Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1460: Steal the sky

The blue yo-yo stayed where it was, but it kept spinning counterclockwise.

At this moment, all the actors stopped in place, keeping their original movements, even the actors who were still in mid-air stopped falling.

On the frontal battlefield, the holiday and rice paper were surrounded by more than a dozen actors. On Qiancangyi's side, eagle eyes, shadow puppets, and Wutong were rescued.

Then, the blue yo-yo began to move forward, and the blue silk thread connected to the yo-yo dragged everyone to start to move, but the direction of their movement was not the direction the yo-yo was advancing, but the previous actions, as The video tape being played backwards. When the actor started to move, the surrounding broken stones and debris also moved along, like leaves floating in the water.

Eagle Eye, Shadow Play, and Wutong stood up from Qiancang's side, and then stepped back and returned to their original places. The New Year, who was fighting fiercely with the sword in the fish, jumped a step backward, and the dagger with the scabbard was drawn out again, and then inserted again. The zodiac took a few steps to the side, bleeding lines appeared again on the healed head, and then the blood lines disappeared instantly when the silver line appeared, and then his eyes looked at the top of the fake year's head. The actor who had been turned into a corpse began to heal, lying on the foot of the fake year, and then moved to the top of the fake year's head bit by bit like a rotating pointer.

The blue yo-yo continued to move forward, but it jittered slightly. The source of the jitter was the blue silk thread connecting the holiday.

During the holiday, he returned to Qiancang, and Qiancang slowly sat up. Then, he took off the mask from his face and placed it in Qiancang's right hand. Then he drew out the rainbow dagger and stabbed it back into Qiancang's body. , Qian Cangyi put the rainbow mask back on the face of the holiday.

What happened to Qian Cang Yi just now is being reversed, including the shadow play to save the field, including Qian Cang Yi’s attempt to fight back against the fake year, including the Hawkeye sniping the fake year, until Qi Yue rises from the ground, everything is back to the fake year. When it first appeared.

Xianjiu still stood on the spot, waited until the yo-yo moved to the end of the blue silk thread, and then returned to her hand at an extremely fast speed. The rice paper that was standing next to her had already returned to its original position.

At this time, the entire underground space returned to its original appearance, with only one more person, that is, Immortal Wine.

All the blue silk threads were broken, and the New Year looked in the direction of the fairy wine.

"Even if it's a palace-level actor, the ability comes from **** movies. Just now, I used'Stealing the Sky' to set the time back to 5 minutes ago. The people you killed came back to life, but the cards you consumed won't come back. So, how many do you have left during the holiday?" The corner of Xianjiu's mouth was raised with a confident expression.

"One is enough." The new year's right hand once again held the hilt of the dagger, behind him, the black cloak flew.

Seeing this scene, Xianjiu looked alert, his right hand gripped the blue yo-yo, and slowly moved to his chest.

Although the time was set back to 5 minutes ago, no one's memory was affected by this. However, the memory of Qiancang's disappearance by Shi Yi Ling's mask did not recover, but the memory after that was retained.

"Just now, what happened..." As soon as Qian Cang looked at his right hand, and looked down at his chest, unlike the others, Qian Cang Yi was "lived" again when the skills of Xianjiu ended, so, He didn't know about the fairy wine, and there was still a little ghost in front of him now, and his state was extremely bad.

"I..." Qi Yue stood on the spot, looking down at his hands, the "Funeral of the Sun" with his right hand was turning to the first page.

"Come here!" Qiancang shouted loudly.

Qi Yue came back to his senses and ran to Qiancang.

In the new year, he drew the rainbow dagger, but did not illuminate the entire underground space as before. Then, he squatted on the ground with pious eyes, holding the dagger hilt in both hands, and inserted the rainbow dagger into the ground.

With the rainbow dagger as the center, the colors gradually spread to the surroundings, and the ground gradually grew green grass and colorful flowers.

Suddenly, a light yellow bamboo tube appeared from mid-air, fell quietly on the grass, and then rolled towards the holiday.

"This is..." Xianjiu's pupils shrank suddenly, "...This is a stubborn life."

To obtain the opponent’s real name, you must use a special item with unique functions. Gazing Eye is this special item. Then, Gazing Eye has a requirement that the user must be within 10 meters of the observation object to see the life and life of the opponent. Important information.

The sword in the fish fights fiercely against the fake year, the real purpose is only one, get the real name of the fake year, and then cooperate with the "steal of the sky" of the fairy wine, and it will be able to kill without loss. This is the plan of the fish in the sword.

The light yellow bamboo tube slowly rolled towards the new year, but the new year did not move, but maintained the original posture, until the light yellow bamboo tube rolled in front of the new year, the new year did not lower its head.

Xianjiu didn't put down her right hand. She wasn't sure, could this remnant life really kill the holiday? Will there be fraud? She didn't want to bet, nor dare to bet.

Qi Yue hid behind Qiancang and stretched out his head to look at the holiday, "He's dead?"

Qiancang took two steps back and looked serious, "Leave here first."

Regardless of whether the holiday is dead or not, he does not intend to participate anymore. The most important thing now is to leave here.

Suddenly, an actor with a sword in a fish appeared out of thin air. Then, he stepped forward to check the fake year, but when he checked, the head on his neck suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, blood spurted from the neck~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ 3 meters high, like a fountain, but from the beginning to the end, there is no movement during the holiday.

"Is it him?" Xian Jiuqing couldn't help taking a step back. This step was almost an instinctive reaction to fear.

As soon as Qiancang felt that everything around was starting to go wrong, the blue silk thread that was rarely seen, the blue silk thread used to slow down time, was increasing little by little, becoming more and more complicated little by little. He didn't know the specifics. What, but, he knows that there are new actors here, and that skills are related to time.

"Go." As soon as Qiancang pulled Qi Yue back, he no longer had any life-saving cards on his body, and his vitality was almost only red, so it was impossible to make any counterattack.

Eagle eyes, shadow puppets, and Wutong all ran over.

"You're still alive." Hawkeye stretched out his right hand and patted Qiancangyi's shoulder twice, "...just stay alive."

"I almost thought I would never see you again." The shadow play clenched a fist with his right hand and thumped Qiancang's chest.

"I also thought there was no chance." Qiancang paused as soon as he said this. "It's still more dangerous now. It seems that there are actors coming over again. It is a time-based skill. It is too unsafe here. Let's save them. Come out and leave here."

"Hmm!" The shadow play let go of his hands.

Standing aside, Qi Yue pouted, folded his hands across his chest, and squinted Qian Cangyi, slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi, isn't this Cang Yi?" The rice paper returned to the underground space, just a short distance away from a few people.

"Help!" Qiancang said.

"What good do I have?" The rice paper touched his hair.

"What do you want?" Qiancang asked.

"Everything you know." Xuan Zhi's right index finger pointed to Qian Cangyi.

"Deal." Qiancang nodded.


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