Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1489: Balance of skills

After seeing the two passive skills, Qian Cangyi set his sights on the leader of the Time Tomb. This active skill helped him overcome countless difficulties so that he could live to this day, and even now, it is still the most critical skill. ,none of them.

The guide of the Time Tomb has changed the explanation. Initially, from "deemed as stopping time" to later "killing time", in ordinary formal movies, the role has basically not changed, but since it involves the admonition meeting, it has been exposed to other possessions. The real power of actors with skills has only begun to appear.

The extremely high priority makes the leader of the Time Tomb very special, similar to the super power that invalidates the super power in the science fiction movie, the only difference is that it also has a good effect under normal circumstances.

"I remember a'time injury' effect was written in the assessment form."

Qiancang focused his attention, his left hand gently softened the head of the salted egg yolk again.

[Active Skill: Leader of Time Tomb]

[Skill Description 1: The actor can directly observe the flow of time changes, including the time flow of imminent death. In a state where time is killed, a small part of the life force can be restored. The longer the time, the more life force can be restored. 】

[Skill Description 2: The actor forcefully kills the time flow in the nearby area, so that he enters the state of time pause. Using this effect requires a lot of life force, the longer the time, the higher the life force consumed. 】

[Skill description 3: When the actor is in the state of being killed by time, the body automatically gains the "time wound" effect, and physical contact with the "time wound" effect can destroy other time-based skills. 】

Compared with the deceased’s refusal, Qiancang’s reaction to the leader of the Time Tomb was relatively flat, because the changes were relatively mediocre, and the newly added effect could not be written out in detail.

Compared with the previous skill description, the new skill description 1 has been changed from "touching the time stream that is about to die" to "recovering vitality when time is killed". Although it seems to have increased or decreased, it is essentially enhanced because The previous effect of Qiancang is basically unused, and it is used once in a while, and the effect is very reluctant. This time it is directly changed to restore part of the vitality, which is basically always effective. With the unyielding will, the use time of the skill is greatly extended, and it is no longer necessary. At the beginning, the second interruption was the same.

Skill description 3 is a new description. The effect is to invalidate other time-based skills, which can be regarded as an interruption effect.

The reason Qiancangyi was able to perform several tricks in Wuyou's hands and made Wuyou feel troubled was precisely because of this effect. Unfortunately, the above clearly described the need for physical contact, which is quite restrictive.


Qiancang nodded slightly. He is not a person who is not satisfied. Although strengthening is not as obvious as the deceased’s rejection, his own skill is a time-based skill, which is already quite powerful. Although the effect is a little mediocre compared to other time-based skills, When dealing with nothing, the priority alone directly crushes most of the skills.

The situation at that time, if replaced by any powerful skill he knew, he couldn't fight against nothing, and he couldn't even touch it. Although thinking about it the other way round, he was warned that this skill would be followed, but the initiative was in his own hands. It is better than those actors who are unable to change the status quo.

In this regard, he is already satisfied.

"The next skill is Hazerak's Gaze, but it has now been renamed Ancient Gaze."

Hazelak's gaze is a skill that consumes a lot of money and has a powerful effect, but it often accidentally injures his teammates, causing him to be scolded by his teammates afterwards. For this skill, Qiancang first loves and hates it.

Forcibly fearing all the surrounding creatures, in fact, even the existence of Shi Yi Ling can be feared, and it is not unreasonable.

Apply negative status to the enemy, apply buff status, healing repair, and prophecy to the enemy. It is comprehensive and can adapt to various situations. The only drawback is that it consumes huge vitality, which makes it impossible to use it frequently.

Although the upper movie has been flattened twice in a row, it is a special situation after all and should be treated specially.

The New Year is a hall-level actor and the leader of the Admonition Club. It has a lot of inventory and is extremely powerful. Also, judging from the paper combat power displayed during the New Year, the admonition is called "the strongest" among the three leaders of the Admonition. Not too much.

The Final Land is the opponent of **** movies. It is not a level that Hazelak can encroach on. Returning vitality to the actor is already very interesting. You can't ask for too much.

[Active Skill: Ancient Gaze]

[Skill Description 1: The actor's eyes are connected with Hazelak, and he has part of Hazelak's power. The ancient gaze skills are cast, all through the eyes. Note: Even if the eyes are blind, it can still be used. 】

[Skill Description 2: The actor's eyes are connected to Hazelak, and all the lives in front of the line of sight are regarded as the observed. Hazelak will eliminate all the beautiful possibilities of the observed, and exert a fear effect on the observed. The fear time depends on the specific situation, usually in the range of 1 to 3 seconds. 】

[Skill Description 3: The actor closes his eyes, connects to Hazelak, and lets Hazelak observe all the possibilities of the actor's injury, and consumes part of his life force, which will collapse the most favorable situation for the actor into reality. If the life force is not enough, he will select a second The favorable situation collapsed. 】

[Special circumstance explanation: This skill cannot be used in the final place. Even if it is used forcibly, it will not take effect and will not return vitality. Hope to know. 】


Qiancang's expression stiffened on his face.

"...It seems to be weakened?"

"Let me compare."

Qiancang hurriedly compared the new skill description with the original skill, looking at it word by word, not letting go of any different words.

The first is the name of the skill. Hazelak’s gaze was changed to an ancient gaze. The name change has little effect. It is more accurate. After all, although Hazelak is not difficult to remember, it is not a thought, such as Qian Jiangyue. .

Secondly, the original skill description 1. The original skill's effect range is all around, and there are various noun explanations. At this time, it is a lot simpler and better to understand, but it is also less clear about the principle. In addition, there was originally a way to improve subjective initiative. The effect, although there are not many places to use, it may be useful.

Carefully study the original skill description 1 and the current skill description 2. Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as an adjustment, not a weakening, because the life force consumption has been reduced a lot, making it from a "big move" to a move that can be used frequently. The effect is naturally weakened a lot, and it is balanced.


Qiancang sighed, his tone very reluctant.

He continued to compare downwards. The original skill description 2 was compared with the new skill description 3. The effect was basically unchanged, but he was keenly aware of the difference in the last few words.

"Relieve one's own injury or improve ability, how come this'or improve ability" disappears? Even if it is not injured, it can be used, and it can only be treated?

Qian Cangyi touched his chin with his right hand, his excitement gradually calmed down.

"If you only look at functionality, there is no doubt that it is weakened, but the life force consumption has also been reduced. If you consider it comprehensively, or is it...balanced?"

Speaking of this, he frowned, his expression gradually serious, even a little unhappy, but he still chose to keep watching.

The original skill description 3 has been deleted. If it is forced to correspond, it can only correspond to special circumstances.

"Hezerac will observe the changes in time and space. If all the timelines will lead to the same node in a short time, the scene of the node will be displayed in the eyes of the actor. If there is no fixed node, the skill will not take effect and it will be displayed as Random ghosting."

Qiancang reads out the original explanation. This effect is undoubtedly predicting the future, and it is a future that will definitely happen. If it does not happen, it cannot be predicted. In addition, this effect requires a huge amount of vitality, and it has Cause side effects of time and space.

Huge amount of life force ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Most skill descriptions have life force consumption, which are vague words such as small amount, part, more and so on. The description of "massive amount" rarely appears. To be precise, money Cang Yi has seen such one so far, but unfortunately he has never used it.

"It is estimated that the whole person will faint, a bit tasteless, a bit tasteless."

Qiancang shook his head slightly, however, this side has not finished complaining, and the special situation on the other side shows that the slots are full.

"Why is it like a game company's statement that it refuses to refund?"

Tucao returns to Tucao, Qian Cangyi can only accept, **** movie does not give him the right to choose to change or not to change, for this, he has a guess in his heart.

"Maybe it can't help me too much, so I have greatly strengthened the passive skills, but the active skills can only be adjusted."

Qiancang nodded slightly, agreeing with this conjecture in his heart.

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