn't take any step forward. For him, being able to speak was enough. There was no need to force Immortal Wine's space for action, but it would cause counter-effects, not to mention, he didn't want to take risks.

"Huh, another one who is not afraid of death." Xianjiu's tone was quite disdainful, and then she raised her head, without the slightest fear in her eyes, "There are many people who want to know this news, and most of them can't die."

"Is there a difference for actors?" The rice paper touched the hair on his forehead with his right hand. "Speaking of which, are there any actors who die?"

"Since you want to know, I'll tell you, don't blame me then." Xianjiu did not persuade.

"Everyone is an adult, don't worry." Xuanzhi opened his hands and gestured to Xianjiu to say casually.

"The reason for the admonition to hunt down is very simple. First, I sneaked into the ecliptic; second, I secretly collected information on the senior members of the admonition, just these two points." Xianjiu was straightforward, his tone was a bit relaxed, but his left little finger was slightly weak. Trembling.

"Zodiac? Do you dare to do this? Tsk tsk. By the way, what do you plan to do when you collect information from the members of the warning club?" Xuan Zhi remembered the scene when he saw the Zodiac in Hua'an City. Said that the intensity of the skills has reached the level of horror.

"Just give it a try, I'll be discovered sooner or later anyway." Xianjiu raised her head, "As for you asking what I plan to do..." Her voice stretched out, as if she was hesitating to say it, and then she continued down. "...Let’s answer your second question first. The way to warn against **** movies is very simple, just kill the actors. Actors are the cash cows of **** movies. The more you kill, the more heartbreaking **** movies will be."

"Hell movies are really generous, let them kill." Xuan paper sighed.

"Otherwise, what should I do? Kill all three hall-level actors directly?" Xianjiu leaned forward a bit, "What's more, after reaching hall-level, the level of contact is different from ours, maybe there are others. It's involved. I collect information to surrender. Although the current format is not clear, the actors who have been hunted have begun to organize spontaneously. I bring these information to them, and maybe it can change the situation of the battle."

"Since you are so kind, why did you join the admonition meeting in the first place?" The rice paper looked puzzled.

Xianjiu was stunned when he heard this question, and the corners of his mouth slightly aroused, "You are a bit interesting, I am not kind at all, but the results of this time will affect many things. At the beginning, I joined the admonition meeting because of the purpose of the admonition meeting. very interested.

Never pray for mercy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Human beings are chosen by **** movies like slaves. Although conditions are getting better now, they cannot control even the most fundamental life. I have to say that it is very regrettable. The warning club intends to fight for the rights of the actors, so it decided to sacrifice some actors to achieve the goal. Now it seems that this kind of thinking is actually a bit naive. After all, no one knows whether he will be a sacrificed actor. "

When the rice paper heard this, he was keenly aware of this, "Do you think you have been sacrificed?"

"Almost, the time element skills are like Baoyu, but everyone is innocent, and they are guilty of their crimes. Some people covet them." Xianjiu's tone suddenly became extremely sad.

"Wait, can it be said that this is the reason for the admonition to look for time actors?" Xuan paper frowned.

Xianjiu stood up, leaned his back on the edge of the window, tilted his head to look out of the window, and replied in a calm tone:

"Xuan paper, do you know? The so-called time-based skill is essentially a local interference with entropy increase. Life feeds on negative entropy. If there is such a creature, it can absorb the negative entropy to offset the loss of the body, then, Its life will be extended to an astonishing number. When this number reaches a certain level, we usually call it "eternal life."

"Eternal life?" The rice paper felt that his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, "Wait, do you mean that the reason for admonishing time-based skill actors is to achieve immortality through these actors?"

"We are all food." Xianjiu turned his head to look at the rice paper, "However, he naturally wouldn't make such a low-level mistake, so he thought of an excuse, that is, to share this eternal life."

"Is Eternal Life a bicycle? Can this be shared?" The rice paper tilted his head, "Also, who is'him'?"


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