Horror Studio

Vol 3 Chapter 1506: Square inch maze

[Actor shadow play, the movie world you are currently in, "Square Inch Labyrinth" is the path movie world, and the next stop is not a transit station. There is a passage to the next movie world at the exit of the maze, please go as soon as possible. 】

[Reminder: Left, right, left, left, right, left, rear, right, right. 】

[Overall progress: 15%]

[Progress of the warning meeting: 15%]

[Current progress: 1%]

The test sound was like an alarm clock, awakening the shadow play, she opened her eyes, and her eyes were blurred.

"here it is……"

Two seconds later, her vision gradually became clear. She found herself sitting on the ground, so she stood up on the ground with her right hand, and then looked around to observe the surrounding environment.

She was standing in an alley with light yellow walls on three sides, close to white, but not pure. The walls were painted with black engravings. The contents of the engravings were various, including rushing torrents, camels carrying loads, and The land of vertical and horizontal gullies, there are also human faces that make people feel uneasy.

"...Square inch maze?"

She looked up along the wall, as if she could not see the end, the sky was only a long thin line in the maze, mixed in light yellow, and it was difficult to distinguish.

"So high? Shouldn't the eagle spirit of the eagle eye fly up?"

"Is it a reminder from the **** movie just now? The warning will be 15%? I hope I can catch up. Anyway, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, this should let me choose the route, that is, there must be a fork in the road ahead. , There is a "post" in it, and I have to return it again. If there is no prompt, I don’t know when the exit will be found."

Speaking of this, she took a deep breath and walked towards the only exit. Soon, there was a fork in the road ahead, and the left and right routes were at a 45-degree angle. In this way, no matter whether she suddenly lost her correct position in the middle, she would not There is a situation of going the wrong way.

Standing at the intersection, you can see the prints on the walls of the two routes. The prints on the right are refreshing, and the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers are as if you are enjoying the show; the prints on the left are uncomfortable, with various distorted human figures. Frightened eyes, and black tiles of animals eating.

"The first fork in the road is left." The shadow play looked at the left passage, hesitated for half a second, and stepped into it.

Taking into account the relationship of the admonition, she did not step by step as she usually participates in formal movies, but gradually speeds up. After all, the most dangerous part of the maze is that people can get lost in it and cannot leave. Now, she has hints of **** movies, the most difficult The aspect has been safely resolved, just pay more attention to whether there are traps on the road.

Soon after, the next fork in the road appeared in front. Unlike the first fork in the road, there were three people standing in front of the second fork in the road. To be precise, they were not pure people, because all three of them had bird heads. It is crows, owls and parrots.

At the same time that the shadow play spotted the three, the three also noticed her arrival.

"Madam, you came just right, and we have a question to ask you." The Owl turned his head, the orange eyes gleaming with wisdom.

The shadow play slowly stopped and nodded. At this time, she carefully looked at the three birdheads in front of her.

The owl man stands in the middle, with the same head as the owl, but the size is close to that of a human. The feathers are gray overall, mixed with a little waxy yellow and black. He wears a navy blue coat with double breasted buttons and a white shirt inside the coat. With a red tie, his hands are exposed from the cuffs, and he clasps the red wooden cane tightly. Its hands are human hands, clean and slender, like the hands of a pianist.

The crow was standing on the left, with blue-black hair on his head and a little contempt in his jet-black eyes. He wore a black sweater that blended with the color of his fur. He was wearing a purple windbreaker and holding a cup in his right hand. Of red wine. When the shadow play looked at him, he bowed his head slightly and responded with the most basic etiquette.

The parrot man stands on the right, the red-to-green gradation hair is very recognizable, which is out of step with the square-inch maze, and even swept away the haze brought by the black engravings. The transparent black eyes always look around with surprise. It has a red and white square lattice scarf around its neck and is wearing a white tuxedo.

"Do you know who killed Ms. Liya?" asked the Owl.

"Humph, don't be so rude to the lady." The crow man said, his voice mellowed, as if he was singing a drama.

"Hagg, you can temporarily put away your boring etiquette." The parrot man turned his head and looked at the crow man.

The crow ignored the parrot man, but bent slightly towards the shadow puppet show while placing his left hand on his right shoulder, and after he stood up straight, he said:

"Dear Madam, please allow me to apologize first. You must be confused by what Humph said. Oh, sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Hagg. Of course, you can also call me... the crow."

Having said that, the crow-man pointed his right hand at the owl-man and continued:

"This is Humph, the Owl. I hope he didn't offend you. As for the rude, arrogant and rude guy over there, Mike is a parrot."

"Hey!" The parrot man turned and looked at the crow man.

The crow man didn't care about the parrot man, still watching the shadow puppet show:

"As for Ms. Liya, she is a white pigeon and has been killed. We are looking for the murderer who killed her. If you can provide any information, Madam, we will be grateful."

After speaking, he switched the red wine to his left hand, then extended his right hand, gently held the right hand of the shadow puppet, and then gently touched the back of his hand with the bird's beak.

The shadow play tries to keep a smile on her face. Although she doesn't know what happened, there is no doubt that this incident must have something to do with her passing through the square inch maze. But at present, she doesn't know anything, so she can only tell the truth:

"I... I don't know, I still have things right now."

She looked at the right side, which was the second choice for the fork in the **** movie prompt.

The crow let go of his right hand, please sip the red wine, without saying anything.

"Madam, if you know any news, please let us know, thank you very much!" Owl said in a calm voice.

"Want to go this way?" The parrot man gave way.

"Thank you." The Shadow Play decided to stay friendly first. She walked past the Parrot and continued on the right side.

"Madam, you are so beautiful, if you are not a human, I am afraid I have been captured by you." The parrot man's voice came from behind, and the emotion contained in the words was as enthusiastic as fire.

After hearing the shadow play, he quickly quickened his pace.

what happened? Do they know that I am human? Where is the square inch maze? Why is there such a monster? Or is the whole maze full of such monsters?

After the shadow play walked for 1 minute, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stopped, and then took two deep breaths.

She doesn't feel tired, but within the maze of her body, she only feels endless depression, which makes people breathless.

A new fork in the road appeared ahead, so the shadow puppetry ran directly over, but when she came to the fork in the road, she was surprised by the scene in front of her.

In the middle of the fork in the road, lies a white pigeon man wearing a bright red evening dress. The white pigeon man is lying in a pool of blood with his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side. The color of blood is mixed with the color of the dress, giving a morbid beauty. .

"She is Liya?" The shadow play looked around, and suddenly found that the prints on the wall had completely changed. I don't know when they all became the eyes of birds. These eyes are very similar to the eyes of the three birdheads I saw before. But it's more, more complicated, and more creepy. At this moment, these eyes actually moved slowly in the eye sockets, all focusing their eyes on the shadow puppets, as if the death of the pigeon man was hers.

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